This report is the
most revealing and consequential so far on this horrific family
saga with significance beyond one family as it goes to our
conscience as a community that will be challenged to pass judgment on
one of its members. Because there is a minimum level of ethic required
for anyone to be considered a viable and respected member of this
society. And when someone is shrouded in controversies, and shadowed by
a cloud of secrecies and suspicions of behaviors that range from
unethical, unprofessional, inhumane to criminal, there are some
questions to be asked, and for which answers are required.
Furthermore, when the subject of these heinous suspicions is a known
figure and a practicing physician in the community by the name of Dr.
Marie Paule Dupiton of Camkids Pediatrics, we must pause and ask the following question.
Can Dr. Marie P. Dupiton still
earn the community's respect; Be welcomed in our social scene;
Represent our organizations, and be trusted as our children physician if she is overshadowed
allegations of inhumane, unprofessional & criminal behaviors that she has NOT refuted, or by claims of
moral corruption & coercion of others into such behaviors, and has NOT
denied those claims?
So, let me
start by saying a few things about what these coming revelations to
enable you to answer the above question. Now, I've been in this campaign
for truth and accountability for years. I've made allegations and
accusations backed up by solid evidences. I've gone public with the
story and divulged personal family information, all in the hope of
convincing people to come out with the truth. And because of that search
for truth, I've been prosecuted and driven through hell. However my
search for truth remained undeterred. Because this truth must be so horrific that people will
go through extreme measures to keep it locked in a vault of
Now, since
what you are about to read involves people dear to me and who are
victims more than culprits, I took great care in presenting the
information in a detailed manner to
prevent them from being unfairly viewed as the primary architects of the acts that I am going to disclose. Among such people are my
daughter and my separated wife. Therefore, I have a very specific
requirement for you the readers.
As you go through this
presentation, you will come across 5 specific links to short audio and
video evidences that are
critical for you to arrive at the correct conclusion, So it is critical
that you click on all of them.
With that,
let's get started and good reading.
As I go into the Mind-Control process that my wife was
subjected to, you will get a detailed roadmap on how she and others were
coerced by Dr. Dupiton (Johanne) into the uncharacteristic behaviors of
Depraved Indifference depicted in the climaxing
Stage 3, One that exposes incidents with potentially tragic
outcome. Then closing with a revealing Summary Section
that brings to life the full gravity and complexity of this drama that
impacted many.
Below are
the 3 stages of this Mind-Control & Brainwashing process.
And as I mentioned above, be sure to click on all the evidence links
HUSBAND: This fist stage required making my wife
believe that her husband is a Crazy, Mental & Violent man who can
physically hurt her and even put her life at risk.
Now once she believe that that there is some truth in the
Crazy-husband notion, the next step is to create some fear of
danger to her
life. Thus driving her into a "Killing-Phobia"
ATTEMPTED MURDER: In this final Stage, once the "killing-phobia" is
established, all that's needed is to remotely Trigger
a moment of Temporary Insanity toward a Preemptive, Self-Defense
strike to eliminate the perceived threat.
However unbelievable all this sounds, it was real and I am going to make
you relive all three stages almost live.
- STAGE 1 -
The first stage of the ''Mind-control' process required
brainwashing Marline into believing that Jean-Claude is, and
was always known to be a Crazy & Dangerous man.
But to convince Marline of that would not be an easy task since we had
dated twice in the past 2 decades and she never saw any sign of craziness
in me. However Johanne Dupiton was aware of 2 major weaknesses in
Marline that she could take advantage of to change her opinion:
A 'People-Pleaser'
personality that made her vulnerable to believe in, and act on
behalf of people with ulterior motives.
super-sensitivity and overprotective attitude toward
her adult children that could be used to create a wedge between us.
However, it was Marline's possessive sister Joelle Mith-Joseph who
opened the door for my family with fear-mongering comments about
me that she wrote to Marline and I, like these two.
"Marline: we are all
concerned about you and praying for you with Jean Claude as your
Jean Claude…, I, like the
others are concerned for our blood relative and my sister Marline..
In addition, she irresponsibly shared those ill-motivated feelings with
Marline’s children who later expressed Joelle's concerns for their
mother's safety as you will read further down.
Something that was aggravated by Joelle's "Assault on Tiffany"
fabrication that you are familiar with, involving a shuffle that Tiffany
got into with her mother during which she ended up with a cut lips.
Then Joelle tried to convince Marline that I was the crazy one who assaulted
the girl by writing to Marline:
"This good man assaulted
your daughter, and you claim that it was an accident, You know that it was no
accident, just as his abuses of you are no accident:
That was a cynical brainwashing message using Marline's senility for
her children. However, at the time Marline rejected that claims
and replied:
“You don't know JC. He could never hit a woman"
my big mistake was in sharing these messages with my family thinking
that they would support Marline, unaware that my niece Johanne Dupiton
was an undercover agent of division posing as my confident, and who was actually
reinforcing Joelle's degrading view of me with wife.
with Joelle having set the stage, my family took over to prove to
Marline that I am truly a Crazy Man. However they needed
to give her proof of my history as a Crazy man. And here
is the first one they came up with:
#1) THE DOOR-KICKING 'CRAZY-JC': Well, for the first proof,
my family went back some 10 years to find a weak and ridiculous
involving a minor dispute I had with a roommate who slammed a door
closed to my face almost smashing my nose. So as anyone would react,
I kicked the door back at him and that was the end of it.
