Day Readers,
I present you a special edition of the
'Rock's Thriller Saga' Series. While the first
4 Episodes followed a chronological order that took us from 2013
through early 2016, I have to pause the story clock, and jump to
August 2020 to address a most urgent development.
As you
might remember, the first pause of the timeline was to report on an
outrage surrounding a death in the family. This one involves the
sudden appearance of a new character simply known to me as Al. A
non-Haitian male who audaciously & arrogantly presented himself to
me as some new power player this Haitian family & marital drama.
character also claiming to be acting on behalf of my separated wife
Marline. Such an outrage, that it calls for me to address and
dispose of it in a most expedited manner through this 2-parts
first and ugly part which I am presenting today, to be
followed by the positive closure in part 2 in a couple of
days. One that features the positive words of an uninvolved Haitian
Lady. Words that are representative of the values and greatness of
the majority of Haitian women, in contrast to those characters
featured in my episodes.
So without delay, let me present you
Claiming relevancy & s\authority through audacity
It all
started with me receiving a voicemail from Marline's home phone, and since this does not happen often, I was impatient to hear
what she had to say. But unfortunately, it was a man's voice
identifying himself simply as Al, delivering an
unexpected and most ill-mannered message to me, someone he does not
know. But a message from a character who has major issues with me being Marline's separated husband.
before I continue, you need to listen to this first of 5 voicemails he would
subsequently leave me with ultimatums and threats using Marline's
home phone . Now, while I provided a transcript on the side, it is
most important that you play the recorded audio to capture his
threatening gangster tone and foul language.
Hi Jean
Claude Elie, this is Al. First thing I want to tell you
is that I am dating your former wife. Really, you should get a life. Seriously...You should..
Really... Man..
should be okay.. and you have one week to get your stuff
from her garage until next Sunday the 19th otherwise I
will personally throw those things out. Okay.. You...
You... And I don't want any static with you OK. CLICK. |
don't be shocked yet, because it's only the beginning of Mr. Al
antics, as he definitively does not know that in the Haitian
community, mannerism, and respectful communication are minimum
expectations. That is why I questioned Marline's
awareness of the lack of character of this this
Al she is dating, as he rudely informed me of.
after my initial shock,
I felt sorry for the poor Al, and immediately baptized him as
a 'Punk-Al'. Because It
is obvious that Marline did not warn him that if he was looking for
someone to pick on, the worst choice he could make would be Jean
Claude Elie, the Rock. Just as Mad Doc Dupiton, Joelle Mith-Joseph,
Rachel Berthoumieux and others have discovered the hard way for
sticking their noses where they don't belong.
let me first share with you some facts that Marline knows too well
to have allowed Mr. Punk-Al to make such grave
FIRST: There were those fabricated restraining orders
that the instigators had coerced Marline into getting that blocked
my access to the residence for 2 years. Therefore my property
was safely and legally where it belonged.
SECOND: Then as these vindictive Claude & Dupiton women
coerced my nephews to evict me from my sick sister
Roselyne Balmir's house, and into a shelter, my stuff was still
safe where it belonged.
THIRD: Then when I got my new apartment last year, and inquired about my Benz to get my stuff, it had magically
evaporated from the driveway, and Marline could not explain what
happened under
pressure from the instigators not to speak. Thus my stuff
remained where it belonged.
FOURTH: Now just weeks ago, around July 2020, I asked
Marline to help me get some of my belongings using the Lexus I got
her when I upgraded her from Miss Mith in a Camry, to Mrs.
Elie in a late model LS 430. Again she declined as big sister
Joelle, the Mad Doc and Co would not approve. So
my stuff remains today where it belongs.
So in
the end, I decided that since there is no urgency, I will leave my
stuff where Marline forced them to remain until there is a legal
divorce and financial settlement of ,marital assets. At which point,
I will take all that is due to me at one time.
insecure character who sees me as a threat to whatever relationship
he has with Marline, and who fears that my stuff in the garage is
part of a plan for my eventual return.
But as
he gives me ultimatums to come get my stuff, he forgot to include
the following stuffs:
still Benz that I had just spent $9,000 to refurbish like new,
and that seems to have evaporated..
The $100k I invested in the house in improvements and
financially saved from foreclosure for my new
unemployed wife.
The thousands of dollar in college loans repayments for her son..
The funds I added to the 401k plan, and still sitting there.
And let's not forget the $3,000 I spent to empty the garage that
was filled to the roof with left over stuff from her first
husband. Something that also gives my stuff fully-paid
rights to be there.
Mr. Punk-Al had another option that I would
have agreed to. Had his ultimatums called for me to come get all of
the above, including a certified bank check, I would have
immediately done so. But it also seems that this. Punk-Al forgot that
a man must put his money where his mouth is. Just as I did above
when Miss Mith became Mrs. Elie. But obviously, he cannot do so,
because all he's got is his big filthy mouth.
Now, after receiving that initial voicemail, I had ignored the
Punk-Al and did reply to him, nor answered any of his calls. Then
came a second voicemail with
more threats to get rid of my properties from Marline's house.
Please listen carefully.
Hey, how you doing? Just want to remind you to get your
stuff out of her garage by Sunday. OK. I am not
going to get into an argument with you. You're not worth
it...OK. Don't worry I'll show
you proof that I get rid of your stuff . OK.
Have a good evening. Bye. |
That is when I started to question if Marline really knew what kind
of liberty and authority this seemingly unstable man was taking over
her house.
what would be more troubling, would be for a Marline, who I treated with maximum respect all these years to have allowed
a punk to address me with such disrespect. So I decided to send her a message to ask "What the heck is going
on?". Then shared it with her Mith family as shown below.
Good Day Mith Family,
Just for your information, I am sharing the message below
that I just sent to Marline about some insecure punk named
Al calling and harassing me at 2AM & 3AM using Marline's
home phone.
I guess that since her sister Joelle did not want
low-life me as husband for her
’MY-SISTER’, it seems like Marline picked up a real
good Low-life.
So check my message
below to Marline, and nave a nice day
Jean Claude
Hey Marline my dear,
Here is the list of crazy and harassing voicemails I got
from this Punk Al guy
calling me from YOUR HOME PHONE PAST 3AM.
I am going to combine
them into one audio file, then blast it to
the community to make this Punk Al the laughing stock in
town. What is his real name & phone number anyway?

