An Essay on the Values of Male Authority Figure
What happens to a family void of a strong male figure, or a woman able to
fill the shoes of a missing physical male, is exactly what has happened
to this family. But a couple of things are uniquely different, and worse in the
case of this family.
This family has plenty of physical males who for years, were assumed to be
filling these leadership roles within their spheres of influence. That was until it surfaced
late, that not one of them was filing that role.
The absence of effective male influence left total control of the family and all decision
making (good or bad) to women who would squash any attempted male
influence. Even going as far as involving of
outsiders into the family business to help destroy a blood relative attempting
to impose himself as a significant male. In this scenario that we are living in, he is
Jean-Claude Elie, the elder male and son of
the family's late matriarch,
such opposition to male influence or participation was to allow the imposition
of a feminist, women superiority mentality on the family, by coercing everyone
into a twisted cultist doctrine under the control of Doc
Dupiton. Ultimately leading to the destruction of the whole family.
Let me start with a
brief introduction of the men who should have been the male
figures alongside the women, providing some leadership and support when the family faced adversity.
Late husband of sister Liliane Claude, and father to Johanne & Dominique. A good
man who was a mentor to me, and who tried to provide some leadership to his Claude
family. But he was greatly hampered by alcoholism, that also made him dependent
on the women of family. He was never respected by his daughters, specially the
youngest Johanne Dupiton, who also taught my daughter how to be
disrespectful to her father. |
Husband of my other sister Roselyne, and father to Eric Jr. & Frantz
Balmir. He never had a father figure in his life,
therefore did not have the leadership tools required to transfer manhood into his sons. He
lived totally dependent on the women of the family. In the end, with his poor
heath and his wife suffering from Alzheimer, the Claudes took control of him and
his home under the blind eyes of his naive sons. |
Dr. Marie Dupiton (Johanne). The last person to marry into the family after Marline. When I
expressed to him during an honest husband to husband conversation, my concerns over his wife's infringements into my life
with the expectation that he
would address the issue, he shocked me with the response
"I do not get
involved in family affairs". To which I replied: "When you married my niece, I thought you became family".
In the end, he was immaterial as a male figure, to the point that he traded his Theus family name
for his wife's ex-husband name of Dupiton . But Marline had a better explanation
during her good wife
days when she said: "Guy can't talk in that house
in fear that Johanne will kick his butts
out". But what Marline missed, is that Johanne's devious plan was
to have
Marline kick her own husband's butts out, while she kept her Guy. |
Husband of Dominique Claude-Colimond, who I call 'Smiley', because he always has a
smile. He leaves all decisions to his wife, but I give him a pass
because of his innocent and harmless personality. He may not even be
well-informed of what is going on today, as his wife took refuge with him in
Florida. |
and son of sick sister Roselyne. Married to a prima Donna who practices the
principle of "Fe sa'm vle, le'm vle. Soti le'm vle", while
she refers to her
husband with demeaning nicknames of Fanfan Who-don't-talk, Fanfan
Fanfan Big-Belly, Fanfan You-can-slap-and-he-just-smiles, Etc. So,
I don't need to say more about his male leadership influence.
military service who is disconnected with the drama. His single attempt
at initiating a peace process during his last visit here was squashed by
Doc Dupiton, and short lived like all previous & subsequent attempts.
Then he went back to service & to his family. He gets a pass from me.
(RICKY) Nephew and elder son of sister Roselyne, who I once believed was
providing male leadership to the family during my decades living away in NJ. A
belief based on the fact that he was very involved, and always showed deep
caring for the family. I had also trusted him to look out for my daughter's
well-being since the 2 were very close. As the elder male
of his generation, I will be saying more about his surprising and defining
contribution to the family
breakdown. |
only son of our matriarch, and senior blood male of the family. A committed family
believer and supporter who never once said the word NO to anyone in the family,
nor to his wife Marline. Except when 'no' is the right answer. He is the one
whose male leadership role averted many Johanne instigated family divisions, by
hosting family reunions horning our late mariachi. A man of peace and a promoter of the
acronym DTRT (Do The Right Thing) to his
juniors. But that would go into one ear and out the other. For
those qualities, he was viewed as a male threat, and targeted for destruction by
Dr. Marie Dupiton.
So as you can see, with
the 8 names listed, the family is not short of
male bodies, and should have been be rich in male leadership. Therefore what was the problem?
It all started when
the 2 strong women who filled the males shoes for this family were no
longer available for these roles. These women were our matriarch who gave birth to
2 daughters and a son to start her family tree.
