Sun. Jan. 27, 2019
Hello Everyone,
This report below is a prerequisite to the next one that will address statements made by my wife in a new message this past week. A message that confirms the 2 tracks indoctrination of my daughter and wife, pushing them into a new reality, where what they believed as true in the past is set aside for falsehoods in a virtual reality created for them. Such as my daughter having the memories of her true father erased, and replaced by a fictitious one with a negative profile to justify the conspiracy. Then we have Marline being kept living in the past with negative memories that are not only untrue, but irrelevant today.
This is something I described in length in this report where my wife revealed a strange connection to my daughter and my family. But will be solidified in the next report where it is her daughter & her family that she tries to inject in my current family drama. Somehow unable to accept many established facts
The line of separation are totally blurred to her, as if she has to inject herself in this drama or feel left out. So for you to be able to fit the pieces of this complex psychological puzzle, you need a good understating of this report before getting the next one. So good reading.
Eng. Jean-Claude Elie |
FROM BRAINWASHING TO CULTIST INDOCTRINATION Most Choking revelations in the Dupiton Psychological Warfare |
INTRODUCTION This new report, that I debated over its release, is one that takes the marriage conspiracy to a whole new level. Going from simple manipulation, to coercion, to brainwashing, programming, and now showing evidence of a cultist mentality and a dangerous cultist-type indoctrination that was being run by the Dupiton camp, with a feminist and anti-men based doctrine. An indoctrination campaign that you are about to discover.
Now, this cultist mentality of the Dupiton camp is something that I was always aware of, but never intended to discuss since I did not have the evidence to prove it. In addition, I was reluctant to accept the idea that it was behind my daughter's transformation into someone I no longer recognized. Similar to what has happened to my wife, with both of them being indoctrinated simultaneously, but on separate tracks, as I will show later.
So with this determination about my daughter, she has taken top priority in my search and demand for answers.
MY INITIAL HOPES Now, when I first started to share my story, my hope was that, as evidence of the Dupiton marriage conspiracy got exposure, negative reactions from family, friends and acquaintances would motivate the family to move toward a peaceful resolution, with answers to the questions of my life being turned upside down with losing a wife, a daughter, marriage & home overnight. Then to face a family making me enemy #1 without one word, one warning ever given. As if they expected me to simply take it and walk away, leaving Doc Dupiton & her team bathing in a sea of glory.
So as public pressure and negative feedback were coming in, my hopes became reality when a peace initiative was suggested by my sister/mother of Doc Dupiton, Liliane Claude. But it was a hope quickly dashed as Doc Dupiton opted to go to court claiming harassment, and attempting to paint me as mentally ill. But as you will see, it was an ill-advised and poorly thought strategy by her, as an expert strategist in demolition and division.
HUGE TURNING POINT - MY DAUGHTER & WIFE STRANGE CONNECTION Now, as I am about to share new information, let me first show you how I decided to start the new year 2019 on a positive note, still hoping for a peaceful closure of this matter in spite of the crushing blow to the last peace initiative by Dr. Dupiton. It's a New Year resolution that I started with a gesture to open a line of communication with Marline who still carries an inexplicable anger and under some communication gag order. As without communication there can be no peace.
So on December 31, 2018 I had my New Year wish delivered to her along with my peace resolution.
But. I would soon learn that when Doc Dupiton talks, everybody listens. And when Doc Dupiton acts, or does not act, everybody follows suit. So just like Doc Dupiton rejected all previous attempts at family peace, including this 2015 family peace request by Marline.
Then Doc Dupiton rejected the recent peace request by her mother, sister and my daughter, anyone who is associated with Doc Dupiton, is not only required to reject peace, but is also injected with the "Good-Stuff Allergy". Then even Roses cannot touch such woman's heart
Therefore, one week after sending her my best wishes for New Year 2019 with flowers, Marline sets in motion the new series of events and troubling revelations in a message she sent me. Instead of the simple 2 words "Thank You" for the flowers, ironically 2 simple words that also became aliens to my family, Marline sends me this shocking message. Not only did she also ignore my wish for peace as he "Good-Stuff Allergy" dictates, but like Doc Dupiton, Marline elevated this conflict that is not even her business, to a new level by crossing the red line Doc Dupiton was warned about. My Daughter Tanisha Elie.
Here is her message, not addressed to Jean Claude, but to some "Mr. Elie" she just met. And pay attention to the highlighted brainwashing keywords
Well, there is a lot to dissect here. But just reading Marline's offer to help my family continue doing whatever they've been doing, it will take some extreme audacity for Doc Dupiton to continue claiming innocence in the plot to break the marriage. That was a direct incrimination of the family that you will also hear from her in audio recording, naming Johanne & Liliane.
