The critical document
below contains classified information & picture-evidences of such
sensitive nature that it was sent in confidentiality ONLY to the
families involved and to a select group of recipients. However, that
limited distribution was conditional to certain requests being
satisfied. But since this has not been the case, the document is being
declassified today for full public disclosure.
Because the creators
of this catastrophe must realize that acts of inhumanity, such as those
depicted below, cannot be swept under a rug hoping that out of sight is
out of mind. And while the
demise of a marriage by jealousy-driven women is not unheard of, what a
father will never let anyone sweep under
the rug is the cruel victimization of a daughter in the women quest to
dismantle a marriage.
So this is the reason this confidential document is
being made public today.
Now let's get to it starting with the opening massage
to these selected recipients.
Good day readers, To
those of you who have not heard from me for a while, my long silence
only means that I've been
working hard behind the scenes in the struggle for truth and accountability,
as this dramatic report will show.
This is an classified report being sent only to the families and to
a select group of community readers. A confidential document
containing dramatic new revelations and the disclosure of
shocking 'Top-Secret'
picture-evidences that reveal a greater level of hate, inhumanity and acts of cruelty than previously
disclosed, putting the Mith family under the
spotlight of scrutiny. And as my
sister in law Joelle Mith-Joseph had falsely accused me of an act of
violence, you will discover who was the true victim of violence and
abuse with pictures to prove.
Acts that the instigators had hoped to keep
secret from the public so they would continue to deceive the
community behind masks of innocence and charity. But unfortunately for them, the God who works in
mysterious ways gave me the technical & writing skills, and wide
community contacts to tell my story. Otherwise, I would have been
history today as a man denigrated by an avalanche of falsehoods and slanders.
Instead, I am about to turn the table around for my nemesis to
learn that "People living in glass houses
should not throw rocks".
So while these new revelations and pictures are
embarrassing, the release of these skeletons should convince the families to address the
pressing issues, specially those involving the victimization of my
daughter. Otherwise this report will be released to the general public.
Part-1 is an expanded version of a confidential
letter that was
delivered to Marline's uncle Eric Picard of the Mith family, followed by
a climaxing Part-2 with the most
disturbing set of 'Top-Secret' picture evidences of life inside a dungeon |
REVELATIONS Did Mith family ever care for Marline & her children?
October 10, 2020
To: Eric Picard, Elder of the Mith family Copy to: Mith & Elie family members
Dear Mr. Picard & all
This communication is one that I consider to be my most
significant address to you & your family, and one that my family
should also benefit from in light of the brand new revelations that I will
be exposing today with the potential of full
public disclosure if my simple requests below are not given proper attention.
The message closes with some personal words to you
on behalf of your niece Marline. So be sure to read it to the end, as these new
revelations will enlighten you on unscrupulous activities that went
undetected within our 2 families with negative impact on your niece Marline,
and also my daughter. Then hopefully, that will move people from
a confrontational stand to one that is more conducive to a positive
outcome. If not, I will be satisfied that I’ve tried my best to avoid the steps
detailed below.
So let me start by reminding you and our families that it was in 2018, more than 2 years after the marriage break up, that I started to
publish my story that was solely focused on my family in response to them evicting
me from my sister’s house hoping to escape accountability for their actions. At
the time, my hope was that they would choose to address my concerns
rather than face more embarrassment from additional disclosure of
damaging personal information. Therefore I never expected that I’d still
be at it after 2 years with the Mith family finding its way into my
internal family disputes
It started with my family’s post-marriage pressure on Marline
that led to
her strange behavior of latching on to
my family and daughter, then acting as Johanne’s defense lawyer. Suddenly, the falsehoods
that she refuted in the past became her new reality as she adopted Joelle’s long
defunct lie that I assaulted her daughter,
and injected her family in the mix by telling me: “You
hated my family & kids”.
At that point Mr. Picard, I wrote
you to express my concerns over my family’s negative influence on Marline,
and to advise her to stay away from them, especially from my niece Johanne who's
making her
revive dead issues involving your family. Otherwise, I would have to expose
the real stories of the Mith family’s past actions against us in order
to refute
these falsehoods.
Then last June, I asked you to encourage Marline
support a peace initiative I had extended to the families. But not only was my
advice to you was ignored, the only feedback
I ever got back were disrespectful text messages from
Marline’s kid brother Richard with the words of ‘Police & Harassment” that he
learned from controlling big sister Joelle.
So I finally launched the Global Nuclear campaign in 2020 with the first
episode of “The Mith Archives”. That was
more than 2 years after my first publication on my family and the release of
Now the fact that the website was titled TheClaudes.com, and not
TheClaude-Mith.com is clear evidence your family was not a
focus of my publications when they started.
HERE WE ARE TODAY: Once again, I recently informed you of the upcoming explosive newspaper article
with the full story on Doc Dupiton who, after causing my blood pressure to shoot to 230BP, drove my
wife into a state of temporary insanity, compelling her into an attempted negligent homicide
by convincing her that I was faking the
230BP reading on the blood pressure monitor. An act, if successful, would have
left Marline carrying the bag and the legal consequences for Doc Dupiton.
So now, I became very concerned that the readers of the
newspaper article will be left with a condemning view of Marline, rather than
view her as a manipulated victim of Dr. Dupiton. Therefore, to direct the blame
where it belongs, I requested confirmation of some critical facts
from 3 people with firsthand knowledge of the incident. Those are my nephew Eric
on the ‘Red Aspirin’ placebo, my daughter Tanisha on the mysterious
frantic phone calls’, and from Marline who was put at the center.
Then I again
requested that the Mith family encourage Marline’s cooperation in my effort to
limit her perceived complicity in the plot.
So Mr. Picard,
I hope that you and her siblings will finally stop focusing on disliking me
and show more care for Marline so that she can finally pull away from the grip of the Claude &
Dupiton to put herself as her #1 in this situation.
So let me give you an idea at of the potential new revelations
to be disclosed publicly, along with the release of the first set of
troubling picture evidences depicted below as part of the 'Global
Nuclear' campaign going to the next level. Now, bare in
mind that this not my wish, but what you will again force me to publish.
Now, it is no longer a mystery that as Marline's husband, I
was maliciously & falsely accused of abuse & violence by her
possessive big sister Joelle Mith-Joseph, who had fabricated the 'Assault
on Tiffany" lie. So I feel hat it is time for me to turn the table
around to educate you on the history of real documented violence in the Mith family.
Stories of Mith violence that I am sure you would not like to see
published in full, or posted on social media.
Acts of physical violence
on me: Below, are troubling picture depicting various acts of violence
that I was subjected to and that resulted in my blood streaming behind my neck & on my
hands. Also a picture after getting poked in the eye by my wife, and a snapshot of the BP monitor reading a killer
217/136. And there is a troubling story behind each