Then came Marline one day telling me out of nowhere:
“Even your sister said that you’re CRAZY, because you broke
Gregory’s door. Everyone says you're crazy...
(Ask Liliane)."
Now, I found it weird that my family would even remember that old
incident to be reporting it to Marline. So I figured that they
probably said it to her in humor and left it at that. But as you
will see later, there was no humor intended.
UNCLE 'CRAZY GENES': Now, finding a second Crazy-JC
proof became more challenging. So they went decades back to my birth
to find evidence that I had inherited some 'Crazy Genes'.
Now, don't start laughing because it happened. And I learned about
these genes when Marline gave a double-dose of shock dropping the
news of my 'crazy-genes on me saying::
"Oh, your family said that the reason you are a CRAZY man is because
you had an uncle who was CRAZY. that's why.
Ou mèt
Well, I guess that we learn something each day, and today we learned
that 'Crazy is a Genetically inherited disease.
If my husband is crazy because he had a crazy uncle who was also your uncle, it means that you are crazy too.
THEREFORE: Since my Crazy-husband is
uncle to your daughters, it means that
Johanne and Dominique are crazy too.
THEREFORE: Since you are a Crazy aunt
to his daughter, it means that Tanisha
is crazy too.
THEREFORE: Since your Balmir nephews
have a Crazy uncle and a Crazy aunt, it means that
Ricky & Fanfan are Double Crazy.
your family is a family of
crazies, explaining the crazy things they do.
Well, Marline did not think of that. So let's see the 3rd Crazy proof they came up
LOOSE-LIPS LILIANE DROPS A 'CRAZY-BOMB' Then after the marriage breakup, and while at my sister
Roselyne's house, here comes loose-lips sister Liliane confirming
herself as the Crazy-JC creator
telling me the exact line Marline said that she heard from my family, as
Liliane shouted at me: "Everyone knows you're CRAZY".
(Tout moun konnin ou fou)
That was a full confession from the horse’s mouth.
So back to the marriage. As Marline kept repeating to me that
"Your family said you are crazy,
I decided to
capture the evidence by recording her saying it. So here she was in
'Audio Evidence #1' pointing fingers to my family and
repeating the story of the 'Door-Kicking Crazy-JC'.
Pay attention to her tone of voice to see if the Crazy-Husband
brainwashing stuck with her).
Audio Evidence #1"
Well, I think that you are a believer that Stage #1 of the
Mind-Control process had succeeded.
So let's go to Stage
#2 when Crazy-JC is elevated to a 'Killing-Phobia'
- STAGE 2 -
Now, in this Killing-Phobia'
stage of the Mind-control process, you will get to hear AudioEvidences of my family having successfully
brainwashed my wife into a Killing-Phobia
of fear for her life in preparation of coercing her
into taking preemptive strike in the final Stage-3 of the
Mind-Control process.
But just as in the first 'Crazy-JC' stage, this
Killing-Phobia stage was also
initiated by Marline's sister Joelle, telling her that her Crazyhusband is also a danger to her life, even using Marline's
children' names to reinforce that false notion. In one such
communication to me and shared with Marline, Joelle wrote:
Then after I requested that she stays out of my marriage, instead of
respecting my request, she went to court and got a restraining
order against me. But the most cruel and immoral part was her use of
Marline daughter's name in her filing to make an atrocious 'Killing'
And the evidence is in this picture from the actual document she filed,
claiming that
Marline's daughter came in to stop me from KILLING her mother".
Read it for yourself:
And as she continued to brainwash Marline's children with that 'Killing-Phobia',
the tragic consequence soon came in this message from Marline's son
to his family, for which Joelle had provided him a News Article about a
Bronx murder to include in his message.
From: Nicholas Charles To:
Joelle; tiffany; Richard;
Ronald; rmarline Subject: JC
needs to leave Permanently!
Hello Family,
I am not going to give him a chance to make
this a Romeo and Juliet ending and
losing my mother
to an unstable
& coward of a man.
He is unstable and I am not going to let this
continue until this happens.. He obviously
has a drinking
problem amongst other severe problems
and needs to leave
the house permanently and
get counseling. ... I will do whatever it takes to make ends meet,
it is not worth the emotional stress, verbal and physical abuse.
This stuff happens everyday and escalates
until it's too late and someone is
permanently injured
or dead! Thank you.