Also, be aware that the "Mr. Elie" title, the missing "Thank You", the "Marline Mith" signature, were not simple oversights. They were the result of the mass indoctrination that you will soon see with anyone under the control of Doc Dupiton, either consciously or subconsciously.
BRIEF OBSERVATIONS BEFORE ADDRESSING HER REFERENCES TO MY DAUGHTER Now, what you just read, is my separated wife Marline, who I spent the last 3 years shielding from criticism, and presenting as a victim of Dr. Dupiton who scripted the marriage conspiracy. Now, we have the same Marline telling me that she is siding with the Dupiton renegades who executed to the demise of her marriage, with the intention of helping them in the future. But the question is, to help them do what?. Which I will expand on later. In addition, as I read her message, it was clear that the yellow highlighted keywords were ammunitions from the renegades arsenal provided for her new role. So to what do we attribute her strange, not to say treasonous decision?
THE PATTY HEARST EFFECT Well, what we have now, is what I call the Patty Hearst Effect. As anyone old enough, will remember the 70's story of the kidnapping victim Patricia Hearst, who was brainwashed by her captors into sympathizing with them, and joining the terrorist organization against her wealthy family. Marline confirmed such transition of sympathy for the Dupiton renegades by stating above:
In addition, I was dismayed that for someone pushed to self-destruct her marriage after being brainwashed with the "Control" principle, and telling me "You can't control me. I do what I want when I want", that she could be audacious enough to give me a "Stop..." command, relating to my niece.
And let me also clarify that Jean-Claude does not blame anyone. Jean-Claude makes solid accusations with solid evidence. And never did I blame Johanne over my prior so-called "failed marriages". My accusations ONLY involve this marriage as everyone knows. Furthermore, the Doc was smart enough not to mess with my prior Jamaican & No-BS Haitian wives, or she definitively would not be here to mess with this marriage to a weak & vulnerable wife.
Now, talking of my daughter, and since division & destruction are the only type of 'THINGS' that the renegades do, and that Marline could help them with, let me move to the next more sensitive, and personal part of her email. That of my daughter Tanisha.
On numerous prior occasions, I had announced the upcoming release of the "Tanisha Dossier" dealing with the immoral intrusion into my relationship with my daughter by Dr. Dupiton, with the intent of using her in the execution of the marriage conspiracy by turning her against her father. However, I never released the dossier because it is a sensitive matter relating to my daughter, and much more personal to me.
But the multi-faced psychological warfare was having such serious effects on my wife, that it led her to make those bizarre references to my daughter. In those, she is seemingly imposing decisions about my daughter on me, as if she was talking of her own daughter Tiffany, when she stated:
So with that statement, she opened the door to another more immoral and more personal segment of the Dupiton conspiracy that I am forced to address to set the record straight. It is a segment involving a campaign of father/daughter division as a strategic step in accomplishing the marital rupture. A campaign that was running simultaneously & parallel to the marriage conspiracy, but on separate tracks
It was a tactical operation where both tracks would converge on January 26, 2016 to simultaneously cause the marriage break up, and father/daughter split. Thus achieving 2 major victories for the Dupiton renegades syndicate. At that exact moment, all communications with me were also permanently cut off, and Jean-Claude Elie was declared enemy #1 targeted for elimination.
That day came just 3 weeks after Doc Dupiton and the family celebrated New year 2016 at my residence with my wife. And only 1 week after I celebrated Doc Dupiton's birthday at her residence. That infamous day of Jan. 26, 2016 was also when I discovered that this niece of mine was not the confident she presented herself to be, but a double agent spy & traitor that I welcomed to my home. So, while there were signs that I ignored on the marriage division track, the father/daughter division track was totally invisible and undetectable.
Then for 2+ years, Doc Dupiton and I had no contact whatsoever, either via phone, text or email. Nor had she ever replied to my communications demanding an explanation. It was not until April 2018, the day she coerced my weak Balmir nephews to execute my eviction from my other Alzheimer stricken sister's house that I received the very first sign of life from her. It came in a text message to my nephew, checking on the success of the eviction mission. But she did not realize that she was replying to a group text that also included me. So even in that first communication 2 years later, she committed a tactical mistake that exposed her as the scripter of the eviction plot against an uncle who provided her shelter in the past..
So, here is her text to Eric Balmir Jr. fearing that I may have come back to the house, followed by his reply:
Well, as you all can see, my batteries are running stronger than ever.
And when it comes to evidence of Dr. Dupiton's complicity in the eviction plot, and her sadistic urge to inflict pain with a desire to see me evicted from wherever I live, take a look at her latest message to me months later on the subject:
But, this also gives me the opportunity to remind those who said that JC did "THINGS" to my wife, that JC does not do, or say "THINGS". JC provides solid evidence of what he says.