Assaulted by Tiffany's dog
This next picture-evidence
shows dog bites on my legs from Tiffany’s dog commanded to attack
me. But the command did not come from Tiffany.

Nicholas series of assaults on me:
Now, I am are not talking about some Joelle fake "Assault on Tiffany". I am talking about real-life assaults witnessed
by Marline herself. FIRST: There were
2 cases of him standing in my office doorway at home wanting to play
with my internet router. Then when I told him 'no, he violently
shoved me back, and luckily I landed on a sofa.
SECOND: Then came
the big & real "Assault on JC".
That took place the day Nicholas was blocking my bedroom doorway, and as I
tried to walk past him to leave the room, he suddenly lunged
at me and violently took me down with a chokehold, just as you saw
was done to Eric Garner in the news. Luckily I did not strike my
head on my way down as I landed flat on my face with him on top of
me, cutting off my breathing with his chokehold. All happening in
front of his mother Marline who, upon me requesting that Nicholas
apologizes, she told me that there would be no apology
Well Mr. Picard, let me ask you this:
"Did Marline mean that the Mith family trained 26 years young
Nicholas to assault his mother's 64 years old senior citizen husband
with chokehold?. Because I am sure that this not the type of
training taught at Morehouse University, for which I
was repaying his delinquent college loans at the time of the
But the proof that this training is from a mindset of violence within the Mith family is reflected in the next case
of attempted assault by Marline's brother Ronald on his
girlfriend Joelle Gaudin at my home. PLEASE READ.
The story
attempted assault
of Joelle
Gaudin: In this case, we have lovely lady Joelle Gaudin driven to insanity by
Joelle Mith-Joseph after discovering her Gaudin name as co-signer on
a 2nd mortgage loan taken by boyfriend Ronald on their mother's
house without boss Joelle Mith knowledge (A long story). Then came the day she visited us looking like
someone lost in space, and witnessing her boyfriend Ronald Mith
having to be restrained by 3 men from attacking her when she
simply asked Nicholas to walk her to the subway. So while in a lost
mental state, she was forced to hit the streets alone in the middle
of the night looking for the subway station.
All I could do was pray that she finds her way home safely to
Brooklyn. But It was a moment of Mith violence in my home that
remained engraved in my mind, as I always felt guilty for not having
accompanied her myself. Then when I later asked Marline
“How come the always lively, happy-going
Joelle Gaudin, friend of president Martelly, is now a spaced out &
speechless mental case?”. To which Marline shocked me
by replying “She is crazy because her
whole Gaudin family is crazy”. I guess Marline got
that from my family telling her that “Jean Claude is crazy because I had an uncle who was crazy”.
Well, it is a full story that I am sure the well-known Gaudin
family will be glad to read, and demand accountability from Joelle
Mith & all. So good luck.
Now tired of wicked people also
trying to pin the drug & alcohol label on me, let me again turn the table around
to educate you on real life stories of drug/alcohol in the Mith family. Stories
I am sure you do not want to see go public.
Again the following are also actions I
could have taken as I was subjected to cruel prosecution by Doc Dupiton,
and by psychotherapist Joelle Mith while still with my wife . But I
never did because I was not raised to hurt family, and also because I do
not return hate with hate, nor an eye for an eye. However, when my good
heart is mistaken for stupidity, It's time for
Jean-Claude to turn the table with the next 2 actions:
Complaint filing against Dr Marie Dupiton MD
of Camkids Pediatrics for medical criminal activities of
attempted homicide using my wife, and criminally-minded diagnosis of Faking
a 230BP. Also for hiding from pharmacist to willfully deny me critical
medication that resulted in damage to my vision. Then her history of
cruelties, fabricating false arrests, brainwashing and cultist
indoctrination of my daughter and wife. A pediatric Doctor who believes that the medical codes call for
mental patients to be arrested and jailed, just as she
tried by flakily diagnosing me as mental case in a fraudulent police
report to get me arrested.. Don't take my words, take hers in her
own handwriting.
 However, the Mad Doc is the one who went insane after she was booted
by the judge, then flipped into insanity mode yelling in the
courthouse hallways "His daughter said
he is crazy". So the Mad Doc even tried to pass the
buck on to my daughter for the 'Crazy'
slander.. All
that will prove to licensing authorities that Dr. Marie Dupiton of Camkids Pediatrics, Lic. #
is truly a Mad Doc unfit to practice medicine.
- Complaint against Marie
Joelle Mith Joseph LCSW, to be filed with Licensing Agency
and employer Queens hospital for unprofessional & unethical conduct, and for
exhibiting psychotic behaviors
through her volumes of atrocious & incoherent mental writings to me
and my wife; Her plots to dismantle a marriage;
history of corrupting the mind of Marline’s children and
brainwashing them into thinking that I could kill their mother. Even feeding Nicholas a Bronx murder video and coercing the children into
writing troubling letters of fear for their mother’s life. It was an
obsession with violence that went to the extreme when she
irresponsibly used Tiffany’s name to commit perjury in a court complaint by
falsely stating: “Tiffany came in our room to