Talk to you later
JC |
Still with no reply from Marline, here comes this Punk-Al proving
that he is also a gangster by sending me these pictures of 3 of my
items on the grass, as proof that he is throwing out my belongings.
Then adding the insult of calling me IMBECILE. Take a look.
far as your property. You have had plenty of opportunity to
retrieve them. (Four years). You are an imbecile and
illiterate. I did not destroy your property, I got rid of
them, as I alerted you and in the time I told you. LEARN HOW
TO READ AND COMPREHEND. I'm sure you're too screwed up to
understand. Have someone read my correspondences to you.
What these 3 pictures show is my desktop computer monitor, a sound
system case, and what is supposedly the $2,000 Sealy Posturepedic
mattress I bought for my wife months before the break up so that she
would get a good night sleep before work. All pictured on the grass.
Now, for him to impose such authority over Marline, her house
and over someone else's property there means that this guy's
dominating personality and his extreme insecurity can be hazardous
to Marline. Specially a Marline who was taught by her sister Joelle
and ultra-feminist Doc Dupiton to "Never
let any man or husband control her or her moves".
Now, here comes this Punk-Al nobody doing what I could not have
ever done as Marline's husband. Acts for which she was
brainwashed into belying I was doing to make her break her
could that be? Well, you will soon learn more about that in
communications to her family below
Then in the days that followed, I was bombarded by an assault of
atrocious text messages and voicemails from Punk-Al, full of insults, name calling, threats, and profanities that truly exposed
him as an unstable, insecure and dangerously jealous bum from the
what I am going to do now is to have you read and listen in shock the
words of this character who Marline chose to date. However, I will
not bother showing you all my replies. You will get my response and
conclusion through the messages that I sent to Marline's family to
warn them about this Punk-Al. Messages that I also shared with him
as my response to what you are about to read.
bear in mind that this man is so consumed with jealousy and
insecurity, that all he could see in reading the Episodes of my
story, is an attempt on my part to take Marline back. Even as
I was exposing the acts of her sister, girlfriend, including
her daughter and members of my own family. Strange \ losing tactics to win back a woman. With that here comes text #3
The Divorce obsession
this one, we have Punk-Al obsessed in convincing me that Marline is
legally divorced when she is not. Check this out.
You are truly
delusional. The woman got rid of you years ago. She legally
divorced your pathetic self. Yet you still consider her your
wife. What kind of a MAN still chases a woman who wants
nothing to do with him? The answer is: Not a MAN, but a
pathetic loser, who can't seem to get his act together. Make
sure you print that in your memoirs. LOSER.
Add this to your
story. You imbecile. |
Don' be shocked everyone, Just stand by as the true imbecile is about to stand up in
Punk-Text #4
PUNK-TEXT #4: The Worst Bluffer Ever
he views the publications of the Episodes of my story as harassing
Marline to take her from him. But as to the
pictures he claims having, they must come from him having nightmares of me
still married to Marline. Please Read:
Here's my next message
to you. Stop harassing the woman. If it doesn't stop, I will
personally embarrass you by making public those pictures of
YOU drunk as hell and passed out, the pictures of how you
trashed Marline’s house. Don't believe me? Try me. I am not
threatening you, just making a promise. BTW, more of
your stuff will be going to the trash. (FOUR YEARS)
Oh I almost forgot.
Imbecile. |
To Mr. Punk-Al:
Sir, since you are also reading this report on you, and since you just
dared me to try you, this is just what I am about to do. THEREFORE:
Once you do, I am give you my words of honor that I
will publish them myself to save you the trouble, since you do not
know anyone, and no one knows you.
if you do not, which I know you can't, then the question everyone
will have is:
"How did Marline go from the
top being Mrs. Elie, to reach rock bottom by picking up a JOKER,
Mr. Al, you've been tried publicly. Show the pictures you got, or be
forever labeled a FRAUD by Marline's friends, family and the
then, let's go to Punk-Text #5
Dangerous obsession & Chronic insecurity
Please read on people
You are such a loser,
still living in the past. Stop wasting my time you pathetic
I'm guessing you're still chasing after Marline after four
years of being divorced from and not living together because
no other being,
man or woman, want
to have a normal relationship with you. Think about that.
What your sorry self fails to understand is that MARLINE and
her normal ex's have moved on. You're the only one who's
stalking her |
First Mr. Al,
Please be informed that 100%of my relationships have
been with women. I don't know about you with this
man or woman stuff. But if that
was a slip on your part, it was a revealing one
Poor Marline, dating a stalker stalking her separated husband
with a divorce fixation.
The imbecile fixation
This one is not worth commenting on. But it is a perfect example of
"The cat calling the kettle black"
It's unfortunate, you
have a problem with the English language. You certainly
write like an imbecile. |
everyone can see, I write in full paragraphs, as the Punk-Al writes in words
and broken sentences. So on to the next Punk-Text #7
PUNK-TEXT #7: From Insecurity to invasion of privacy
Now the Punk-Al decided to go through my desk and personal files looking for dirt on me. But all he could come up with is
2 meaningless 21 year old legal documents from a previous divorce.
And this poor moron thinks he struck gold. Please read on and see
what he came up with:
You are a respected
member of the community? What a joke. Make sure you post
this also.
Hello Imbecile.
I found those documents in the garage. You were too stupid,
cheap and ignorant to retrieve them. (FOUR YEARS). Had you
been a real man, you would have retrieved them and put them
in storage, or at least away from the woman who was SMART
enough to legally divorce your sorry self. (FOUR YEARS). By
the way, ignorant, MF, they are not obsolete as you claim,
they are part and parcel of YOU and your trail.
This is what I call a sad man with a sad case of insecurity,
grabbing at 1999 straws to float above water. Poor Marline. I wonder where she
was as this guy went in a
psychopath rampage right in her house.
PUNK-TEXT #8: Claiming Self-granted power to stalk
the moron admits that Marline does not know, nor gave him
authorizations to stick his nose in her business.
In response to what you
wrote to Marline, she doesn't intercede in what I
communicate to you. Deal with it. CRACK ROCKMASTER. |
So I see. Is the punk claiming that Marline gave him free reign to run amok in her house, to
dispose of property that does not belong to him, and to disrespect
anyone at will?
Well, well!. Where is big sister Joelle Mith-Joseph in all this mess? Did Punk-Al
strip her of the power she yielded in the
house when I was there to Marline's detriment?
Well, I think that this is the perfect time to release and have
you listen to the full set of 5 shocking voicemails that this Al
character left for me, as he claims that 'Marline's Business
is his business'. Meaning that 'Marline is his business' to
impose authority over.
fasten your seatbelts to hear what you will never
again hear in your lifetime.