GOING INTO THE BRAINWASHING & INDOCTRINATION Now with this background information, let me go into the psychological influence on my daughter from the references to her in Marline's email. Then expose the indoctrination of this family into believing in a Dupiton created reality, as coercion evolved into a full cultist-type programming of fabricated truth. In the end, even what they knew to be absurdities, became their new reality.
This will become clearly visible when I take you on a tour of fictitious programming classrooms with real life examples of lessons on tools & techniques to turn the Jean-Claude Elie they all knew, respected and loved, into a monster with all the ills and bad habits of the world. A transformation he supposedly achieved overnight upon the marriage break up, and simultaneously became the family's enemy #1 being slandered, subjected to false arrest and eviction. In the end, you will see a series of assassination attempts of his character, personally, and even physically. Therefore, the only way to get his daughter to go along with, or turn a blind eye to such immoral capital sins targeting her father, is through cultist indoctrination & programming. And the immorality aspect of this mental assault, reaches a critical state when all this evil transformation of my daughter took place under the supervision of the family elder, mother of Doc Dupiton, my 77 year old sister Liliane Claude.
You will get to experience Dupiton students, like my daughter, wife, sister, nieces, nephews, even my ex-wife, repeat the lessons learned in their own writings of exact same phrases on different topics. Not just in similarities, but word for word phrases, like fully plagiarized homework.
The evidence of this massive students programming project of Doc Dupiton against an uncle, retired Engineer, businessman and community personality Jean-Claude Elie, is so glaring that it will be impossible to view the similarities of students behaviors & writing as coincidence. In fact, the odds of all the language similarities to be coincidental, rival only that of hitting the Lotto Jackpot.
As a preview example of this programming, you will witness my daughter making declarations with utmost conviction on things she never experienced, witnessed, never read, and never been told by anyone who was not Doc Dupiton, or one of her students. You will read her make allegations about her father that are so outrageous and farfetched, that if anyone had made such references about her father in the past, she would have flatly rejected them and condemn the person.
But now, without even one second of discussion with me for clarification, she absorbs them as truth. In fact her indoctrination into such beliefs are so deep rooted that if I attempted to have a conversations with her, she would take off to prevent any doubt to injected in her new beliefs. A reaction which I also attribute to what I call the "Good-Stuff Allergy".
Now, here is one perfect example Even before the marriage breakup, there was the day she was coming to my house to pick up a document, which I was unaware was part of a plot to facilitate my wife traveling on her first solo vacation.
So I went food shopping, cooked a full course dinner, and set the table for a special father/daughter time of dining & conversation. But soon after dinner & as I started the conversation, she claimed that a friend was waiting for her, picked up the document & left. Thus cutting off the possibility of any real conversation, as that was not part of the pick-up/delivery mission she was given.
But here is the killer in her own words. Sometimes after the break up & I started to complain about her strange detached attitude, she wrote the following shocking statement to me in reference to that dinner during the infamous 2015 year. She wrote and "I QUOTE"
BASICALLY MEANING THAT MY DAUGHTER WAS ALREADY FULLY PROGRAMMED & INDOCTRINATED EVEN BEFORE 2015. And once more: Jean-Claude Elie does not do or say "THINGS". He provides unchallengeable evidence) A MULTI-TRACK OPERATION Now, as I said previously, while this transformation of my daughter was taking place on one track, a similar transformation of my wife was happening on a separate track, where this wife I used to call "My Rose", after her name, and her love of flowers, could no longer even acknowledge receiving a New Year flower arrangement. Because such acknowledgement with a Thank You, like my daughter accepting to have a real father/daughter conversation, may poke holes of doubt in the new virtual reality they've been programmed with in the classrooms of the Dupiton brainwashing university. Therefore, they go into a state of denial.
But let me assure you that while my main concern and decision to fight this battle was initially motivated by the damages to my wife, and now mostly my daughter, everyone else in the family was similarly being affected on other tracks, all heading in the same direction.
As one example of someone on these other tracks, is my nephew Frantz Balmir who participated in the Dupiton eviction plot from his mother's house. Being also infected with the "Good-Stuff Allergy" virus, he could not acknowledge with a simple "Thank You" that, months after his college graduation, this uncle Claudy took him under his wings, and from a dead end bank teller job to keep him from wasting the Engineering diploma. Then gave him a lifetime engineering career with 2 consecutive solid engineering positions with 2 companies, that grossed him over 2 million dollars in salary so far & growing each day. But saying a simple "Thank you" to me now, would poke holes into the new belief of a monster uncle who he is evicting to the streets for no reason, but to follow Doc Dupiton's order.
Now, everything will become evident and convincing when I take you to the Dupiton brainwash in university classrooms & laboratory to view the lessons being applied in real life. But before that, and since my main focus here is my daughter, let me address her directly and ask her a couple of questions about the references that Marline made to her in her email.