stop me from KILLING her mother”, as evidenced below from the
actual court document.:
 On top of all that, there she was as a licensed counselor
going into
hiding for weeks from our marriage counselor seeking to consult with
her on her sister Marline's martial issues that she was responsible for.
Then later she blocked a family meeting that Marline had requested
to address her family's issues with her marriage. A meeting my wife had
happily confirmed with me through this text message just a couple of
months before the sudden break up
 And let’s not forget
Joelle kicking Marline out a restaurant
during a family celebration because she came with her husband. Etc., Etc.
But as Marline stated to me many times,
‘Joelle suffers from occupational hazard’,
and even wrote her to say, “Joelle,
not everyone is a case study”.
the end, the licensing authorities will conclude that Joelle
Mith-Joseph LCSW, Lic.# NPI-1134295579 is a
psycho who is unfit to be counseling anyone.
So Mr. Picard, let me make 3 significant points
about what you just read.
The above are embarrassing information & pictures that I always had in my
possession, but never published as doing so was irrelevant to my internal
family drama.
As all families have their skeleton closets, the Mith family is no different,
but these are significantly above normal. Still, I did not judge the family
by them.
Now since some of my evidence came from confidential conversations with my
wife, it may be instinctive for you to criticize her for sharing them. But
if the Mith did not know this, 'Once someone marries into a family,
he/she becomes family'. So just as she did with me, I had also
shared my personal family information with my wife.
The problem comes when in-laws attack the marriage, all bets are off.
So the people to blame for these disclosures are:
1) The family members involved in character
assassination that must be discredited. 2) The
Mith family
focusing on disliking me rather than focus on Marline's best interests.
3) The men of both families
on ego-trips to prove their manhood to the divisive women of Joelle &
Johanne. In fact, let me borrow an idiotic quote from these women "Look
into the mirror and you will see who
is to blame for these disclosures".
It was 2011, when as a senior citizen, I had
settled for my old age in marriage with the love of my life. Then I soon found
myself being disrespected by in-laws calling me a low-life, alcoholic, insane,
delusional, a crazy man assaulting my stepdaughter, a physical abuser who could
murder my wife, etc. Then I woke up one day in 2016 to find
the dream of a peaceful old age shattered by our own families, and
simultaneously losing my wife, daughter, family, business, finances,
investments, down to my car, then subjected to more false arrests, eviction,
etc.. Then for some inexplicable reason, people expected me to
put my tail between my legs, and simply go away with no questions asked.
So Mr. Picard,
What your Mith family failed to appreciate is that, while
I was being wrongly accused of the same violence, alcoholism, drug abuse that I just documented as historical in the
Mith family, I have maintained the confidentiality of the
information relating to your family for years. Therefore, what I should be
getting is recognition & gratitude for my restrain, instead of disdain and the
disrespect of silence.
However, as I often say:
after years of rock throwing at me, the glass finally cracked and all the Mith
skeletons are about to escape. But one skeleton had already escaped when Joelle
opened a crack in the glass ceiling throwing a rock by calling me a
low-life husband for Marline. So
I had released the skeleton of her husband
Stanley's double life as a bigamist with a 2nd home, family and
child out of wedlock.
But to be impartial to both families, I must say
that Joelle was not the only one who experienced infidelity. Her partner
in crime Johanne Dupiton had a father with a
mistress and a son d out of wedlock. Therefore, it takes
great audacity for these women to judge my character as husband to
Marline when I never came close to even think of cheating on her, much
less having a child outside of marriage.
Thus the reason that more skeletons will start escaping
from the closets if my simple questions
are ignored. Questions like:
- The reasons my family targeted my life,
marriage, wife, daughter, then prosecuted me for elimination.
- The reasons the elders of Johanne Dupiton
allowed her to dismantle & disgrace our family out of evil jealousy &
- Answers to questions about the
Red Aspirin placebo and
the 6AM frantic phone calls that
followed Doc Dupiton's attempted homicide plot.
are answers as
to why & how my sole daughter was morally corrupted and mentally
manipulated into Doc Dupiton's plots against her own father.
- Then an explanation to the
mystery of the loss of my daughter coinciding with the break up of
my marriage, when one has nothing to do with the other, and when
being a lifelong father has no connection to a 5-years long 3rd
- Etc., Etc.
Now Mr. Picard, please stand by for the first time
ever disclosure of the classified and most troubling
"Top-Secret' picture-evidences that
are sure to shock the world if publicly released under the
'Global Nuclear' campaign.
Respectfully yours,
Eng. Jean Claude Elie |
- PART - 2 -
Having now completed Part-1, you have
met the prerequisites to move to the next level of disclosures. In that
Part-1, you learned about some very disturbing events and behaviors that
took place along with the disclosure this first set of 6 "Top-Secret' picture-evidences below.