The other strong woman is her second
daughter Roselyne Mackenzie-Balmir, a sister you have not heard
much about in this family drama. Therefore I think it is now important for me to
say a few words about her, as she is also a reason for my determination
to fight the injustice, immorality and inhumanity that the Claude branch
has brought to this family following our matriarch passing, and later with my
sister Roselyne's Alzheimer affliction. What I am about to say about sister
Roselyne is also for the benefit of her sons Ricky & Fanfan who do not realize
that you must know your history if you are to be somebody making the right
decisions in life.
Roselyne Mackenzie-Balmir is a sister
who, following her studies at 'Lycee Des Jeunes Filles' at the age of 18,
left the comfort of her family in Haiti to board a plane for a long voyage to Congo, Africa
on a teaching contract. A long flight to this far away continent that almost
took her life, as the plane had to make an emergency landing on its belly when
metal hit concrete with sparks flying. An incident that she did not tell
the family till decades later. There she met husband
Eric Balmir, and started her family. At the end of her contract she came to the US,
and worked her way from Brooklyn to Cambria Heights, Queens where she
bought the first house owned by this family in 1969. From there, she brought the
whole family to the US one by one, starting with mother, then her
little brother Claudy who she pushed through college and into a Masters Degree
in Engineering.
Her house in Cambria Heights, where she still
resides, became the starting point where members of the family passed through to
make a life in the US. A house that catered many weddings, baptisms, communions,
graduations etc. A house that became a family landmark, where everyone took refuge in
of need. A house whose doors were never locked and anyone could walk right in anytime
during the day or evening without ringing a bell. A house that took people in,
and never turned anyone away. Finally, a house where our mother took her last
breath for her final journey. Then not long after, my sister Roselyne started to
show early signs of Alzheimer, as her husband was struck by a stroke.
That's when the house began to change for the
worse. And as my sister developed full Alzheimer, the Claudes stepped in. Then
in 2016, following the Dupiton scripted break up of my marriage, I automatically
took refuge to the same old family house without having to give notice, as I had
a key. So once more, I was with my sister, giving her support and putting a
smile on her face.

But it did not take long for me to discover that
it was not the same welcoming house, as sister Liliane came over and yelled at
me: "Tout moun konnin ou fou. Map fe yo fout ou deyo
ici'a tou" (Everyone knows ou are crazy. I
am going to get you kicked out of here also).
Well, this was the day I learned that I was
crazy, and it was also a confession hat the crazy/mental Claudy slogan that Doc
Dupiton was insanely screaming in the hallways of the Westbury court house
was a fabrication o the Mad Doc. But, I was even more shocked with the last word
of "tou"(also),
which was a confession that she had me kicked out of my home before. And the
only prior time was a few weeks before from my marital home. Thus 2 solid
confessions on her part in the house where our mother's soul still resides.
Then I soon learned that, when the
Claude/Dupiton renegades team speaks, it's serious business. Because in a matter
of months, the family house that took people in, became the eviction house, as
brother Claudy became the first victim with an eviction notice being
delivered to me by 2 of the family's so-called men listed above. They were my
nephew Frantz, and nephew Ricky who promised to have my back, now stabbing it as
he executed an act scripted by master conspirator Dr. Marie Dupiton of Camkids
Pediatrics. The same Dr. Dupiton who had sent the very first eviction
notice to my wife and I for our office apartment above Camkids after our
wedding, proving once more that all bad things start and end at Dupiton/Claude
Well, how did it get to this point?
In applying
standard family chain of command and seniority ladder, once our matriarch
took her last breath for her long
journey above, the baton of her family legacy was inherited by, and automatically passed on to
her elder first
daughter Liliane Claude.
Similarly, as sister
Roselyne was overtaken by Alzheimer, and her husband not fully recovered from
his stroke, her Balmir branch legacy baton
was also left for her elder son Eric Balmir Jr. to pick up and carry
Now, it is clear tat upon receiving the batons of
family legacy, , they both dropped it like hot potatoes of responsibilities. And
opportunist Johanne quickly picked them up to impose her
anti-men & women superiority doctrine over the family.
So, once I observed the gave threats to the
survival of a family that lost all common senses with 7 male figures standing by
as spectators, or participants in its moral degradation, I did what
my responsibilities called for as the elder male and official patriarch of my
mother's family. I demanded answers, explanations and rectifications. Not just
for what happened to the family, but to the following 3 big questions:
Why were these family problems directly
connected to my marriage to Marline?
Why did the family breakdown occur
simultaneously with the unrelated marriage break up?
Why were those immediately followed by the
split with my daughter?.
Well, as I took on the leadership role, little
did I know that niece Johanne had used those dropped batons and her MD license
as some credential to jump over 4 levels of the seniority ladder as the
self-proclaimed family authority. Then go criminally insane over the idea of a
real male leader (not a boss), participating in decision making. A deranged attitude
that she audaciously extended to my marriage, where
my being an influential male partner to my wife was also problematic to her.