(Click below)
Nicholas Charles
Now, it is again important for everyone to remember that this
catastrophic drama began in the 4th and last year of the marriage,
titled the '2015 Year of Infamy'when Doc Dupiton & my
family picked up the Killing-Phobia' ball, and ran with it
full speed ahead to engrave it into my wife's mind.
But I was totally unaware of this Killing-Phobia
brainwashing by my family until the day that Marline shocked me by
suddenly saying:
"Oh, you want to KILL me ALSO"
As you will soon get to hear her say it in Audio Evidences 2 & 3,
what baffled me the most in that statement was the last word ‘ALSO’,
meaning that I had previously killed someone. But Marline knew full well
that I never came close to such thing even in a nightmare.
So where did this ‘ALSO’
come from?.
Initially, I thought that it was from another cruel story fabricated by
my sister in-law Joelle. But the truth did not come to me until
after the marriage break up.
Now, if you had read that Episode as I had requested in my
previous message, you will remember the huge skeleton that I released in"Footnote
Story #4".
story that featured a shocking comment that my sister Liliane
Claude made as I was questioning her about the family's intrusion in my
marriage. At that moment, sister Liliane shouted at me in Creole:
“Oh, You want to
like you KILLED mother."
THEN THE LIGHT BULB TURNED ON, and I said to myself: "WOW.
that is an exact photocopy of my wife telling me
You want to kill me ALSO, months before our separation?".
But Loose-Lips Liliane had made
another HUGE revelation in adding
"...Like you killed mother".
Therefore when Marline had said to me
"You want to KILL me ALSO"',
she was referring to my mother who had died of a stroke 15 years
ago. So Liliane had told Marline that I had killed my mother, explaining
the 'ALSO' Marline used.
Well, this was not just a ‘Smoking Gun’ evidence. It was a
“Smoking AK-47’ from Loose-Lips Liliane herself. A
confession that brought to life the proverb “Loose-Lips Sink
Ships". Because Liliane had just sunk the family to the bottom
of the swamp.
Now the evil-inspired "Killing-Mother' blasphemy was
fully discredited in EPISODE #12,so I won't go into it. But for Liliane to use our late mother
in a ploy to fool my wife into believing that I could kill her
ALSO, is nothing less than a Capital Sin.
To be clear, Marline did not believe the killing-mother
crap, but she most likely thought that, if Liliane could blow such huge
smoke in her mother's name, there must have been a little fire
somewhere, enough to make her wonder about her crazy husband.
And this is exactly what you are about to hear as I introduce for
the first time ever, AUDIO EVIDENCE #2 in Marline's own
voice expressing the Joelle/Johanne/Liliane brainwashing that
“I want to kill her ALSO”.
Now from what you just heard, it is clear that, just like the
Crazy-JC Brainwashing, the 'Killing-Phobia'
had also taken roots. But there is this additional evidence to prove
that my family was behind it.
These new self-incriminating discoveries came from much later while at
sister Roselyne's house when I saw Liliane in the dining room with
Johanne Dupiton's mother in-law. So I decided to challenge her with a
question in front of a witness. So I said to her:
"Liliane, I have a question for you"
So she immediately jumped, stood behind the lady, and replied:
"Ou konnin ki moun sa'a ye? Se manman Guy wi"
(Do you know this woman? She's Guy's mother)
Well. Liliane figured that by identifying Guy Theus-Dupiton's mother, I
would not ask any question. So I replied for Guy's mother to hear:
"Oh yes, I know Guy's mother, and she might also want to hear
what your daughter told my wife Marline about her son. Johanne
said to her:
Marline, remember the house that Guy has with his sister, and
that she would not let him sell it because she wanted to start a
daycare business? . Well I made sucker husband sell the house
and put all the
money into Camkids'.
So Liliane,
this is why Marline said to me that "Guy
can't talk in that house afraid that Johanne will kick his ass
Well as an embarrassed Liliane lost it, she started to spill out a bucket of
evidences on the methods that the family used to brainwash my wife. But as I
show you what she said, her last words truly blew my mind, and I will
explain why after. She shouted:
"Oh, his wife family kicked him out of the house, and he wants
us. - He even argued with his wedding
honor (Rachel). - Then his wife's son wanted to use his mother's
car and he would not let him. - Well, we also have the picture
of Tiffany's busted lips.... etc., etc.
Well, as she began with passing the bucks to Marline's family for
breaking the marriage, she then confessed to their intrusion into the marriage
and their use of Marline's children. Then she closed
with a blockbuster revelation about a picture of Marline's daughter.
Because in saying
also have the picture of Tiffany's busted lips...".
she revealed that for more than 2 years, the Claudes were
in possession of a picture that Tiffany took of her busted lips
during the struggle with her mother that Joelle had used to create the
"Assault and punch Tiffany" lie. A picture that I never saw, but
that was in possession of my family, which that they kept secret from me
:The answer is simple. It's because that picture was my family's
Ace Card that they used for 2 years to convince Marline that her
Crazy-JC husband was the one who gave her daughter a busted lips. Even
after Marline had told everyone:
"...Tiffany got hurt by accident. JC could never hit a woman..."