In this Part-2, I will
be declassifying a brand new set of disturbing
picture-evidences from my private vault along with stories
of my secluded life in a dungeon inside the marital home.
Horrific pictures that will reveal a much higher level of cruelty
and wickedness on the part of my niece Dr. Marie Dupiton, and proving
my claim that my wife Marline was induced into states of temporary
insanity that led to her actions and behaviors as depicted above, and below.
I must add that these new picture-evidences will also
be used to add weight to the complaint filings mentioned in Part-1 against professional
licenses and employers for unethical conducts and
criminally-motivated behaviors.
In this first section, I intend to show you how my
wife was being triggered by outside forces into personality
transformations that led to the following 3 cases of uncharacteristic
behaviors and verbal abuses on her part.
While these 3 cases may present a somewhat negative image of Marline, I
am OK with sharing them. Not only as tough medicine against the cancers
that the families have refused to face, but because the behaviors
depicted in these stories do not represent the true Marline I knew as a
good wife of 4 years, but a transformed
Marline created by evil-minded individuals in the 5th year of marriage.
In addition, since Marline's transformation is identical to
the one my daughter was subjected to, giving this tough medicine is
personal to me as getting to the roots of Marline's
transformation will also help address that of my daughter.
Now, since these next 3 were first revealed to the
families on my late mother & matriarch's birthday in heaven, I am starting
with these words that highlight the gravity of the situation
we are in.
We've again gone through another year of our matriarch
a birthday in heaven with tears in her eyes over the
actions of her grandchildren generation
& her first child Liliane Claude, and over what the Marline she
admired allowed to be done to her son as his wife. That is why the first case that I
will present involves hurtful words from my wife relating to
my mother. Words that always brought me pain on
this day, but words that I attributed to outside forces
triggering her into moments of temporary insanity. Because, just as all
incidents above took place in
the 5th and last year of our marriage, so did the ones below.
These most hurtful words were said when my wife, triggered into
some form
of temporary insanity, threw at me the most grotesque insult known to
Haitians as, she
suddenly said to me in Creole “LANGÈT
MANMAN’W" (A Grotesque reference to a mother's genitalia).
In shock, I told her to never
again insult my dead mother, but she
just stared at me and twice repeated “LANGÈT
MANMAN’W". At that moment, I put my hands over her mouth
to keep her from repeating it.
In the end, that
was the most hurtful insult I had heard from my wife, and one that I had
reported to my family. But none of them cared since using Marline
as a tool to self-destruct her marriage was more important than our
However what
she did next proved that she had gone through another instance of
sudden transformation, because once she flipped back to her normal
mental state and realized the gravity of her words,
she sent me this message of apology.

An apology that sets her apart from those who NEVER apologize for anything.
While we were in bed late one day talking and laughing as we did each
weekend, I innocently mentioned Tiffany’s name.
Then her demeanor suddenly changed as she threw at me
"TIFFANY PA KA SANTI’W (Tiffany cannot stand to
smell you). In shock, and realizing that the name Tiffany was
another personality trigger, I simply dropped the matter.
CASE #3:
During an argument with my wife about her sister Joelle's intrusions, as most
were, my wife again flipped personality in the most despicable way. She
tossed her head
back and suddenly SPIT IN MY FACE.
As I went into shock, she spit in my face 3 more times. Stupefied, I
asked her to apologize, but then realized that she had once more flipped
into her
induced temporary insanity.
Now to further prove my belief that
Marline was being triggered into flipping personalities, here are 2 more apology messages she sent me following her recurring cycles of insane
acts & apologies. The significance of the circled words is given below.

What is most revealing about her apologies, is
that they differentiated her from those members of our families who
CANNOT & HAVE NOT apologized for one thing done, nor one lie
or insult made.
from the first line of these messages saying
"... for all we have been through in
the last few months".
She did not say 'last few years', which
proves my claims that everything I reported above and below took place in the last
few months of the 5-years marriage.
is from the last line of the 2nd message when she wrote
"... please don't get
anyone involved".
In saying
"anyone" she was referring to
my backstabbing niece Mad Doc Dupiton & her mother Liliane Claude as they were the ONLY 'anyone' that stupid me
continued confining into.
that, let's go into the new 'Top-Secret'
picture evidences. |
The Top-Secret picture evidence
below was taken to document how my wife, triggered into frequent
cycles of insane behaviors, had pushed me into a life of loneliness &
episodes of deep depression living in horrible conditions inside a
dungeon of a guest room for months and subjected to frequent verbal
abuse about Joelle, Tiffany etc. . It is
such an embarrassing picture that I had kept it secret. But now I am forced
to disclose it to emphasize the gravity of the personality
transformation Marline went through in just in a few months at the hands of
wicked women who are now hiding from addressing the consequences of
their actions.
So here is Jean Claude Elie's horrific life in
secrecy inside a dungeon in the marital home. No need to feel sorry for
me now as it's in the past.

MOST IMPORTANT: This picture was taken soon after Doc
Dupiton and the Claudes executed the audacious Thanksgiving-2015
kidnapping of my wife at my daughter's house, and threw me into
the deep state of depression depicted by the picture.
It was also around that same time that my wife was
being dragged into a single-wife lifestyle of secret parties by Doc
Dupiton and her girlfriend Rachel Berthoumieux, leaving me home alone in the dungeon. In fact, It was inside that same
dungeon that, upon my wife returning home from secretly attending the
2015 Heal Haiti gala with Doc Dupiton, her sister Dominique and Rachel,
that she threw at me her newly learned Dupiton feminist slogan of
"Mwen fè
sa'm vlé, lè'm
vlé. Soti lè'm vlé, rantré
lè'm vlé".
A shocking slogan I had recorded that October 2015 night from inside the