ENTERING DUPITON BRAINWASHING UNIVERSITY FOUNDED: Sept.30, 2011 Upon the wedding of Jean-Claude Elie & Rose Marline Mith FOUNDER: Dr Marie Paule Dupiton MD, aka Mad Doc FIRST GRADUATING CLASS: January 26, 2016 CURRICULUM: Marriage Division & Father/Daughter Separation |
ENTERING THE CLASSROOMS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Now we are going to into 5 classrooms teaching the topics in Marline's emails. You'll observe the matching of her writings with the teacher & other students. Then we'll move on to the laboratory to see these lessons applied LIVE. |
Lesson well taught by professor Dupiton. Everyone got A+ Moving on to classroom #2 |
Straight A for everyone - Moving on to classroom #3 |
WOW, WOW. More Straight A given by Professor Dupiton Let's see what's up with Classroom #4
Did that "Control - Do hat I want when I want" Formula work? Any doubts of Liliane & Johanne involvement & creators of the "Crazy/Mental"? Is that the Marline you knew, - OR Was that or a Doc Dupiton Creation? ~~~~~~~~~~~ EVEN MORE SHOCKING LABORATORY EXPERIENCES TO COME |
Now Let me set the stage by stating a fact that you must keep in mind. While the Dupiton Conspiracy was put in place from the day of our marriage in 2011 EVERYTHING YOU'VE EXPERIENCED IN THE CLASSROOMS, LABORATORY, AND WILL SEE FROM NOW ON, STARTED IN 2015, WHEN THE BRAINWASHING & PROGRAMMING TOOK HOLD ANALYSIS, OPINIONS,& THOUGHTS The central theme of my comments to Marline, who is still legally my wife in spite of Doc Dupiton's secretly arranged Haiti divorce, revolves around the statement that she "agrees with my family, and offers to help them in the future". A statement incriminating the family in its involvement in our private lives. But also showing that Marline has adopted the Renegades 'ambiguous' communication style. That is, when they say something, it's the same as saying nothing. For example: when Johanne accuses me of having done "THINGS" to break my marriage, she never defines one of these "THINGS", even after asking her a million times.
THEN when Marline wrote: "I will help them anyway I can..." . To which I again ask: "Help them do WHAT?"
Now having read and listened to the volume of obscenities that were taught in the brainwashing classrooms, and thrown at me, let me raise the following important points.
STILL TREATING MARLINE WITH RESPECT AS A DUPITON VICTIM Now, with her promise of support to those who created so much havoc n our lives, Marline must not have realized that: In spite of all the slanders, character assassination and false allegations thrown my way, and in spite of the wrongful & still unexplained manner I was forced from my home, I never once said one demeaning word about her during my 3 years campaign for truth and accountability by Dr. Dupiton. Something that anyone who read my writings can attest to.
,Instead, I presented her as a good woman, a good wife who was victimized by people with ulterior motives and who took advantage of her vulnerability and her desire to please others (People-Pleaser}. A respect that I continued to grant her with the bouquet of flowers & my wish that she finds true peace in 2019
But, having also been injected with Doc Dupiton's "Good-Stull Allergy" virus, my wish to her seems to be premature, with her expression of support for these antagonists responsible for her misery. So, I advise anyone not to fall for her public smile, as what you heard above, and what she wrote just this month, gripped with an inexplicable 3 years of anger, are not signs of happiness.
It is something that I have first hand experience with, as I observed her spend 3 years trying to find some blame to give me by re-hashing old irrelevant issues that the Claude/Dupiton camp have kept alive in her mind. Such as:
But at this time, the pressing problem is the way that Marline is openly latching on to my daughter in my face and without any reservation. Then added to everything else, you have her strange offer of support to my family. while carrying an record 3 years of anger over a marriage that she broke. All this adds up to the conclusion that something else is seriously wrong. After all, she is supposed to be free and happy, and I am the one ho is supposed to be angry.
Well, all this late activity & discovery pushed my decision to share additional information in this report. So now, let me openly give her my honest personal opinion and advices.
A REALITY & HONESTY CHECK FOR MARLINE First of all, It is time for Marline to accept that certain freedoms she was granted around my daughter and family as my wife, no longer exist after allowing her marriage to be ruptured, while contributing to the mental digression of my daughter. Thus her offer of some future assistance to my family in their destructive campaign is totally surreal, mind boggling and perplexing.
Therefore, as the elder male and son who inherited the status of patriarch of this now-disgraced family that my mother left behind, I have the obligation to protect & carry forward her legacy of values. Therefore with Marline declaring the marriage over, then abided to pressures to drop the "Elie" name, and finally to avoid all communications with me, Marline has fully detached herself from this family, So, in no way or form, does she have any right to speak of, or for any family member, nor comment on any family internal matters. Specially my daughter Tanisha Elie.