But there is more: My family's use of Marline s sensitivity for her
children was further evidenced in this text from Johanne to me,
making erroneous comments using both children's names. PLEASE READ:
Then this Mad Doc has the audacity to claim that she was not involved in
the marriage. Well, nephew Ricky was right when he told me that
"These women of the family are
troublemakers, and that is why he lives far from them".
That is why I am so baffled that he also fell under their
Mind-Control to do their dirty jobs
At this point, let me present you with a Video Evidence that I am
releasing for the very first time, depicting an angry Marline that you
never knew, and definitively not the one I married. Because, as my
family had told her that 'I was a crazy man who broke a door',
you're about to see Marline
in show what breaking a door truly looks like while yelling
that I want to kill her as I barricaded myself inside my
Now that you've seen it, let's go to the climaxing Stage-3 of
the Mind-Control Process, as the
'Killing-Phobia' leads to her coercion into "Attempted Murder by Natural Causes"
At this point, my family had successfully brainwashed the
Killing-Phobia in Marline’s head using a barrage of false claims
from Joelle’s writing that “she feared for Marline's life”,
the ‘Assault on Tiffany’ lie, my family's door-kicking
Crazy-JC story, the Crazy-Uncle genes, to the Killing-Mother blasphemy.
So their next step was to convince Marline that she needed to act
first with a pre-emptive self-defense strike to eliminate the
killer husband threat. So came the
'Faking-230P' plot of
Attempted Murder by Natural Causes.
Now in the past, I made many references
to this 'Faking-230BP' plot, but had only shared a
very small part of that incident, but left out the most significant
and criminal details to avoid Marline being unfairly viewed as the
architect of that plot while I knew that she was under some form of
external Mind-Control. So until I could provide the
full background history of Doc Dupiton's Mind-Control
process, I had kept these details 'Classified'.
That is why I just took the time to
slowly walk you through this background history in the first 2
stages of the brainwashing & Mind-Control process
she was subjected to. So I am now ready to declassify for you the
full story of the Dupiton scripted 'Faking-230BP'
Attempted Murder by Natural causes on my
Now, as I go into the story, I want you
to keep in mind that at the time, I had no clue of Doc. Dupiton's
complicity, and had wrongly assumed that my sister in-law Joelle was
behind it.
It happened one day while in my office
at home when something happened involving these outside intruders in
our lives. That got me extremely upset and lead to a dispute with my
wife. But that day, I became so fed up and angry at these recurring
outside intrusions that my stress level exploded, and at some point
I started to feel weak, dizzy and thought that I was about to faint.
But while I don't suffer from High blood
pressure, I did not like that feeling. So as a precaution I grabbed
the BP monitor that we have to check my blood pressure. And to my
shock, the monitor showed a dead-man number of
217/136BP. I was so shocked that I grabbed my phone
and snapped the picture below.
So, fearing the risk of a stroke or
heart attack, I called on Marline who was upstairs to quickly bring
me some Aspirin, knowing that she had some small white ones she was
prescribed for herself.
But when she did not come down, I kept
calling and calling louder, saying that my BP was extremely
elevated. So, as she still was not coming down, I would later
discover that she was on the phone with someone at the time. Then as
I my vision started to blur, and worrying that I might faint, I sat
on the floor waiting for her
After a while, she finally showed up, but
looked more angry than concerned over seeing me sitting on the
floor. And when I asked her for the Aspirins, she started to shove a
bunch of pills in my mouth while angrily saying
"HERE, HERE, HERE"with the pills falling on the floor. Then to my horror, she
just turned her back and went back upstairs, leaving me on the
floor, supposedly to die.
In total shock, all I could think was
that her sister Joelle had driven her into a state of temporary
Insanity. Then as I picked up one of pills from the
floor to put in my mouth, I noticed that they were big red pills. And since I knew what Aspirin looks like, I decided not to take
Now I am totally baffled. Because the woman who
just left me on the floor to die and who gave me a red placebo for
Aspirin was nowhere close to the Marline I knew as a caring wife
for the past 4 years. So I decided to go after her.
But before heading up the stairs, and as
a precaution, I decided to do another check of my Blood Pressure.
And guess what? It had jumped to a whooping 230/117.
So I did not worry about taking another
picture, but headed for upstairs where I found her standing in the
middle of our bedroom with a telephone in her hands.
So I said to her
"Marline, you need to take me to the hospital right now as my BP
just shot to 230". Well, that's when I knew for sure
that something had gone wrong with her head. Because she just stood
there starring at me. The more I begged her, the more she stood
there frozen, staring at me like a zombie with a phone in her hands.
Finally, I figured that her sister Joelle
finally did it to her sanity. So as she kept ignoring my pleas, I
staggered down the stairs, jumped in my car and dangerously drove
myself to the nearby hospital. It was around Midnight.
Well, by the time I got there, my BP was
already decreasing, and a couple hours later it was at a level that
I could be sent home.