Now that you've read and read all that
this unstable character had to say, let's go to the next stage of my
presentation as I address Marline's family members on my concerns
for her.
Now, the best way to show you how I handled and disposed of
the Punk-Al is through my communications to Marline and her family.
Communications that I had also shared with my family and with the Punk-Al to finally
dispose of him..
So here is my first communication and
warning to the Mith family.
Dear Mith Family,
This is Jean Claude sharing with you a message that I
sent to Marline about some concerns I have with
this Al guy she is supposedly dating. Troubling concerns that grew from his
own words and actions. But
let me first say why I decided to share this info with you, her family.
As someone who lived a clean life, and
never tried to hurt anyone, I also carry no ill-feelings or
grudges against anyone, even people who have chosen to hurt me. But
at the same time, I will not give a free ride to those who
have chosen to do me wrong without demanding accountability even from
members of my
own family as you have been witnessing.
So as I had chosen to make Marline my
wife because of all the goods I saw in her, I will always be
concerned for her well-being in spite of everything. Thus the reason I
am sharing my concerns with her
family who is in a better position to look into the validity
of my suspicions about this Al character. Because I'd rather have my
suspicions be proven wrong now, than be sorry later for not
having spoken.
And while I often question her family's
commitment to her well being based on what was
done in running her chance to spend her late years
with a supportive husband, I still hope that
you can take what I am going to show you seriously on her
As such, the question I still have for
her family and children is the following.
"As her big sister Joelle
coerced you into thinking that I was this bad husband for Marline by pushing
erroneous allegations of abuse, do you now view this Al guy who
presented himself to me as an unstable, insecure
and jealous character to be your trusted partner for Marline
over the husband she had chosen?".
Well, the answer will come from
the concern you show with the
information that follows .
Below is
the message I had
sent to Marline to express my concerns.
You know me as a very good judge of character, and
regardless of our differences, I always have your best
interest in mind. And this is the reason for what I am about
to say.
Your friend Al sent me a text
yesterday that, along with his previous ones, really
troubled me. As you know, I’d often say something to trick
someone into exposing his true face based on the reaction I get. So
in that light, I had forwarded to your friend Al the story on
(Episode #4) to show him
that the purpose of publishing
my story is not in an effort to take you back. Well, the reaction I got confirmed my suspicions
about him.
Now, I don’t know how you met him or how well you know
hm. But from his reaction, I concluded that he is a very unstable and
insecure man in relationships with women. Because he
ignored what I tried to show him, and jumped all over me
about us being divorced for 4 years, and demanding that I go
away with insults.
Now I know that you never showed him a divorce
certificate, since none exists. But he is obsessed in believing
that we are, while trying to convince me of the same.
All because he sees
me as a threat if we are not truly divorced.
Then there is his abnormal obsession with my stuff in the
garage, which to him means that I intend to return. Now I
never had an issue with your ex-husband’s stuff in
the house and garage for over 15 years, even after we got married.
But this
guy Al cannot just be happy dating you. He has to come after
me in a way that exposes an insecure and unstable
personality. Because no one has ever seen a man so obsessed
with a woman’s past husband, especially one from 4 years
ago. And that obsession was glaringly evident as he kept
repeating "FOUR YEARS"
over and over in is texts to me.
Now Marline, you and I have watched enough Lifetime True
Story movies about relationships with insecure and
obsessively jealous new boyfriends that end badly. And the things
this guy writes and says perfectly fit one of these movies. I don't recall the title, but the behavioral similarities
between the movie character and the real life Al, proves that
he is
dangerously jealous, and a sign of future trouble if you
ever try to end the relationship.
So, all I am saying is to be careful.
Maybe I am totally wrong about him. But I’d rather be wrong
today than kick myself later for not having spoken my
concerns. But I know that I am right, because his words and
actions prove it.
So here is what he wrote me yesterday, and I ask
you to study it well. Then along with his previous messages,
you should discover a psycho.
You are
such a loser, still living in the past. Stop wasting
my time you pathetic
I'm guessing you're still chasing after Marline
after four years of being
from and not living together because no other being,
man or
want to have a normal relationship with you. Think
about that.
So I simply replied to him with no
Jean Claude |
Sir, I was just
sharing information and not starting a conversation
with you. But I guess you just can't learn. Have a
nice evening. |
Marline you should also remember that the reason I publish
these stories is in response to you spending years falsely complaining that I broke the marriage. So I had to
expose the truth and the people who actually acted against us,
with the hope that you’d stop the denial and your complaining to
me. And most
important, you do remember that when I first started
publishing, it was strictly to confront Johanne Dupiton and
the Claudes of my family, as proven by the website being
So it is through
your constant talking to him about me and complaining about
the broken marriage that you fed his insecurity to see me as
a threat, and expose his true face. Because
whether we are divorced or not, or me having stuff in the
garage should be irrelevant to him.
In addition Marline, as the transparent
communicator I am, I did show Al the last message I sent you, along
with these words from me challenging his legitimacy. Here it is:
Mr. Al
Here is what I sent to
Marline and her family. Because you are a sick,
unstable and dangerous man.
I don’t know how Marline
ever connected with a bum like you. But if one hair
comes out of her head, you will know me and you will
answer to me. Take that to the bank. PSYCHO
know my name as Jean-Claude Elie. So why can’t you
identify yourself fully instead of just. Al? What
are you hiding?
And why is this (786) Florida
phone number you are writing me from, shows up as
registered to a Florida woman named Zoila Blanco?
Who is she? Is she your wife?
There is something fishy
about you, and I am going to find out. You may have
fooled Marline, but you ain’t fooling me. Because you
picked on the wrong man.
Well Marline, he
not replied to my request, proving that he is not legit, on top of being
insecure and unstable
Have a good night
JC |
Well, soon after sending the above message to Marline, a one-word reply
came from him that simply said:

Wow! I
said. So Mr. Punk-Al who had questioned my literacy as an
imbecile suddenly can no longer make a broken sentence with his vocabulary suddenly reduced to one word "Whatever".
I guess that, giving his full identity, providing a phone number in his name, and
explaining who is Zoila Blanco with the Florida phone number have rendered big mouth, trash taking Punk-Al
So he finally discovered what Joelle, Johanne, Rachel &
Co. had
discovered the hard way. Never pick on someone who is
100X smarter than you could ever be. Specially when your
identity is the shortest possible 2-letter word Al
With that
accomplished, let me continue with my message to the
Mith family.
Now Mith Family,
Here is more info to prove that this guy is unstable and
obsessed with Marline. Check these messages with a
threatening tone on his obsession about our divorce, giving
me ultimatum to come get my stuff.
Now, I don’t know how this guy has so much authority over
Marline’s house. Is that his legal residence? Or did
he just take authority over the house?. Please read these 2
texts picturing a couple of my belongings including an
expensive mattress I had bought for Marline. And tell me if
this is a normal person

Now, ask Marline how many times before
and after our marriage that I went through her ex-husband's
’s papers and file cabinets in the house, and she’ll tell
you NEVER. Because normal people do not do that, as it would
be INVASION OF PRIVACY. Well, here is this unstable guy
sending me obsolete 2 decades old documents from my prior
divorce after rampaging through my personal papers
Hello Imbecile.
I found those documents in the garage. You were too stupid,
cheap and ignorant to retrieve them. (FOUR YEARS). Had you
been a real man, you would have retrieved them and put them
in storage, or at least away from the woman who was SMART
enough to legally divorce your sorry self. (FOUR YEARS). By
the way, ignorant, MF, they are not obsolete as you claim,
they are part and parcel of YOU and your trail.
What these papers
should have taught him, is that divorce is done in the
courts and with lawyers, not by him saying so.
Finally, Mith family, here again is the ‘Evidence that does not lie’ directly from Punk-Al
in these 5 outrageous voicemails he left me, sounding
like a bum & gangster from the hoods, claiming Marline as 'his business'.

Finally, here are
more mysteries questions you should ask of this Punk-Al:
Hopefully you will have better success than me in getting
the answers
FIRST: Why does
he refuse to share his full
identity with me?
SECOND: Why is he texting me from a Florida phone
number registered to a woman named Zoila Blanco?
THIRD: Why the 5 arrogant voicemails
you just heard came
from Marline’s (718) house phone which had not been active
in over a decade, instead of his own cell phone?.
Then to Joelle,
Since you claimed that I was trying to CONTROL Marline, and
wanted her Jamaica Estates house, I want to see what you are
going to do about this unstable guy. Or will you show that
your power only works on a peaceful Haitian brother like me.
Because in the end, it is you and Doc Dupiton who put
Marline in the situation of picking up an unstable Punk-Al.
Have a Nice Day
Like I always say: “God works in mysterious ways for me”.
Because by throwing this Punk-Al character at us, both families
will finally have to admit their mistakes in costing Marline a
supportive & loyal husband, as the consequences of promoting Hate, jealousy
and division has brought us this Punk-Al character.
IT STARTED WITH: Joelle Mith-Joseph, using
a private family incident with Marline's daughter to ignite
the fuse, as
presented in the "Rock Horrific Saga"
with her 'Master Plan' that
was executed through an undercover destabilization operation as
presented in