Obviously, with the Dupiton/Theus being an independent sub-family, Marline is totally free to attach herself to them if she is welcomed by Johanne. But that is where whatever limited privilege Johanne grants her starts and ends. As she decided to trade the full status, privileges and respect of Mrs. Elie, she'll never be a true Dupiton, but seen as a kisser & professional helper until Johanne has no more use for her. Just as you heard Johanne's instruction to her in lab experiment #1 above "When done using the person, kick his/her ass out".
But as far as the big family under our late matriarch Anna-Rose Victor with branches of Elie, Balmir, Mardy, Claude, Augustin, Colimond, Victor, etc., Marline has ruptured any real connection. Now being a graphic person, let make it clearer for her using the family tree poster I had designed when Marline was part of the tree (Click on Pic) So we now have this complex irony, and total Paradox of this Marline/Dupiton strange Connection, which is showing more of the "Patty Hearst indoctrination" effect".
The irony of her transformation is even greater when you consider that she makes herself my adversary in this fight, when one of my goals was to earn her respect from those who did not show her respect by invading her marriage and home. In addition, she stands as my opponent in my battle to defend the name and legacy of the same family she claims to be supporting disgracing itself. Now, this is what I call a real mind twister. So, let's leave it at that and move on.
Now for someone who practically broke a marriage based on the feminist teaching she received, and in trying to prove that "My husband can't control me, or tell me what to do", she should understand that when it comes to my daughter, I' am telling Marline what not to do'. And I am telling it to her with my full authority of the father who created my daughter. And I expect her to respect that. As my fight is now is mainly to address what was done to my daughter, and how she was used by those I trusted her with, including my wife Marline. As I said before, this is the red line that Johanne crossed, and this is the last place Marline wants to come near. Just like I would respect her wish if it involved her daughter..
To make this point abundantly clear to her, let's go back to the laboratory and run a role reversal experiment with Marline's statements. So take her exact sentences of: ------------------------------- You think you can force me or Tanisha to do what you want. You got the wrong ladies. We do what we want when we want. Stop blaming Johanne for all your failed marriages. I will help your family anyway I can. ------------------------------- NOW. LET'S VERSE ROLES & CHANGE THE YELLOW WORDS. THEN I SAY TO MARLINE: Marline, you can't force me or Tiffany to do what you want. You got the wrong Man & daughter. Tiffany & JC do what Tiffany & JC want when Tiffany & JC want. Stop blaming Joelle for your 2 failed Charles & Elie marriages. I will help the Mith, Tiffany & Nicholas anyway I can (against you) .
So how would Marline react to me telling her thatabout her daughter & family? Well, just writing this exercise brings me chills & fear of what would come. Which brings me to one of many conclusions.
THE CULT ENVIRONMENT ANGLE Now, It is nearly impossible to understand how anyone can feel comfortable writing such a sentence to a father about his daughter. It is even worse in Marline's case, when the father is the husband she mistreated at the end. Now here she is expressing some kind of earned rights over his daughter.
This can only be possible by a Marline who is in a complete state of delusion, brought on by many years of brainwashing and indoctrination in what I now clearly believe was a cultist environment created by Doc Dupiton. The same cultist environment that victimized my daughter. It is an idea that is reinforced by the following message I received exactly 1 year before from Marline. And it's on the same topic of my daughter & her, showing there was precedence.
MARLINE ON MY DAUGHTER JAN. 2018 It was a year ago when Marline sent me a strange text about my family and listing the people that she has special love for. But before showing you that shocking message, let me set the stage for you. It was around the time of another bogus arrest, as Dr. Dupiton was pushing for my eviction from my sick sister's house, and my nephew Ricky was framing me on a the drug plot by sharing a secretly taken picture of a tired JC as that of a drug addict. Finally, my daughter and I were not in speaking terms.
Then here comes Marline texting me some news about my family & specially my daughter who she positioned in first place as a way to make a point. Here it is
At this
point, I have to share a document with you from the "Tanisha
Dossier" which I had not released.
NOTE The recipients list is: Marline's sister, brothers, uncle, Doc Dupiton, Sister Liliane & Nephew Ricky). A complete embarrassments. So in total shock & seeing that Johanne & my sister were copied n it, I contacted them to ask if they saw what my daughter had done & also sent to Marline's family. Guess what? No one replied. So looking at her email, what do we see?