When I arrived home, Marline just looked
at me and did not ask me what happened, even as she saw
the Band-aid where I was given the IV. So I just went to bed still
baffled at what just occurred.
At this point, I decided not to tell my
family or my daughter what Marline just did as not to shock them and
have them turn on her, at least not until I had a chance to confront
Marline to find out what the heck happened to her.
So the next day I confronted her while
making sure that I recorded the moment. It was a shocking audio that
I will present as Evidence #4. But before you hear it,
I need to tell you the shocking discoveries that I made in the days
that followed.
Now, before I go into what I discovered,
let me once more repeat 2 things that I've said 100 times to
my family.
1) 'There is
no such thing as a perfect crime'.
2) 'God
works in mysterious ways for me'. Specially with my
mother and, not to forget, my Godmother sitting by his sides.
Because 2 weeks later my phone bill
arrived, and a little voice told me
"Remember that your wife had a phone in her hands. So why don't you
check the Calls Log?"
So I did, and I was blown by what
I saw?
Now remember that for these 2 weeks, I
had kept blaming Marline's sister and kept the incident secret from
my family to spare them the hurt. OK
Well, if I did not have a heart attack
the day of the incident, the phone bill almost gave me one. Because
it revealed that, at the moment that Marline stood like a zombie
ignoring my pleas to take me to the hospital, the person who
was on the phone with her was a Medical Doctor named
Dr. Marie P. Dupiton of Camkids Pediatrics.
So when I thought I was sparing my family the pain by keeping
the incident secret from them, they were at the center and in the
driver's seat.
Then the calls log revealed that at around 6AM while I was asleep,
there was a series of frantic phone calls from Doc Dupiton to my
wife seemingly to check if I was "Dead or
Alive" .
And if you're thinking that it could not
get any worse, what I saw next almost gave me a Heart
Attack/Stroke Combination. Because in this series of phone
calls, there were couple that did not come from Johanne's number, but
from my daughter Tanisha Elie who had not talked to me, and
never checked with Dad to see if I was OK in these 2 weeks knowing
of the incident that could have left me for dead.
Did she use my
daughter to make her an accessory and to cover for her?
Well, when I
called the family to question them on the nature of these calls,
this is when they realized that there is no such thing as a perfect crime. Because they
heard about my discovery of the calls from my phone bill, they were
the ones who almost had a real heart attack.
So, they went into hiding, and till
today, everyone has avoided answering my question about these 6AM frantic phone calls,
which is by itself an admission
of guilt.
But that answer must be given or Johanne
will have to be chastised from this society if she cannot defend
herself from an obvious act of attempted murder on her own uncle,
and with her total absence of morality in dragging in my
daughter, the youngest one of them, to be an accomplice and for
cover. A daughter who was obviously so
subjected to a Doc Dupiton Mind-control process. One
that my Balmir nephews were also subjected to in coercing them to execute
my eviction from my
sister Roselyne's house, and to the streets where I was expected to
vanish for good. But Thanks to God, I made it back to get answers and
accountability for my daughter.
You wanted my wife, you can keep her
since she could not be strong enough of a woman to free herself from
the Mad Doc's Evil spell.
But as to my daughter, it's whole other
story. Because I will get the accountability even if I have to bring hell down
to earth. Specially after they managed to ruin a surprise
reconciliation with my daughter that was arranged by a good Samaritan of the community,
when they instructed my daughter to secretly record my new
address that day, most likely for the Mad Doc to use in her police obsession.
As I said, when I confronted Marline the
next day, I made sure to record the conversation to capture what
explanation she would give for her actions. This is Real life,
Not Fiction:
Well, as I say, "Evidence don't
lie". But you still did not hear an explanation from
Marline, sill under Doc. Dupiton's Mind-Control.
But there more to this case.
Well, you're really going to love
this one. Guaranteed. This criminal plot got its name of Faking-230BP after the marriage break up when I kept
demanding an explanation for Johanne blocking my wife from taking me
to the Hospital. Then with everyone avoiding the question, I
pressured my nephew Eric Balmir Jr. to get an answer from the women
as if he was askiing for himself. Then one day, he finally got
the answer as he told me:
"Oh they said that
they thought you were FAKING the high blood Pressure.
Now people, let's try to
understand this one: Here we have a Medical Doctor named
Marie Dupiton who is told over the phone by a wife that:
husband's blood pressure is very high. He doesn't feel well, and requests
to be taken to the ER.
So while this Doctor is miles away at
her Baldwin Long Island residence, and without even asking to speak
to the husband, she gives the wife a remote and never heard Medical
Diagnosis of "FAKING".
Then being such a concerned Doctor, she
woke up at 6AM the next morning to make a post-diagnosis call to the wife to check if
the patient is
"Dead or Alive. But hopefully Dead".
Well that
is why this Doctor's MD stands for
Mad Doc.