AND AGGRAVATED BY: Rachel Berthoumieux
and others who negatively influenced and coerced my wife into
the single-wife lifestyle, as presented in

TO TODAY'S GLOBAL BLASTS : Imposed on everyone
by Mad Doc Dupiton from Blocking my last peace offer to my
family, and opted for the Global Nuclear campaign.
Now, there is a powerful reason why I decided to
close this report with a critical PART II to follow instead of doing
it right now. And it is simply because you do not put Dirt & Clean
in the same basket, nor mix Good with Bad, Love with Hate, God
with Evil, or Punk with Class. And this is just what I'd
be doing by including the positive, spiritual and powerful words of
this lady with the trash you just read above. The words of a lady of our community who I
will refer to as Sandra.
In fact, her words came in such perfect timing to
provide me the ideal closure for this Punk-Al report that I
feel the timing was not coincidental, but another instance of
'God working in mysterious ways for me.' Because to
me, these words represented the Anti-Punk or vaccine to this
virus-like Punk-Al affair.
However, since these were private communications,
I took the proper step of requesting Lady Sandra's authorization to
publish them. Authorization which I show proof of below before
publishing PART II of the Punk-Al outrage.

Welcome back Readers
Now that you've read the first &
Part 1
of this
Episode #5, I am ready to present you with the awaited
Good Part 2 featuring the positive feedback from a recognized lady of
our community.
This part concludes with a critical milestone
statement from me to the families, followed by a short 3 minutes
video by former First Lady Michelle Obama delivering selected
words of wisdom to the families. So you do not want to miss the
climaxing ending
Now if you have not yet read Part 1 of this
2-Parts report, I recommend that you do it now at
[Episode #5 - Part 1]. But it is OK to first read this
part 2, then catch up on the previous one at the end.
So without delay, let me take you to Part 2 of
this Episode #5 of the "Rock's Thriller
- PART 2 -
As previously done in Part 1, I will present this
part of the episode through communications I had with to the
families, Marline, and Mr. Punk-Al.
So I begin with this communication I sent to the families,
sharing a positive message I received from this lady who I will refer to
simply as Sandra.
These personal family communications have
been slightly edited & expanded for clarity and grammatical
Dear Mith, Claude, Dupiton, Balmir,
Colimon, and Elie Families ----- I had received a communication from an old lady acquaintance who had not heard from in years,
and who upon
reading my story on Facebook felt obliged to send me
her thoughts on what she read. So just as I had shared her words with
Marline, I am also sharing them with you as our
families. However, there is this question that I must
ask both families directly::
this lady who is not family could make all these positive
observations from my writings now, how come our families
who lived the drama in real time, and
who should
have cared the most for us, did not see what Lady Sandra saw
years later?.
So let me show you her
first message through my communication to Marline below.
Then after you finish reading all of her subsequent
comments, you can attempt to answer the above question to
Marline, Below is a message I received from a lady I knew long ago, and
who read our story on Facebook. While I do receive a lot
of positive feedbacks from my readers, I decided to share this one
because it shows how a true woman can see things, and recognize
Love. So when you keep repeating that
‘People do not care’, you
see that "People do care a lot".
In addition,,
what this lady saw through my writings is what this Al guy
you are dating also, which explains why he sees me as a threat.
So Marline, here are the words of a lady who
recognized the 'True
Love' that
all women dream of. But stupid you who had it, let Joelle,
Johanne and other jealous women blow it for you.
So read and observe how she opened with an
expression of 'Empathy’ about the death in my family that was turned into another
hate-mongering opportunity by the family. Then she goes on
to comment about us.
Hi Jean Claude,
How are you? I am sorry for the
death in the family.
I hope you get her
back. It is obvious how much
you love your wife. It is very very painful. I pray and hope
that your
Queen comes home. I hope that she has nostalgia
and misses you as much as you miss her. Hopefully she sees
the love message and understands how much you want her back.
God bless and I hope it works out.
If you need to talk I will listen. A man doesn't wear his
heart on his sleeve. This message is open heart surgery.
May love
come back to both of you.
I wanted romantic
plants for my garden. There is a flower that is called love
lies bleeding. The name reminds me of both of you. It needs
to heal. |
Now. let me point that
her use of the term
"Your Queen"
was a direct quote to the way you had signed your 2016 New Year
resolution to me below.