THEN THIS NEXT LINE WAS PREDICTING THE MARRIAGE BREAK UP EXACTLY 1 YEAR BEFORE JAN. 2016 "...U are going to lose a very nice wife if YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY.." (Big prediction a year ahead of time)
As you can also see, most of the stuff about 'crazy' and 'need help' is from classroom #1. Proving that the mind manipulation of my daughter had started years ago, and she was already being used to influence my wife.
MID 2015 - THE EX-WIVES CLUB I guess, just as Johanne had promised Marline membership in the ex-wife club below, my daughter was part of the package. It was still during the dreaded 2015 year that I also stumbled on this text that my wife sent to Johanne.
Initially, I took it as a joke, but now I see that they really meant business.
NOV. 2015: MARLINE 1st DIRECT CLAIM ON MY DAUGHTER It was the day of my wife's Thanksgiving kidnapping that Doc Dupiton executed at my daughter house. But here is the killer! As I told Marline I had canceled dinner with them due to the late hour, Marline took off alone saying to me, and I quote: "You don't have a daughter anyway"
BACK TO JAN. 2019: MARLINE ON MY DAUGHTER Now, here we are in 2019, with Marline basically giving me official notice of what I am allowed to do, or to say to my daughter, and telling me I got the wrong lady.
So, is here still anyone out there
who does nor see a real psychological issue here? Well, in this case, let me
show you what could be a motive on Marline's part for attaching herself to my
daughter. Specially since Marline already has a daughter. The one that Doc
Dupiton told me about 'invading her privacy
& complaining about her dog
pooping inside the house'.
MARLINE'S DAUGHTER - THE REVERSE Now let's put the shoe on the other foot to see what kind of respect Marline demanded of her daughter toward her husband. For that, we will go the laboratory for experiment #3
It was 2:00AM , Marline and I were having a discussion in our bedroom. Then her daughter blasted in with her video camera running, grabbed her mothers arm & pulling her out of the bedroom. During the struggle she got hit on the lips by her mom. But when Tiff told her family that I hit her, Marline clearly said it wasn't true. Then years later after the break up, Liliane's loose lips let out that they had a picture of Tiffany's swollen lips all along. So with that, they worked to build some doubt into Marline that her crazy door- breaking husband (In lab. experience #2) could have done it.
So let's go back to the lab. to see what happened that day. Maybe that'll explain why Marline doesn't talk of her daughter, but wants to conquer mine. This is just, a few telling seconds I was able to get from her daughter recording the moment
Well, you decide for yourself why my wife wants my daughter, or why they want to hand my daughter to her. WELL, I SAY "HELL NO!!!" TO THAT.
STILL 2015 - NOW IT'S ABOUT HER JAMAICA ESTATES HOUSE Well, there is also my wife's Jamaica Estates house that Doc Dupiton cannot accept, as she wrote me recently.
This is one of Doc Dupiton's sickest message. Having the nerve to tell me that she was happy that I got married. But had to stick the "3RD TIME" in there, while never mentioning Marline's name. But she remembered JAMAICA ESTATES. And the sick Doc forgot that I did not move from a room, but a from large 2.5 bedroom apartment/office. And my destination was NOT JAMAICA ESTATES, but the start of a happy life with my wife WHEREVER SHE LIVED, which just happened to be Jamaica Estates . Thus confessing her jealousy.
Then a more glaring evidence of the jealousy came from her in writing during that dreaded 2015 year when she could no longer hide it, and scripted a plot that failed BIG TIME. That day, I was at home peacefully when I received this weird text from Doc. Dupiton saying:
Well, now she is trying to scare me out of my home. So, when my wife came home and showed her the message, she just laughed. Then when I told Johanne that Marline is home and I see no police, she went silent. So whatever she thought she cooked up with my wife, Marline did not go along with the plan. THIS IS EVIL TO THE MAX FROM A MAD DOC.
But she did not end there. Instead, she raised the intensity level of the brainwashing until Marline made the most ridiculous claim that is physically & legally impossible. And the only way for a homeowner to say it about a house in her name only, is through extreme brainwashing. This what Marline text me to say what she was told.
Even forgetting that I had saved the house from foreclosure as my first husband duty, and spent over $100k in it. Which I am not bragging about as it was my responsibility as her husband, But she needs to remember that, instead of letting the Claude/Dupiton fill her head with garbage.
LET'S GO TO THE LABORATORY - HOUSE EXPERIENCE #4 So that case is close on the Doc. But as the evidence man, let me take you to the university laboratory for experience #4 of the brainwashing in full effect over the house.
THE 'THINGS' IN THE MIRROR Now, as you read in classroom #3, they have the nerve to ask me to look in a mirror to see the "THINGS" I did to my marriage, instead of just telling me. So I took their advice, went to my room and starred at the mirror. GUESS WHAT CAME UP? WELL LOOK IN THE MIRROR OR YOURSELF!!!!