Specially as I began to host family
events in our more spacious home, which the Doc viewed as a challenge to her
monopolizing of family
All this led her to the delusion of using the batons to whip uncle Claudy into submission. A
grave miscalculation about an uncle who used to change her
diapers, now decades her senior, and 100x smarter than she could ever be.
Still as a man of peace, my first move was to call for a family meeting
that my
nephews and daughter had agreed to set up, with the elder nephew
Ricky in charge. The nephew hat I had trusted as the male
figure of the family. In fact, upon hearing about my wife putting me out, he
immediately informed me that:
"These women of the family are trouble, and the reason he lives far in Brooklyn.
They had even sided with my previous wife against me. In addition, they never
apologize for anything"
Then he
went to demand explanation
from Marline, and even made her return my pension
payments she was holding back.
And as
far as these women never apologizing, which we all have 2 years of proof today,
he had made my daughter be the first to apologize after
she made a disrespectful gesture toward me. Then for icing on the cake, he told me
“Don't worry uncle, I got
your back"
At that
moment, I became convinced that
my wife & in-laws would have to deal with him for our family. In fact, my trust in him was evidenced
years before when I had made him my first choice of best man for my wedding to
Marline. But God with his vision into the future had created a conflict, and he
was substituted.
So after my nephews and daughter agreed to
set up the family meeting, I waited a long time to hear back. Then the Claudes
once more used the youngest one, my daughter to deliver their rejection
this insulting and disrespectful message to her father:
"''No one wants to sit for
listening to ou talk about conspiracies. Thee will be no meeting unless it's
with a psychologist or drug counselor''
So, it became clear to me that dealing with sister
Lilliane and her daughters was not going to be easy. And since the Balmir males
were ineffective in setting up the family meeting, I thanked them for trying,
and said that I would not need them in
this purely brother/sister conflict with my sister Liliane.
But the events that followed revealed to me that
I was ignored and that my nephews were converted by the women as male renegades.
And that my trusted nephew Eric Jr. who had my back was on top of my back
stabbing it with the help of his younger brother Frantz. So. out of the window
went my belief in a family male leader.
But the treasonous behavior was not restricted
within the family, as I witnessed something that was a first in the history of families.
While all families, even at time of
adversities bind together to resist outside threats, this family did the
opposite. It sides with its antagonists, and helps them destroy one of its blood
members. They even linked with my wife, a nephew's wife, my in-laws, even my
separated wife to take
down an uncle, brother, even a father in the family. All while the family men remained as spectators, or like my 2 nephews, assisted the anti-family
campaign with outsiders by desecrating the family home in Cambria heights with
acts such as:
allowing outsiders to send police to their parents house to arrest an uncle
Teaming with non-family to file false police complaints on family.
Bringing City Marshal to evict their senior from the family home
Slandering a family member with labels of drug addict, mental sickness, and
encouraging outsiders to do the same.
/Promoting an outsider's fabricated label of me as 'Elder Abuser'
of my sick sister in her home. Even sister Liliane said nothing.
Nephews turning their parent's house into a fortress with surveillance
cameras in every room to watch the movements of a family member under
phone to control.......
And the list of treasonous actions with outsiders against the family goes
on and on.
fact, my separated wife Marline Elie was the family's most powerful outside
weapon against me, by using her fragile personality
as a
people pleaser who welcomed being told that any wrongdoing by her
adult children of family member was actually my fault. So in being fooled to
turn against her husband, Marline became Doc Dupiton's tool to use against this
uncle, to the point that Doc Dupiton recently dragged her to a police station to
file a false charge that the DA rejected.
To make the point, here are 4 direct quotes
reflecting the family treason with outsiders through the words of 2
non-family, followed by 2 family members. These 4 demonstrate what happens to a
family when negative women are let loose without a single significant male
(To Denigrate male & show authority over me in family)
You tried to CONTROL me with you MACHO MANN.
got the wrong ladies. Me & Tanisha we do what we
want when we want
● I
agree with your family & will help them anyway I can"
(Still trying for one example of “control & macho man
( As for helping my family: Getting dragged to
police station by Mad Doc is evidence)
EX-WIFE PAULETTE: (Brought Back in to attack
blood family)
''You like to tell people what to do. You can't
control me''
one you left me for really fucked you up. This is KARMA'
(I'm able to control a remarried wife? -
And Karma 30 yrs late on a fib?
Good Trick Mad Doc.
JR.: (Male figure converted into women 'control' talk)
Upon me
asking him how my daughter and boyfriend were doing, he
don't like her boyfriend, he is controlling & tries to CONTROL her''
(So a strong man is a 'controller')
(On male insignificance)
''You had a nice wife to deal with your mess.