Now, I know full well that Aspirin is white,
but I am like a St. Thomas who has to be 100% sure. So just is case
there is some special colored Aspirin that I am not aware of, I
asked nephew Ricky Balmir who is a Pharmacist this question:
"Nephew Ricky,
Since you are a Pharmacist with a PhD, could you confirm to me if
there is such a thing as a Red Aspirin. Because this is what a Mad
Doc prescribed my wife for me against a heart attack?".
Well, you'd think that I'd get an easy
quick answer, Right? Well, the question was asked in 2016, and here
we are in 2021 and I am still waiting for an answer from my
Pharmacist nephew. And the reason is because everyone is under
the Mad Doc's Mind-Control to cover for her crimes.
As a criminal mind never stops plotting, Doc Dupiton did not quit with
the failure of the Faking-230P
murder plot. So she loaded a program in Marline's brain that would
automatically trigger a specific reaction from her whenever it detects a
possible risk to my life. And once that trigger is activated, Marline
would switch into a mode of denying any medical assistance with
the hope of achieving what the 'Faking-230BP'
failed to produce.
For you to understand how that mental program worked, let me present you
with 4 actual cases of suspected risks to my life.
CASE #1:
That day, I was up the stairs on the 2nd
floor, and Marline was downstairs having some kind of discussion. At one
point I twisted my ankle and loudly fell down with a scream. So Marline
looked up and saw me on the floor. And as I had expected her to come up to
see if I was OK, the program in her head detected a possible heart
attack, and the trigger was pulled.
So instead of Marline coming up the stairs,
I watched her quickly run away toward the kitchen as she loudly said:
“You Call the Ambulance". Basically telling me:
"Don't ask me to take you to the Hospital". the
way I asked her during the Faking-230BP
So that instinctive comment proves that she was programmed to react
that way whenever I am in a Medical emergency once the trigger is pulled.
Now Since I was fine, I went down to ask her
why did she run away?. Well she just looked at me as if
she did not know what I was talking about.
Therefore, if I had a heart
attack instead of a twisted ankle, you would not be reading me today.
CASE #2:
At that point, I began to suspect that Marline was instructed
not to provide assistance if I ever had a life-threatening situation. So I decided to test that theory
with a staged
So one day I called her at work to say that
I felt very bad and may need to go to the ER. The first bad sign was
that she did not offer to come home, but simply finished her workday.
So as I heard her enter the driveway, I went
to a guest room and laid on the bed motionless in an unnatural position
with a BP monitor hanging from my arms as if I was unconscious or even
Then Marline came home, and looking through
the side of my partially opened eye, I saw her crack open the door very
slowly, looked inside, and upon seeing me laying there motionless, the
program in her head saw a possible dead man, and the trigger was flipped.
So instead of running inside to check on me,
specially after calling her at work saying that I was not well, she
slowly closed the door and left.
Then I waited 15 minutes, got up and went to
her in our bedroom. When she saw me, she looked surprised and quickly
said: "Oh, I thought you were
So I replied "Oh yea! with my body hanging
over the side of the bed and with a BP monitor hanging over my arms.
Thank You", and just left..
So let's see the program running once more in Case #3.
CASE #3:
In this case, we were in the kitchen and I
was cooking dinner for the family. At some point she started to blame me
for her adult daughter having moved out on her own. Now I knew that
whenever she starts with me, it's because someone got to her. And
knowing that her daughter is a hot wire topic, I wasn't about to touch
But as she kept on rambling while I
was cutting something for the meal I was preparing, I decided to give
her a scare to make her shut up. So I took the knife, put against my
belly, and said
“Do you want me to kill
myself to stop that crap, cause I've had it"
Well, that got her attention alright. But she just stood there staring
at me, as her pre-programmed mind was saying to itself:
"Oh! he is going to do the job himself",
then pulled the trigger.
So, as I waited for her to tell me "Stop it. Don't play with a
knife", I watched her turn around and sprinted toward the exit
door to the backyard as not to watch me stab myself. I just stood there
dumbfounded thinking that I had a big problem in my hands.
And just for the sake of it, here is one last case #4
CASE #4:
Now this is a very funny one. But the fact
that it is so funny and unreal is what makes it most concerning, as it
reveals that Marline's most basic judgment had been heavily compromised.
Because a joke of mine meant to mimic something she had once said,
resulted in a most unexpected reaction from her. It was about something
she had said in Audio Evidence #2. Please listen to just that part below. It's only a couple of
You heard her tell me:"..You said that you were going
to throw Tiffany out of the window".
So as we were having a normal conversation in our
bedroom one day, her comment about throwing Tiffany out of the window came up.
So to show her how ridiculous that statement sounded, I decided to mimic
the act by going to the window and saying with a laugh that I was going
to jump out. Now the window is only big enough for a small AC, and only
8-10 feet from the ground where I would land on my 2 feet. So I figured
that she'd play the joke with me by saying "go
ahead and jump", or just ignore me.