So with everything blowing in her face, Doc Dupiton tries to brainwash people into believing that I am 'mental" Well, for that one, let's wait and see what he court psychiatrist will say after he reads this report.
To start with, It is time for Marline to remember, and to accept that:
THEN SOMETHING MAJOR SHE CANT SEEM TO GRAB Marline refuses to accept, or seems to be mentally unable to accept that her uncontrollable urge to latch on to other families, specially ex in-laws, is not normal. It is something that created an initial strain in our marriage by giving priority to her divorced in-laws over me. Usually, whenever an opportunity came up to do a favor as a people-pleaser, it would automatically negate any prior plans I made for us. I had to either accept, or she'd just do a "Fe sa'm vle. le'm vle". An attitude that was also prevalent when it came to her club, or any club she could help. As clubs were also viewed as additional families to her.
But the in-laws situation was aggravated by Doc Dupiton, when Marline who was so happy converting everything to her new "Elie" married name, suddenly slowed down the process, even lying about sending the name change forms. So, creditors were referring to me as Mr. Charles, more often than my wife was Mrs. Elie. Because I was the one catching up on her bill payments, her son's student loans, and making the court ordered mortgage payments to stop foreclosure proceedings on her house, which I successfully did.
So when you heard her say things like "You have no pots to piss in" or "Ou pa gin kay". ,it did not bother me, because I know that she knew better, and this was part of the programmed language you heard in the classroom lessons.
But this name change was how Doc Dupiton introduced the "Husband Control" principle by convincing Marline that Name Change = Husband Control. To make the case, Johanne used herself as the model. Because when she got married the 2nd time after us, she maintained her first husband's 'Dupiton' name, and practically got her new husband to also assume his name as Mr. Dupiton #2. But while I was not unaware of this pressure on Marline, a man with personality would never go for it. So Doc Dupiton had created a minor stress situation that would come up whenever I paid the bills, and continued till the break up.
Then Doc Dupiton plotted the secret Haiti divorce that is not recognized, and pushed her into quickly drop the 'Elie' name & return as a Mith to complete the rupture. That is why her email was signed Marline Mith.
Now Marline can try to deny this, but until she can come up with some explanations, the fact remains the facts. And this was just one of the countless plots Doc Dupiton imposed on her inside the marriage
So with Marline also latching on to my daughter as the reward for breaking her marriage, we see that there were hundreds of Dupiton tentacles reaching in all directions to damage whatever and whoever they could attach themselves to.
FINAL ADVICE The advice I am about to give her, is definitively not with the marriage in mind. It's an advice being given to woman I've known her for over 20 years, and who I no longer recognize. And I have great difficulty watching and accepting her transformation from being a caring, loving and cheerful individual into the heartless, angry, uncaring person, to being programmed into the image and body double of Dr. Marie P. Dupiton. And I cannot stand by to watch Johanne enjoy her sadistic accomplishment as a creative victory. A victory achieved by taking advantage of Marline's vulnerability and desire to please.
Even more, because I feel some responsibly that my blind family trust made me ignore all the signals, and allowed Johanne to fool me and disguise herself as my confident, while operating as a double spy agent in our home.
And as someone who has always showed care for others, my advice for her is to seek professional advice. I am NOT saying it in a negative manner, nor insinuating any mental problems, the way Dr. Dupiton is claiming about me without a single fact. But, I give her this advice, and would encourage those close to her to do the same. Because in the end, she will be surprised how helpful it is to talk openly with someone with receptive ears. Because one of her major problems with her is her secrecy & keeping everything bottled inside.
Because had she communicated a quarter of the things that I discovered after the facts, things would have been a lot different today. But she need to address this life of denial with a permanent anger, and constantly reliving years-old negative memories that no one cares about.
Finally, she must break from my family, specially from the influences of Doc Dupiton.
A TROUBLING NEWS - CONSEQUENCE OF DUPITON INDOCTRINATION Now this is something I heard from the police officer who took Johanne's complaint of harassment last June in Queens. A complaint that was thrown out by the Queens DA with a letter to me, before it got to court. And if what I suspect is true from what the officer told me, it would indicate that Marline's problems are more serious, and the damages done to her by Doc Dupiton are truly cruel & inhumane.