That resolution was just 3 weeks
before they made you break it to break the
marriage. As I always say, "Evidences do not lie".
Everyone, has seen the evidences, and that is why your avoidance
of the truth, and denial of
facts to protect the culprits, have fallen into deaf ears.
So, after my pleasant surprise
at receiving her message, I sent her the following reply:
WOW. Thank you Sandra for
these very powerful words, obviously from a woman who can
recognize True Love by reading between my lines.
Unfortunately though, the Queen could not see that this is
what the jealous women of our families also saw in driving her
to self-destruct her marriage.
However, your wish for
reunification is no longer in the cards, as the Queen of the
past now resides in a world of denial to co-exist with those
families instigators & girlfriend, and because she knows
deep inside that she lost out.
But your touching words will be a motivator
in my mission for accountability, as I continue to publish
my story so that other marriages can avoid “IHE DANGERS OF
BTW: I noticed that I
missed your call also. But we’ll talk soon.
Jean Claude
So Marline, as you
can see, my story is HOT on Facebook baby… JC
So, how about that families? How come
you could not see long ago what Lady Sandra
Good night
Jean Claude |
Then upon receiving a follow up message from Lady
Sandra, I sent this second message to the families.
Hello Again Families
Obviously this next message from
her also reveals a spiritual woman quoting words from the bible
about love. Just as Marline had quoted the bible years
before in a letter to her family saying:
"... AS
Words that Marline seems to have
forgotten. But here is Lady Sandra's Bible reference in her second message:
There is a passage in
the Bible about love Corinthians 13 [1] of men and of
angels…. --- If I have the gift of prophecy & can fathom all mysteries &
all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains,
but have not loved, I am nothing.
If I give all I
possess to the poor & surrender my body to the flames, [2]
but have not loved, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and
kind. It does not envy and does not boast. It is not proud.
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always
perseveres & never fails.
But where there are
prophecies, they will cease; Where there are tongues, they
will be stilled; Where there is knowledge, it will pass
away. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; Then
we shall see face to face.
Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now
these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest
of these is love.
Sandra |
And while Sandra can hope for the
HOME’', and quote passages from the bible about 'True
Love', it raises more questions for the
families, and most notably:
- Why did the
families chose to promote hate and division, over Love
& Unity?
- Why as families, you
did not hope
the same for the Queen?
- Why have you
then blocked any
chance at reconciliation?
- Why are you still blocking her
from communicating & preventing her from achieving at least a simple peace
So the question you will get from the
community is: "Don't you value
Marline's words, and don't you believe in the Bible?".
not, then "What drives you"
Then she followed up her Bible reference with this:
Jean Claude, I still have hope for you. Love like that should not be
lost. Even during the wedding dance the way you held her
spoke volumes. And each time you said my wife. It was deep.
Even when you guys were fighting you didn't curse her.
But in your voice it
sounded scared, that you were about to lose something
precious. And you wanted to make it better although it was
not said. I don't know you guys as a couple. The few times I
saw you together it was good times . |
Finally closing with this statement:
If a couple
put aside pride, all is possible. Because the weakness is
love, acceptance and forgiveness. Again Jean Claude I still have hope
for you guys.
Sandra |
So families,
Having now read all of Sandra's comments,
you are now ready to answer to yourselves the question that
I asked you on top. which was:
"If this lady who is not family could make all these
observations from my writings now, how come our families
who lived the drama in real time, and
who should
have cared the most for us, did not see what Lady Sandra saw
years later?.
If you do not know the answer,
check your conscience and it will tell you the truth you've
been avoiding.
Thank You,
Jean Claude |
As to be expected, and as it
was not requested, no one shared the answer they came up with to
the above question. Most likely because they are avoiding the answer
by trying to shut down their conscience. Unfortunately, their
conscience would not shut down, forcing them into
'The conscience Hell' that
no one can escape from, and where
The Truth can set you Free".
So to help our families of
Claude, Dupiton, Mith, Colimon, Balmir, and
those who inherited my Elie name to accept the
undeniable truth that will set them free, I decided to provide them
with absolute evidence of the truth they've been avoiding, So I sent
the families this communication with 2 such absolute evidences of
the 'True Love' Sandra saw existed.
Dear families.
If Lady Sandra's quotes from the bible and her
words about true love, did not
move you, it's because acceptance of that truth would conflict with
your goal of creating division.
Now, the original small select group of readers will
remember me using the term "Good-Stuff Allergy". A
condition causing anyone looking to hurt someone or divide a
relationship, to block anything good or positive about that
[person or relationship. Thus the 'Good-Stuff Allergy'
to such information.
Now families, since it would be
hard for you to ruin a marriage where you knew that
'True Love'
existed, you acted as if you never saw the
poem that I wrote to Marline on our 3rd
Wedding Anniversary. You developed a
Allergy because
it was also titled 'True Love'
So here it is again, and I hope that this time you will read
it and my words will stick with you. So from
September 30, 2014, I present you once more
"True Love"

So families, now that you've
finally read my words in the 2014 poem, here comes the
second undisputable evidence that
True Love' existed. But this time, the words
are those of Mrs. Elie one year later
in 2015. Words that
I have also shown you 100 times before, but you developed 100
Allergies. So
try to make them stick this time.

So families, you are now fully equipped to answer
the question and to free yourselves from the
Thank You,
At this point, with the families fully
informed, I had shared the above information with the Punk-Al character. So let's go to that.
Now, after sharing the family communications with
him, I proceeded to give him the 'Coup de Gras' with these
messages .
So Mr. Al, I have shared these family messages with you so that you can see that Jean-Claude Elie will always be essential when it comes to Marline.
when 2 people who were soul mates get divided by haters, there is a
connection that remains in their souls. And it is a space that you can
never occupy simply by getting rid of my belongings still at the
residence, or by throwing insults at me.
All behaviors that will make your presence short lived.
Because you should have just enjoyed dating her for the time she allowed you
to, instead of trying to be truly relevant.
But now, there is this other situation that you created with your daring words to me in
the text below, and
threatening to embarrass me with pictures of me
drunk, and trashing my wife's house. You wrote:
Now, as you witnessed from my publication of your
EPISODE #5, I say what I mean, and I do what I
say. So when you dared me TO TRY YOU, I did
exactly that. I called your bluff by asking you to send me
those pictures with my promise to publish them myself.
But here we are days later, and I
have not seen any picture, nor heard a beep from you. So instead of
going silent by
hiding under the rock you came from, why don't you be man enough to admit
that you were lying.
OTHERWISE: If I don’t get the
pictures today, I will expose
you in my next report to the community as the liar, fraud and the
worst bluffer who
Marline is dating. And as you already
discovered, Jean Claude Elie DOES NOT BLUFF, and if I do,
it's with a full hand.
Now, to show you that you are out of your
league, please take a look at the pictures below, and you will see the smiles of
"True Love" that Sandra was
referring to, and a view of the power couple that we were. Then you will admit that you could never fit in my shoes.