During the early stages of my wife's transformation, I did not
suspect that my family was contributing to her condition. So I had put
100% of the blame on her sister Joelle with her intrusions, and on her
family's boycott of our home. So I called my sister Liliane and Johanne
to get their thoughts on my wife's transformation,
and with
my trusted niece Johanne being a Medical Doctor, I asked her:
“Jojo, what do you think is making Marline flip from being the nicest wife one day, then becoming a verbally abusive person
the next day?. Is that what bi-polar
Then she replied with something like this:
"No, it is not bi-polar.
To me, Marline suffers from a
split-personality disorder that exhibits itself when triggered by something or someone".
But what I now find interesting is that the
Doc Dupiton who had diagnosed my wife of having
'Split-personality', is the same
Mad Doc who had diagnosed me as 'Faking a
230/130 High Blood pressure' in her plot to have my wife
put my life at risk with an act of Depraved Indifference,
and also the same one who diagnosed me as a
mental case who needs to be put in jail.
These diagnosis y Doc
Dupiton are no coincidences, but there is more....
Now, since I had no clue that
my niece Johanne was a principal actor pulling the trigger of the split-personality she diagnosed
Marline with, I even told her that I
can now understand how depression can drive people
with weak personality to commit suicide.
Then I told her and her mother Liliane that I could
use some visit from my family for moral support in
getting through this period of frequent depression. Then I told them that since Marline is someone who keeps
things bottled inside, I felt that she could use someone to talk to
outside of her family. So I suggested that, when they come visit me, to
try opening a conversation with her without bringing up anything I told
them, but to just be friendly ears and hopefully she will open up about
her family issues
that are the roots of her frequent mood swings.
So for days I
waited for their visit, then for weeks and month,
So blinded by family trust, I chose to
make excuses for them not showing up or responding to my request for
friendly conversation with Marline. So I later came up with
another idea on how my family could help. So I called sister Liliane
Claude to do me a favor and told her.
Sis... Please do me this favor. Give
Marline's sister Joelle a call for me. Act as if you don't know anything
and just
mention something like, "You've noticed a little strain between your
brother & Marline, and was wondering if she knew anything". See how she replies
and take it from there. But even if she acts dumb, just the fact that
you made the call will make hem pull back the
pressure on Marline.
But to my stupefaction, my dear sister replied "OH, I
To which I replied: "These people that
you do not know are your in-laws & extended family". Then
I hung up the phone on her.
Well, that was
only the beginning. So here comes Top Secret Evidence #9.
Now this next 'Top-Secret' picture
evidence is one that I recently shared with the immediate family as I
reminded them of a test I ran to check Marline's mental state
following the "FAKING-230BP' incident.
A test for which I called my wife at work saying
that I
was very sick and may need to go to the ER. Then I set up a video camera
in the room, and acted as if I was dead to see her reaction. Well, when she came, she cracked the door open, and
seeing me motionless in the bed and not reacting to her opening the
door, she quickly closed it.
Then ext thing I saw, she was on the
phone reporting to Doc Dupiton.
Well the video of that incident is one that I am
not about to release, and keeping in my back pocket as a last resort.
But as proof, I am sharing with you a snapshot picture from the video to
show the set up, and also to give
you a different view of the dungeon I lived in for months.

Earlier in Part-1, when I exposed the history of violence in the Mith
family, I had also revealed the incident of Nicholas assaulting me with
a chokehold. Well,
that assault took place inside that dungeon room, and this is the bed I had landed
on face down with him on top of me.
However I was freed from the dungeon when Marline agreed to solve our
problems by attending the 4-days 'Retrouvaille' Marriage retreat at the
Immaculate Conception Seminary in Long Island with other couples,
priests, prayers and God. We came
back home rejuvenated and with the commitment to start fresh. So much so
that we cleaned out the dungeon to
rent to a college student.
But, Doc Dupiton was not happy with that. So 2
weeks later, she executed the audacious
Thanksgiving-2015 kidnapping of my
wife at my daughter’s house. An act so dramatic that I landed back in the dungeon.
But soon after, Marline bounced back and sent me the New Year 2016 resolution which
she signed
“Your Queen”.

Well, Doc Dupiton
was even more unhappy about that, and in Jan. 2016 she struck the final blow
to the marriage. That was just 3 weeks after that resolution signed
'Your Queen".. Thus the reason we are
Now on to Top Secret Evidence #10, |
Now that you've witnessed my horrible life in a dungeon,
you are now about to witness how my wife was also instructed to starve me to death.
Now, I am a good cook, and my wife was
privileged to often
come home and find a full course dinner ready. Something that created another
source of jealousy for the Dupiton & Claude women with husbands who
can’t cook an egg. But with me often in a state of depression in a
dungeon, the last thing in my mind was cooking. Then I noticed that my
wife had also stopped cooking as I was surviving on Chinese food.
So when I asked her about her non-cooking, she
YOURSELF". So after getting brainwashed into Doc
ultra-feminist doctrine, Marline believed that she was a maid the
previous 4 years.
Then when I told Johanne what Marline said, she
showed no concern for her uncle going hungry. So since the last time I
saw my family I weighted 190 lbs, I got on a scale and took this picture
showing my weight going from 190lbs to 165 lbs, and sent
it to them.

And since I got no feedback on the picture, the
next time I saw Johanne I asked her: “HEY JOJO,
DID YOU SEE HOW MUCH WEIGHT I LOST?”. Her exact reply was
‘MWEN WÈ SA WI (Yes I saw that). No
concern, no suggestion, no offer to talk to Marline, because these were
her instructions. So this is how my family screwed up my wife &
daughter's heads with their cruel ultra-feminist mentality.
Now, comes the climaxing 'Top Secret'
picture-evidence saved for last..
Now, this climaxing picture is one that I could have
never imagined releasing in my wildest dreams. But due to the
stand of non-cooperation imposed on Marline, even in addressing the issue
of my daughter, I have no choice but to use all tools at my disposal to
force public pressure to get answers.
But I must start by apologizing to Marline for this
release as the picture makes reference to her daughter Tiffany.
However, the one person to blame for that is again Dr. Dupiton who
had sent me an outrageous text message in which she linked the picture &
Tiffany to the marriage break up. A behavior that is consistent with Doc
Dupiton who, knowing Marline's weakness for the children, used them to
trigger the split-personality that she had diagnosed her with.
Therefore, before showing that picture, I must first
show you the text message that Doc Dupiton had the nerve to send me in
2018, as if she had resided in our marital home.