Well Doc Dupiton's program had a big flaw. It could not differentiate a
joke from reality. So when I ran toward the window, the program saw a
suicide jumper and flipped Marline's trigger. So as I acted opening the
window, Marline gave me a serious stare, jumped off the bed and sprinted
for the exit door, slamming it shut behind her.
Well, I did not laugh. All I knew is that I had to do something
about this.
Now, let's be clear, if just one of the above cases was a real life
emergency, today I'd be resting 6 feet underground. So I became
concerned at the possibility of having a real medical emergency. Because
I finally concluded that I was living with 2 Marlines in one body.
The Original Marline #1: The one
I knew for 2 decades and who was my wife of 4 years.
The Transformed Marline #2: The
one who was progressively introduced into the same body through a
process of Mind-Control that began with her sister
Joelle's pressure campaign to against the marriage, followed by Doc
Dupiton's undercover operation of division and indoctrination of my
wife into an Ultra-Feminist teachings that a wife must not allow her
husband "Control her moves" in order to be a
'Single-wife who "Fè sa'm vlé, lè'm vlé". And
if the husband is a door-kicking Crazy man and a Mother-Killer, she must strike him first.
Well, they basically took turns, and as you just witnessed
Marline #2 in action in the
above cases, her presence was usually short-lived. But as the original
Marline #1 that we all know
was the one mostly present, she tireless fought the uninvited
Marline #2.
the evidence is in this set of messages that I shared many times before,
and that
Marline #1 had sent me while
Marline #2 was dormant.
note in messages 2 & 3 how she would apologize for the prior actions of
Marline #2
Now at the beginning, Marline occasional personality swings were
few and far in between. But after the Faking-230BP
incident, these mood swings became more frequent, leading to more
arguments to the point that I decided to give her some space and moved
into the guest room.
But as that did not seem to help, I started to feel powerless and
getting into periods of depression living in a guest
room. That is when I decided that she needed someone's support.
But who do I go to?
could not go to her family who I thought were behind the
problem, and I had also lost trust in my family. Then if I tried any of
her short list of trusted friends, she would blow up and
make things worse.
In the end I decided that my best bet was to approach my family on
a personal basis and to play on their emotions as an uncle and
brother they supposedly cared for, putting aside their attitude toward the
So I started with Johanne by playing on her status as a physician to
request her professional opinion on my wife's frequent mood swings and
fits of anger while she kept everything bottled inside. So I asked
“Jojo, what do you think is making Marline flip from being the nicest wife one day,
sending be nice messages; Then becoming a verbally abusive person
the next day?. Is that what bi-polar
Then she replied with something like this:
"No, it is not bi-polar.
To me, Marline suffers from a
split-personality disorder that exhibits itself when triggered by something or someone".
BINGO! Now I had a Medical Doctor confirming exactly what
I was experiencing in living with 2 Marlines who get triggered. So
except for me using the term Bi-Polar instead of
split-personality, my diagnosis was perfect.
But now I realize that Doc Dupiton did not get it right because she was
such a good doctor able to diagnose Marline's Split Personality from a distance.
No more that when she had
diagnosed me as 'Faking' a high BP from a distance.
She got this one right because she was
the architect of the split-personality, the creator of
Marline #2, and developer of
the program that triggered
Marline #2
into action.
Then another day I called my Johanne and sister Liliane and told them:
" I really could
use some family moral support in
getting through my period of depression and with Marline's worsening
mood swings. And as she keeps
everything bottled inside, I feel that she needs someone outside of her family
who she can confine in. So I have a favor to ask of you."
come pay us a visit as if you were just in the neighborhood, and while
you are alone with her , try opening a conversation without mentioning anything I told you. Just be friendly ears, and hopefully she'll open up
to you about
her issues with her family that I feel are at the roots of her mood swings.
Just let me know when you're coming and I'll be sure to leave you alone,
or even find an excuse to go out. Please do that for me".
Well, I waited for days and for weeks for that visit. BUT THEY NEVER SHOWED UP, NOR EVEN CALLED
Because Doc Dupiton was not interested in undoing what she created.
At this point, I still would not stop being stupid in not realizing that
I was a victim of 'Blind Family Trust'. So I chose to make excuses for them not
responding to my request for friendly conversation with my wife, telling
myself that maybe they are too busy at Camkids etc.. Then I thought that
reaching out only to sister Liliane who was still OK in my books, would
be a better idea. So I came up with
another idea for getting her assistance, then I called her
to ask for a personal favor with my in-laws and said:
Sis... Please do me this favor. Give
Marline's sister Joelle a call for me. Act as if you don't know anything
and just
mention something like this to her:
"Say that you've noticed a little strain between your
brother & Marline, and was wondering if she knew anything". See how she replies
and take it from there. But even if she acts dumb, just the fact that
you made the call will make them pull back the
pressure on Marline.
But to my stupefaction, my dear sister replied:
To which I replied: "These people that
you do not know are your in-laws & extended family". Then
I hung up the phone on her.
now I know that sister Liliane is also under the control of her daughter
Johanne, and one of the main covers for her crimes.