Because, filling those shoes require
you to first have some class. For example, you should always refer to a lady
like a gentlemen, not like a boy from the hoods. Because when you wrote me to say
"Stop harassing the 'woman",
I must remind you that her name is not 'woman', but
Then there is something even more
important for you to think about. Ask yourself the following
many times did Marline tell you that SHE IS IN LOVE WITH YOU?".
Meaning that you are not just another
disposable date.
Because she said those words to me a
thousand times, and unlike you who bluffed your way in,
and now bluffing about having pictures, here are a couple of
written proof of her saying those words.. Hope you don't get a jealousy
- JC, I
love you. You are the only man that makes me happy
- JC, I
wanted to tell you that I
love you and always
- I Married JC because I
him. He is a good man, a caring husband, giving and lots
of fun.
- I
love my
and I want him to feel comfortable again with the
So I repeat once more that you should have been happy
to be a common date, instead of claiming relevancy, and having the audacity of
saying to me: "Marline’s Business is MY Business".
Because it is not. "Marline's Business is HER Business".
So here is the message I had sent to Marline.
FW: Marline, I asked you 3 questions about this Al character, and you still have
not answered me. I asked you:
1- About his full name &
true identity.
2- About this (786) phone
number he's been harassing me from, and that belongs to a
Florida woman named Zoila Blanco.
3- About your knowledge of
those pictures he claims having, since they would have to
come from you if they existed.
So, is the reason for your
no-reply because you are afraid of the punk and cannot dare say that he is
a liar and a fraud? Well, knowing that you
had a smart man for husband, how could you let this idiot think that he
could bluff me?.
I was willing to take nonsense from you cause I married you, but
this idiot is a different story. Maybe you forgot to tell
him what you once told your sister & family. So let me remind you
again, since you seem to have also developed the
Good-Stuff Allergy
on your own writings lately. You wrote, and I quote:
JC is not
a low-life. He is an educated man who worked hard for all he
has. He
is always there to help everyone
but he is not going
to let anyone walk all over him
That was so true and well
said. So beside letting this Punk-Al make the mistake of
thinking that he could walk all over me, you found in
him the true low-life
to make Joelle happy. LOL
BTW: Regardless of the nonsense you say
now, I know you do not hate me that much. In fact, I believe that
spending 4 years blaming me for the break up with
zero evidence, is a form of denial to suppress
the True Love
you have been forbidden from having.
So you can try to
blame me, or repeat a lie a million times, it
will never become true. Therefore you cannot
find peace because the truth resides with you in
your conscience, and it remains undeniably TRUE
Take care,
So Mr. Punk-Al,
You saw what I wrote to my separated
wife. and having said all that I
have to say to you, the ball is in your court. But my advice
to you is to get lost on your own as your days are counted.
And this is what happens when people stick their noses in
the wrong man’s marriage, even during a marital separation.
Finally, I’ll be coming over the house to check on my
belongings. So,
if one paper clip is missing and, just as I warned you if one hair
is missing from Marline's head, you will know me for real.
Have a nice day. And don’t forget to
identify yourself if you are legit
Eng. Jean Claude Elie.
Now, in trying to determine what flipped the
Punk-Al into a jealous rage of insecurity, I came up with one
possibility which I present in these humorous verses.
CYCLE Prophecy or Coincidence |
dated after she left 1st
husband for JC. Then became soul-mates.
5 YEARS later they split up
friendlily & she dated this 'JJ'
5 YEARS after, she dumps
JJ, returns to JC & became
Mrs. Elie in 2011,
later, jealous women made her break her marriage in 2016.
Now, almost
separated, she's
dating this Punk-Al character.
checks calendar & sees
5th Year of break up coming soon
in 2021.
Punk-Al panics
becoming next to fall to the
But Lady Sandra did
not help poor Punk-Al by writing me
And let me close this Episode with a milestone statement defining what you
have read so far.
So I
start by repeating to our families and to all instigators, that Jean
Claude Elie holds no grudges against anyone and hates no one. But
while I will never return hate with hate, or an eye for an eye, I
shall not stand to be ignored as I request accountability from those
who did so much wrong to so many out of hate, greed and destructive
jealousy over our marriage. And they should be aware by now hat
shielding themselves behind a wall of silence only reflects a
consciousness of guilt and a guilty conscience.
Therefore, contrary to
Punk-Al's fears of a marriage
reconstruction, and even Sandra's heartfelt wishes for it to be so,
it has never been part of my mission. My timeless objective remains
accountability, explanations, and uprooting of the hate,
jealousy and greed that targeted a marriage, indoctrinated a wife
into an ultra-feminist cult, poisoned a daughter's mind against her
father, dismantled a family, and stained the legacy of our matriarch
with such an ungodly immorality that even a death in the family is
used for hate-mongering, and an attempt to split me from my
Alzheimer stricken sister who just became a widow. It does not get
crueler than that.
So No!
This is not about marriage reconciliation, and even if the
5-YEARS CYCLE was truly a
prophecy, then it's in the hands of God, and cannot be controlled by
me, Sandra's wishes, and even less, by
the Punk Al's desire to see me disappear.
is needed instead, is for Marline to stand up for the truth by
overcoming the 'People-Pleaser" compulsion that pushes
her to cover up for the culprits. Because no ex-wife, either
separated or divorced, ever spends over 4 years constantly complaining
about a marriage if it was that bad. Specially when her own written
words at the time tell a different story.
In the
end, his is purely a reverse psychology of denial that has always
been transparent to all. So her constant complaining about the
past is what fueled the Punk-Al's insecurity, leading
to this Episode #5
So it
is time for my family and the Mith to deal with the truth that
has been proven. The truth that this catastrophe was ignited by her sister
Joelle Mith-Joseph, and sealed by my niece Dr. Marie Dupiton. But
this acceptance of the truth must start with the person this whole
catastrophe was built around, Rose Marline Mith-Elie.
So I
close for good with a feature 3 minutes video by Michelle Obama
speaking to the families about hate and the Truth that will set
you FREE.
This new video message is compiled from her speech at the
2020 Democratic National Convention, showing her delivering some powerful
words of wisdom to our families. YOU'LL LOVE IT