You could not just
shut up and be a good husband
So: Guy
Dupiton, Eric Balmir Sr., Frantz Balmir & Patrick Colimon are ''Just-Shut-Up”
husbands''. Proving the reason for family breakdown. But since real man JC can't be
he must be destroyed.
I think that those 4
examples gave a picture of a family without a male figure.
In the end, I hold the men of the
family largely responsible for allowing the negative women to drag he family down a
dark hole. From Doc Dupiton's husband Guy Theus-Dupiton, who observed all the
plots, conspiracies and cruel acts being scripted from his Baldwin home &
renegades headquarters. Even silently observing the kidnapping
of my wife being executed by the wife he sleeps with every night.
And while he
once told me: ''I
do not get involved in family disputes'', he was the first male to cut off
communication with me, and who was present in court to support my niece actions.
That is not non-involvement, but
coward involvement. In the end, he is the
definition of Tanisha's ''Just-Shut-Up" husband.
But the
top ''Immaterial male'' trophies go to my nephews Eric
Jr. & Frantz Balmir who, after
being clearly advised not to get involved in a brother/sister dispute that did not concern them,
they became the executioners for Doc Dupiton in
leading the family into disgrace. They turned their mother's family home of
prayer into a shameful house of eviction, now resembling a fortress with
cameras in every room to monitor everyone's movement on their cell phones. A
totally psychotic behavior prescribed by Medical Doctor Marie Dupiton of Camkids
And while
on my nephews, let me share these 2 sets of written words from nephew Eric
Balmir Jr. Words that glaringly show his transformation over a short year, from
being a trusted man and a believer in family values, to an indoctrinated subject
representing the worst of what Doc. Dupiton did to a used-to-be great and
united family.
On the left is a message
he sent me in reply to my initiative for a family reunion honoring our
late matriarch in 2015. And on the right is a
message he sent over a year later to me, the Claude, Dupiton, Balmir, Colimon,
including my daughter & her mother. A message in which he proudly celebrated in
the most vulgar language, his successful mission of evicting me from his
mother's house on behalf of Doctor Dupiton.
Hello Uncle Claudy,
am extremely excited that you have chosen to
take the lead and host an event to honor Memmere after 10 years of her
I believe
a celebration of our family values is long overdue!
You have
set an example of how we can continue to
share our family
values with our children and this needs to be well
Your Christmas Family Tree is not only thoughtful but
Brilliant. You have some serious graphic skills.

By the way I never call you Uncle
Claudy ( LOL) -
-Ii just felt
I had to follow the chain of
command structure you are setting
Eric Balmir Jr. |
- 100% FALSE -
List of Dupiton character assassination
You are fucking with the wrong one.
You homeless drug addict. Get some psychiatric help and you
will get your family back! Get off the drug you sick Fuck!
Childish chortling is not demonstrative of maturity from a
62-year old senior citizen who sees himself as a victim with
no self blame.
I could describe how your habit
precipitated an argument with my mother and precipitated the
death of your mother - my grand-mother... then showed at my
parents during the wee hours of the night bringing your vice
How you did not pay rent becoming a
professional SALOPAR.... How your unclean habits caused the
house to be mice infested...
How in the break of 3 marriages
and a few liaisons, you are the COMMON DENOMINATOR!!! ... We
cannot endorse or support your love affair with mind
altering drugs n alcohol nor an obsession with my aunt,
cousins, brother, sister in law over our self inflicted
demise of your marriage to Marline....
Whatever how my dick swings, I have
not taken my family through drama... Get help... I will be
right there when you get it!
(Last comment refers to the fact that he is homosexual) |
Now, I will not spend time
discrediting each statement in the 2nd message, since their falsehood is
obvious. Bt I will make these 3 points:
it is obvious that no one, including me, could not go from the person on the
left to the one on the right overnight, upon a marriage split. IMPOSSIBLE.
No one here, nor anywhere on this planet who knows the Jean-Claude Elie on
the left, has ever seen the person the right. Unless you are a Dupiton
brainwashed victim.
And you all know by
now from the mountains of evidences you've seen, statements on drug, 0 for 3
in wives etc. are nothing more than a Mad Doc creations for character
Final proof is his reference to the
crazy/mental slogan that the Mad Doc was recently yelling
during her mental breakdown in the hallways of Westbury court upon badly
losing, as reprinted below.
you just witnessed, is a sample of the brainwashing and cultist indoctrination
of members of the family by a psychotic, sadistic Mad Doc Dupiton. These 2
abnormally contrasting messages from one individual in a short time span will
serve as the lead off to the subject of my next major report which
The rise of the Dupiton Cultist
mentality into the transformation of a cult family
And to
prepare you for that report, let me give you an updated to my last report on the
insane spectacle in court after losing the ''Ass is Grass" trial. It is another
example of what can happen to a family without a male leadership, or a strong
woman to fill in the male shoes.