Now, instead of positive advices to help her uncle and his marriage, you just read Johanne
confessing to her complicity in the marriage demise by blaming it on idiocies
she must have put in Marline' s head. Like me invading her children privacy
and throwing their stuff in the garbage. But the big one here
that caused me to release this next unpleasant picture is her
accusation that 'I sent out pictures of
Tiffany's dog sh*t'.
Well here is the truth on that one. There was
ONLY ONE picture that was sent in STRICT CONFIDENCE, and
ONLY to Doc
Dupiton and her mother Liliane during a private phone conversation when I
was complaining to them about the unpleasant view that
welcomed me each time I came out of my bedroom with Tiffany's room
facing me. So I took the picture to show them what I was referring to.
here is the look I was sharing with them in privacy. An unpleasant picture that I had not even shown to my wife, but that Doc
Dupiton obviously used to trigger Marline by falsely claiming that I
sent it out to people. So Marline only has Doc Dupiton, who
she's been covering up for, to blame for this release.
Take a look. The little brown spot on the floor are all the
"Dog Poops” I had to look
at each day, and that Dr.
Dupiton thinks are healthy and sanitary in a girl’s bedroom that looks
more like a dump.

Well, what you just saw
would never be acceptable in Doc Dupiton's home, nor in Joelle, Ronald,
Richard, Eric or in the home of any wife. But if it's Tiffany's room and dog
it's OK, as Tiffany is a good trigger to make Marline break
her marriage.
It's the picture taken after good husband Jean
Claude put on the gloves and protective equipment to enter the room with
disinfectants, then ripped out the carpet, scrubbed the mud built
underneath, varnished the floor and refurbished the
furniture. Then after all was all done, here is the picture of the
same room with a shinning floor that made my wife happy and thankful
for having a hard working husband.

So with Dr. Dupiton glorifying the 'Before'
view, and ignoring the 'After' view, it proves that we
have a wicked Mad Doc who is also jealous of Marline's hard-working

And as far as Tiffany's dog Carter using the whole house as his private toilet,
good-husband JC also hand-fabricated a gate so the Dog can roam safely in the backyard,
and toilet-trained him to do his thing outside.
But good-husband
JC did not stop there. I spent my own $250 to invest in a luxury dog house for
Carter. And again for the evidence that does
not lie, here is the picture I took soon after and sent to my wife
showing Carter relaxing comfortably inside his new luxury home with the sign "Carter's
house" at the entrance.

So if the Jo's
tag-team of Johanne and
Joelle thinks that all these
good deeds for my wife and for her daughter's dog Carter made me a
low-life & a bad husband, you can advise them to get counseling
and treatment for their cruel, chronic and destructive jealousy.
But I close this section with these words for the Mad Doc:
Since Johanne's other accusation relating to my wife's children is
that I broke the marriage because I "put the
children's stuff in the garbage", I guess that instead of
throwing out all the junk & infested carpet with Carter's 'poop' in the
garbage, I should have had it all shipped to her house in Baldwin, or to Camkids Pediatrics.
Then I'd still have a marriage today.
Why the hell didn't I think of doing that? |
As I had ended Part-1 with some burning questions
my family, I am closing this Part-2 with some concerning questions
for the Mith family relating to their attitude toward Marline who they view more like a doll to
pamper, rather than an individual able to make her own decisions,
or a mature woman able to manage her home, or as a wife able to handle her
marital affairs with her words treated as irrelevant
and set aside in favor of Joelle's words, even those of her daughter
And I say to the Mith family that: "If you disagrees with me, then here are some
questions to ask and answer to yourselves. Because if you truly cared
for her wellbeing and respected her individuality & her words,
then how do you explain...?
The fact that
after I showed you evidence of the women
of my family taking advantage of Marline by brainwashing her into an ultra-feminist, anti-men cult
mentality with Marline promising to do whatever they ask of her as she
stated in this
text that she sent me,

how come
you just did not care about that? and her helping them do what?
As to her helping my family, I told you
of a police
detective informing me that Doc Dupiton had
dragged Marline to the police station to involve her in a fraudulent police
how come
you did not raise hell that Marline was becoming Doc Dupiton's pasty?
Then beside latching on to my family, we have Marline who has
her own daughter Tiffany, latching on to my mine who Doc Dupiton offered her
as reward. Something that Marline confirmed in these messages I had shared
with you, and in which she put my daughter first on her list, then audaciously
told me that my daughter is a wrong lady in my life.