as I had mentioned during the preview release of this video, I will
be sharing it via Twitter with the Obama's, the Biden camp and CNN
for these reasons:
FIRST: To be transparent, since I created it using Michelle
Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention,
SECOND: To show the families that when I
used the term 'Global Nuclear Campaign', I did not use
the word 'Global' lightly.
So if anyone is
feels victimized by the publicity they are getting from the 'Global Nuclear Campaign, which is still at
Stage 1
of 5, they can only blame Dr. Marie Dupiton who blocked my
last peace offer, and opted for the Global Campaign
over negotiation and coming clean. It is the same
stubbornness, intrasigance and selfishness that got us here, and
behind her uncaring attitude of who she hurts. A selfishness that
was also condemned in
Obama's words.
Following publication of the above, I followed up with these
additional communication which were all shared with Marline, the
families and Mr. Punk Al.
is the first one was addressed to Punk-Al
Good Day Mr. Al
I hope you enjoyed everything I shared with you, and are
impressed with my highly intellectual writing, my video
editing skills, graphic & web site design skills, my
philosophical aptitude, even my poetry skill used to
explain your ‘Insecurity’ in verses. And deserve your
congratulations on that. So you should take back calling
me imbecile & illiterate. Because you just witnessed
maximum Intellect & Literacy. But most of all, to take
back your insults of Marline in suggesting that she
would marry or be dating an imbecile or illiterate,
which sadly makes you the first one.
THEN, having shown you my deep
history with her and the serious issues I am dealing
with, you see why I will remain relevant until she
recognizes the truth of what was done to her, and which
sadly brought us a Punk-Al.
IN ADDITION: When it comes to the
TRUE LOVE that Lady Sandra nicely wrote about, ask
Marline about the book she wanted me to write on us,
FINALLY: With your bluffing history,
I take it that, in telling me that you got rid of my
stuff, you were bluffing.. Otherwise you better plan to
make restitution. AND IT’S NOT A BLUFF.
IN CLOSING: I am still waiting for your apology on your
‘Crack’ comment to spare her family the publication of
embarrassing personal information if you really care
about her
So, enjoy your verses, and your story
is now published IN FULL at
Have a Nice day.
Engineer Jean-Claude Elie |
the next 2 went to Marline
Dear Marline,
How are
Attached is a message that I just sent to Al. But I
first want to share some positive words with you.
Now from reading my report on this Punk-Al saga, and
seeing the way I disposed of him and defended your
honor, you must feel proud remembering the caliber of
husband you had, just as everyone else is realizing.
But most
touching in my report are the words of Lady Sandra who
highlighted the TRUE LOVE she witnessed in our story.
Specially from your true words of the past that you are
now ignoring in order to make me the scapegoat for a
break up that was orchestrated by our families.
this report out, you can no longer claim that the
marriage was horrible when Sandra and everyone else can
see the opposite from your own words telling me just
weeks before the break up that:
These cannot be words of lie, and no woman will accept
that you wrote them to a worst husband in a horrible
Ironically, the Punk-Al saga turned out to be a
blessing, as lady Sandra unknowingly came out to set the
record straight. And since the truth can no longer be
denied, you no longer need to protect the culprits. So
THIS IS A TURNING POINT FOR YOU to accept the truth and
regain your individuality
that the first positive community involvement in this
drama came from our friend Jacques who attempted the
reunification with my daughter, and called for me to
make peace with my family. Now comes my old acquaintance
Sandra hoping for THE QUEEN TO RETURN HOME. Well, I am
not asking for all that, only for the Queen to be
herself once more and find peace with the truth.
Ironically, we can see how positive people can care, the
way that our families should have cared.
today, I make one request of you. After reading the
attached message to Al, find some quiet time alone to
read the full report in Episode #5. You will not be
doing it for me, but for you, as it will tell you a lot.

Have a
nice day
JC |
Finally Marline,
You should also enjoy the attached verses I wrote to
highlight Al’s insecurity, and for him to realize that
he was not dealing with an imbecile or illiterate.
Because Marline (Not the ‘WOMAN as he referred to you),
does not marry imbeciles or illiterates.
And just
so you know, he never replied to my apology request for
his use of the word crack. But I never intended to
release the information on members of your family, as
that would be unfair since they were not the ones who
said it. I was just bluffing to see how much he cared
for you or your family. So based on him being OK with me
publishing the information, it tells you how much he
So when
you say that I did not like your family, now you know
who does not.

You will finally enter the Mad Doc Dupiton
horrific period of terror and human cruelty when she drives
her uncle through a hell of a false arrests, eviction, threats to
life & vision, Medical misconducts, etc. in her failed
attempts to shut me down and avoid accountability for her sins and
inhumane crimes