As the 2 Marlines continued to flip back & forth, she agreed for us to see a
marriage counselor. But when the counselor determined that Marline's
sister Joelle was a major issue, he called and asked her to visit with
him to help her sister. But Joelle went into hiding for 2 weeks, stopped
taking his calls, and he gave up.
But Marline #1 did not give
up. So one day she came up with the idea to set up a 2-families [summit
for peace, then sent me the confirmation text shown above that said:
But her request was rejected.
And now I know that my family rejected it because Doc Dupiton was more
focused on eliminating me, and not making peace with her target.
while Doc Dupiton's murder plots and the automatically triggered acts of
Negligent Homicide did not give the result she expected, her commitment
to that goal would persist.
So come December 31, the last day of the 2015 year of infamy,
Marline #1 woke up for one last
time, and sent this last message of hope for 2016.
However, Dr. Marie Dupiton was determined to crush those hopes. So when
Marline traveled to Haiti 2 weeks later, Doc Dupiton
followed her on a secret WhatsApp account and took advantage of Marline
being away from me. So she pushed Marline #2
into taking full control and pull the trigger one last time..
final moment was also recorded, and being presented as the final Audio Evidence #5 featuring the transformed
Marline #2 in full display.
\And the continuation of Doc Dupiton's campaign of cruelty can be found
in the previous Episode 12
Let me
start my closing statement by noting that in all families, there will be moments of internal controversies, deputes
between some family members, even rare cases of major internal feuds.
But in all cases, when one side of a dispute requests to make peace, the
other will at always welcome the offer, or at least to communicate..
Now deep into 5 years of division in a feud against one person for which
the cause remains a mystery, all offers to resolve issue it are simply ignored, even
when unconditional peace is offered.
After all,
America talks to Russia, North Korea, Iran etc. The Israelis and
Palestinians still talk. North Korea visited South Korea for the
Olympics, and so on.
But this
family that has defined the problem could respond
to 5 offer of peace negotiations when the only
requirement was communication with a family member they never
once had an argument with in a lifetime.
To make
matters more mysterious, even a peace offer coming from their side, and
initiated by Doc Dupiton's mother Liliane Claude was
rejected by her side.
Well, here
is the offer that was made by Liliane and the replies by her daughter Dominique, my daughter
Tanisha, myself followed by Johanne Dupiton's response:
So once
Johanne spoke and opted for the police, everyone folded under her
is my separated wife who still can't say why she broke the marriage,
cannot speak to me while acting as Johanne's defender.
sister Liliane who can't talk to me while allowing her daughter to
bring the family's downfall.
nephews who turned on me, evicted me to the streets and won't talk
or say why they did.
A sick
sister Roselyne who they disconnected me from, and who they
attempted to block me from visiting.
daughter I never had one issue with in life who turned on her
father and now unable to speak to give a reason.
there are these Dupiton attempts on my life with those 6AM calls
that no one, including Marline and my daughter who have inside
information that they can't divulge.
the list goes on all the way to infinity.
Well it's
because, beside everything that I exposed, there is something more
cynical, even demonic that cannot be spoken, therefore it is kept locked
in a secret vault. So with these secrets overshadowing this family, the
community has no choice but to chastise the mastermind Doc. Dupiton from
this society.
Because as
I am about to push the drama to all local newspapers, professional
licensing agencies, employers, and even law enforcement with resulting
consequence to anyone associate with, or covering up her inhumane
all our professional, social and charitable organizations like H.O.W.,
Heal Haiti, AMHE, HNA, EmgHealth, Primevere, Etc., Etc., will have to
shield their image by disassociating themselves with anyone
plotting acts of murder and keeping unspeakable secrets in a locked
vault. Then they must ask the question:
Can Dr. Marie P. Dupiton still
earn the community's respect; Be welcomed in our social scene;
Represent our organizations, and be trusted as our children physician if she is overshadowed
allegations of inhumane, unprofessional & criminal behaviors that she has NOT refuted, or by claims of
moral corruption & coercion of others into such behaviors, and has NOT
denied those claims?
And now
there is a suspicion of financial motives behind the need to make me
disappear, the eradication of all Elie unions and my disconnection from
my Alzheimer inflicted sister Roselyne Balmir.
And I say
to my family, this Episode #13 is not an end, but only a
new beginning. But my door remains open whenever they decide to DTRT
(Do The Right Thing)
And I
repeat to Doc Dupiton once more, that her MO of: "I did it, and if you don't like it that's just
too bad", does not work with me. Because when you
do the crime, you got to be ready to do the time, And messing
with a man's life, marriage, wife, daughter, business, vision etc.
are a bucket of crimes. in addition, she needs to learn that an MD that she converted to Mad
Doc does not give her superiority over seniority
Episode #14: Doc Dupiton's war on my vision
The continuation of this story in the post-marriage period of Extreme
Dupiton Cruelty Episode #812 The last chapter,
release of Skeletons