Words showing a delusional mental condition with Marline thinking
that my family is now her family, and that my daughter is her daughter who I
have no business with.
So Mith people, if you cared for Marline, how do you explain not seeing
those as something
psychologically wrong with her?
when I told you of my embarrassment
when a couple told me that they saw
Marline acting as a maid at Johanne's house, serving guests her party,
how come
you were not also embarrassed for her? Is it because it is the same way boss
Joelle uses Marline as a servant at her parties
When I explained that Doc Dupiton had coerced Marline into an act of
attempted negligent homicide that could have gotten her decades in jail if
it had succeeded,
how come
you did not scream OH MY GOD
if you cared.?
When I showed you
an email of Marline to her girlfriend Rachel
Berthoumieux that looked
more like an embarrassing love & apology letter saying crazy things like
"her dearest friends comes before her husband... that I'll never
have the relationship they have... that she'll kick her husband's ass out
for Rachel, etc", How come you were not shocked at Marline degrading herself
to Rachel.
Tiffany boycotted her mother's home to
pressure her to leave me, and I saw how much that hurt my wife, I wrote Tiffany a letter begging her
to end the boycott of her mother.
So how come you
all supported her boycott rather making her end it as her mother's
marriage was not her business?
When I showed you a laundry list
of Joelle’s history of negative
psychological influence on Marline’s children for years,
how come, as her brothers & uncle, you did not
confront her if you
cared for the children?
After I
secured a Marketing position for Tiffany,
then worked with Nicholas on his
resume to get him a business position, that Joelle made them both lose,
how come no
family member tried to help Marline's children careers
as Bad-JC did?
Nicholas could not afford to
repair his car, and Joelle kept harassing him for using his grandmother's
car after Marline gave him permission to do, I was the one who secretly spent $800 to get it
fixed, and gave Marline the key for him. So how come
no uncle offered to help Nicholas, even uncle Richard working
for a car dealership.
Then as I was helping
Nicholas delinquent college loans, and Joelle blasted Marline over debt
collectors calling her house which resulted in another Joelle police drama,
how come there was
no outrage over the actions of
the Joelle who would not lend $20 to her sister without a signed
2-weeks contract to repay?.
There is this question that always bothered me since my wedding day. If you
truly love your sister Marline, what could have made you skip attending her wedding
which is the biggest celebration in a woman's life?
Was that a show disapproval, or a lack of sister love?
And the list can go on for 10 more pages.
So if I could care enough to be troubled by these
questions, but her own family never did, then the case is made that the family never truly cared for
Now, let me make it clear
that in reading these final words, I am in no way trying
to preach to anyone, as this is not right or my place to do. But as an elder to
you all, I am hoping that you will welcome a few words of wisdom on
what you just read.
Having said that, one of my strongest beliefs is
that living in 'Truth' is a
value that defines 'True
Adult Maturity', and the ability to recognize our
mistakes is what elevates a man to the status of 'Bigger
Man'. So today, I think that we are at the crossroads where
adults in both families need to reason as 'True
adults', and our men need to become
'Bigger Men' with empathy and the courage to extend apologies
when appropriate.
So as I focus on the men of our families, let show
you some actual cases where acceptance of the truth and being bigger men
can bring closure to this drama in ways that hiding behind silence and expecting me to simply disappear can never do.
Because, just like all untreated cancer cells will spread to kill you,
everything I presented so far are the cancer cells that, if allowed to
be released publicly, will result n a reputation and profession killing
The 2 examples I am about to present are
based on the single event that started it all and resulted to my
statement above that "Marline
not treated as an individual by her family, and her words are set aside
in favor of Joelle and Tiffany's words".
As proven before, it was in January 2014 that Joelle ignited
the fuse of this catastrophe with the fabrication that I
"Assaulted and Punched Tiffany". A
lie that was allowed to spread like a cancer in her family. But as
Marline recognized the danger, she immediately responded with a strong
condemnation of the cancerous lie that I assaulted her daughter in letters to her family from which I quote:.
to her family
this situation started with an
Tiffany was not satisfied
with my action she decided to call the entire family.
... to make a long story short,
incident was over. It was an
... Jean Claude would
never hit a
So with Marline the wife, mother &
of the house having spoken, one should assume this cancer was dead on
arrival. Well It was, until Joelle who seems to think
that 'Accident' means 'Assault
& punch', came back with the following.
Joelle to Marline
... What disturbs me and the family is that this "good man"
assaulted your daughter...
you and him described it as an "accident", It was
no accident, just
as his
to you .
to me
...you crossed the line
when you
punched my niece on
the face &
tried to
choke my sister
... you tried to
Marline &
punched her daughter she loves so much
on the
So Marline tries the truth with kid brother Richard Mith:
you came to my house and got involved in my family issue, it was because
Tiffany was
... I love my husband
and I want him to feel comfortable again with the family" .
Ignoring his sister whose words are
irrelevant, brother Richard sent me this letter full of threats.

First, as I have talked
about the history of violence in the Mith family in Part-1, this letter
from Richard loaded with threats of violence proves me right, and
also shows where Nicholas got the training to assault 64 years old senior
citizen with chokehold. That letter also
confirms that this drama is the result of Marline and her words being
treated as irrelevant. For example:
FIRST: With him being only
Marline's kid brother, whatever made him think that he has the authority
to tell me "...you can leave the house"?
I guess that the irrelevant Marline had nothing to say
about that.
SECOND: In saying
"..you are not going to throw my nephew and
niece out of the house". Not only did he ignore that
Marline is the wife and mother who speaks for her
children, but I wonder who put in his head that I can be so inhumane to
them. Oh I
know who, it had to be Big Boss Joelle.
THIRD: Then when it comes to the
house, for him to tell me that "none of your money
did not go into buying the house", he must have forgotten
that neither did his money. But most important is the fact that I
did not marry a house but Marline. And when her house was facing
foreclosure, it was my money that saved it for his sister,
and that none of his, Joelle or Ronald money went into saving it.
Thus giving me plenty of rights to talk and make decisions as man of the
house and husband bringing in more beacon into the home. Not a loudmouth
kid brother in law.
FOURTH: As to him telling me
"You will stay in your place",
my reply is "I was in my place as the
head of the Elie household". The
only one who needed to stay in his place was the arrogant kid brother with no
respect for his big sister and her home.
Then the
proof that this drama is the result of Marline's words getting no
respect is in the contrasting ways that Marline described what
happened, and what he wrote in his
letter above.
So here is
what how Marline described the moment to her family, pointing out my
gentleman-like reaction toward Richard. Then I will tell you afterward why his reaction was so different and threatening.
to her family: on Richard's visit :
next day, Ricky came to my house and started to talk to JC,
Jean Claude
stayed calm and even shook his hands"
if 'I stayed calm and even shook his hands', my only
explanation for this letter is that kid brother Richard wanted to show
his manhood to Joelle as some 'Bigger Man',
since big brother Ronald never spoke.
But what he missed is that his behavior is not what being a
'Bigger man' is about. It's about
what Marline told her family, which was: "JC stayed calm & even shook
his hands". Because a little man would have gone for a
baseball bat.
In fact the best example of 'Bigger Man'
was in my reply to this atrocious
letter, and specially how I addressed his threat of
"Bring your boys, I got people too".
I simply explained to him that:

Richard did not like my
'Bigger Man' response & claimed that I insulted him.
But there was no insult, only that the truth often hurts and it
takes a 'Bigger Man' to accept the truth,
rather than be angry at it.
Now, in
addition to Marline's words being ignored, let me
give a specific case of how disdain for the truth was the greatest
factor in creating and sustaining the drama.
Fortunately, unlike other cases, this one was recorded on video from
start to finish by Tiffany who, upon entering our bedroom at 2AM
with camera running, proceeded to grab her mother and started to drag
her out of the room until I ran over to pull her back inside and close the door.
Then after
Joelle claimed that I had assaulted and
punched Tiffany, I knew that there was a smoking gun
video to condemn or exonerate me. However, as the accused, I could not
get to see it.
But after putting a lot pressure on my wife by telling her
that the police that Joelle had called wanted to see the video, Marline
was able to get it from Tiffany.. But a big surprise awaited me.
For a
video that ran some 2 minutes or more, I only got the last 15 seconds
when I reached out to pull my wife back into the room. So just
like the missing minutes of the Nixon Watergate tapes, we have 2 missing
minutes of the Joelle-Gate tape.
Now, in
order for you to capture the significance of the deduction that I am about to
arrive at,
you must first view this 15 seconds video clip that I was provided before
we proceed.

Well, between all the 'fu****g' profanities
packed into 15 seconds, the only 'hitting' you heard about was Tiffany
claiming 'You hit my mother', not
hitting her. To which Marline immediately and strongly replied:
'No. he did not hit me... Get out Tiffany".
Therefore we can unanimously agree that Joelle Mith-Joseph
owes me an apology.
But even
as recently as this year, I have continued to ask her family to provide me with the FULL
video to put the matter to rest publicly once and for all.
First, let me ask you: "Is
that the kind of behavior and the profanities that you
found acceptable from a young niece toward her mother & her husband
Inside their bedroom?
But most
important: You have all seen the full video that proves that Tiffany and Joelle lied. So it is time for
'adults to act as adults', and for
'men to act as real men' by
admitting that your actions created this major 2-families catastrophe.
Then if you can find the courage to become
'Bigger Men', you will also apologize. But I am not hoping
for all that, only that you address the consequences of the actions
depicted by the 'Top-Secret'
picture-evidences presented above that culminated in your
Marline's head getting screwed up, her marriage ruined and reputation
stained. Actions that nearly cost me my life, cost me some vision, dismantled
my family and led to the moral & mental corruption of my daughter.
As I told Marline once, God did not give us children to
hold on to for life. He made us mothers and fathers
to raise them, teach them good values & manners,
give them guidance and education, then release them to
the word to restart the cycle.
Well, as a father, I completed
that cycle to my satisfaction. I gave life to my daughter
Tanisha and raised her with all the values I was brought
up with. And throughout her life as a divorced
father, I never missed an important event in her life, whether it is an anniversary, parent-teacher
meeting, science project, dance recital, track
competition, yearly moves in & out of her Seton Hall
dormitory, trips to summers camp, even loading my RockMasters
van upon her asking to go DJ at her mother & grandparents anniversary
parties & church functions. A father who took her
with him wherever he went from Jersey to Boston,
Florida, Haiti, etc., and who
met or overpaid every penny of his child support obligations without
ever skipping a beat.

Just like by some Houdini magic trick, the Claude &
Dupiton of my family transformed her into an
unrecognizable person who lost all values to disrespect
her father, promote lies, even exhibiting cruel act of
abandonment, to refusing to take him to surgery,
But the most troubling one is the
stand she took in covering up for Doc Dupiton's attempt
on her father's life by refusing to explain the frantic
' 6AM phone calls from Doc
Dupiton and her to my wife following the "Faking-230BP"
This is an immoral transformation of
my daughter that coincided with my wife's transformation
into the Split-Personality diagnosed by Doc Dupiton as
part of a psychological warfare that targeted my
daughter and wife.
As far as Marline is concerted,
if at
her age she could be so vulnerable & gullible to be
indoctrinated into the Claude/Dupiton idiotic ultra-feminist
cult of insanity, and later refused to free herself even
with my help, then that is her stupidity & her loss.
But as to my daughter, it's a
different ball game for which the Claude/Dupiton have
not yet seen the final score. Because they will
answer to her and answer my questions, or their
accountability will carry a significant high price. A
that the Mith family will also share in if Marline does not
cooperate in addressing the issue of my daughter.
As I told Doc Dupiton more than once:
'Messing with a man's marriage
& wife is one thing. But when you also mess with his
daughter and her mind, YOU'VE CROSSED THE RED LINE.'.
In the end, what I am demanding is
what all fathers like Ronald Mith, Richard Mith,
Stan Joseph, Frantz Balmir, Gregory Claude, Patrick
Colimon and even Guy Theus-Dupiton, would demand for
their daughters. So if these men and fathers have any
honesty and integrity, they will demand the same for
father Jean-Claude Elie. Because this is way bigger and
more consequential than their assaults on a wife and
In closing:
We are at the point where the
Mith family risks having all its skeletons above and those still in the closets
explode wide open to the public and on social media if it does not collaborate and to insure Marline's cooperation.
So I hope that what I
exposed above will motivate people finally follow the truth that I have
been preaching to Marline, my daughter, nephews, and now to the Mith
with the phrase: "Only the Truth shall set you free"
The same truth in this video message I had put together of
Michelle Obama addressing our families, and that I leave you with today.