The officer ld me that when Doc Dupiton came to the police precinct to file the complaint, she was accompanied by about 3 people, and specified that one of them was my ex-wife. Well the only people considered to be ex-wives in this drama are my daughter's mother Paulette and Marline. But I will put all my bets that it was Marline, specially with the statement in her email this month that: "... I agree with your family, and I will help them in any way I can"
Now if helping them means helping Johanne file false charges on me. THEN THE CULT INDOCTRINATION IS SOLID. So, it is definite that Marline needs serious assistance toward assuming her own identity and self esteem so she can maintain her own family, rather than grabbing ex in-laws and other people's daughters |
Let me present this dramatic case by working backward in time as I fit together the prices of the Killer/Killing puzzle
APRIL 2018 The last piece of this puzzle came to me in the incoherent text message I received from nephew Eric Balmir Jr. on the day he evicted me from my sick sister Roselyne Balmir's house, by order of Doc Dupiton & her mother Liliane Claude. His text said:
Obviously a total nonsense since my mother passed away from a stroke while in bed, and this nephew who lives far in Brooklyn was nowhere near to be telling stories. In addition, I had never once argued with my sister. Then the "HABIT" he mentioned was just another one of Doc Dupiton's "THINGS" I did which are never defined. So obviously nephew Ricky was stupidly making cruel allegations simply because one of the women told him to do so, STILL THAT WAS A PIECE OF THE PUZZLE'. Because I remember hearing that line before.
MARCH 2016 Soon after the marriage break up, I moved to my sister Roselyne Balmir's house. Upon arriving, sister Liliane/Doc Dupiton's mother came over. And as Questioned her about the family's activities in my marriage, she yelled me in Creole "Oh, ou bezwen touye'm tou, menm jan ou te touye manman (You want to kill me also, the same way you killed mom"
So I said WTF? what does my mom passing over 10 years ago had to do with a question about the family leaving me in the streets after my wife put me out? So I asked my nephews Eric & Fanfan where that came from? They started to say some nonsense they heard from Liliane which made no sense. That's when I told them "Wait a minute! That's not what I heard 10 years ago,
BACK TO 2005 After my mother's death I remember sister Liliane saying that sister Roselyne Balmir is responsible for mom's death, which I took for garbage. Then later on, the same sister Liliane said that the husband Eric Balmir Sr. killed mother, because when Doc Dupiton's sister Dominique came over, she supposedly saw Eric Balmir Sr. at the foot of the bed ridiculing mother having a stroke. Again I took it for garbage. BUT NOW, IT'S ANOTHER PIECE TO THE PUZZLE.
SOMETIME AFTER 2005 I heard that Liliane told mother and sister Roselyne that when Eric Balmir Sr was vacationing in Haiti with her, he tried to sexually abuse her at night multiple times. Again more tripotaj (Gossip) from Liliane which I did not take seriously, but found extremely mean, as it could have ruined their marriage if my mom & sister were not strong women
SO BACK TO 2016 (Be patient, we'll get to my wife & daughter) When Liliane told me the nonsense that: "Ou bezwen touye'm tou, menm jan ou te touye manman (You want to kill me also, the same way you killed mom" I remembered these stories and told Liliane, "IF ANYONE KILLED MOM, IT'S YOU TELLING HER THAT ERIC BALMIR TRIED TO SCREW BOTH HER DAUGHTERS"
So hat is when I began to think that something weird and sadistic is going on with the Claudes/Dupiton with all that talk of death & killing... BUT NOW, I HAVE A BIGGER PIECE OF THE PUZZLE.
NOW COMES MY WIFE & THE DREADED YEAR OF 2015 Very important to register what you heard so far, for when I take you to the laboratory. The line from Liliane "OU BEZWEN TOUYE'M TOU" (You want to kill me also) will become important. Because the word "Tou (Also)", means there was killing before. and it is the key to the puzzle.
Now as you are about to hear Marline repeat Liliane's exact line above, I used to laugh at her. But know I know that there was a killing Class at the University, teaching that Claudy is a killer. I am not saying it, listen to Marline say it herself in Lab Experience #5 & #6
POSSIBLE PREMEDITATED NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE Now, without going into full details, let me e the summarize the "FAKING 230P" Case of Dr. Dupiton that could have cost me my life, and the "HIDING FROM PHARMACIST" for 2 weeks to avoid refilling a Glaucoma prescription that affected my vision one eye.
Upon hearing that from the pharmacist, telling me to look for another doctor as my niece was hiding on purpose, I almost went to shock. My blood pressure jumped 230 & when I asked my wife to take me to the ER, she froze with a phone in her hands. So I ended up driving myself dangerously.
I did not mention the incident to my family so they would not be mad at my wife. So the next day, as I was questioning her as to what happened, thinking her family was behind it, I recorded part of the argument with Marline's voice in the background, not really answering, but confirming that the incident did happen . That will be the last Laboratory experience you will hear shortly and it's a shocking one.
Then 2 weeks later my phone bill showed that Doc Dupiton was on the phone with my wife at the time. Followed series of 6AM phone calls involving Doc Dupiton, my wife and daughter.
And when I inquired why no one called me, or asked for me, they were more in shock that I knew of the phone calls. So for 3 years they went into a cover up mode and refused to answer. But someone confirmed to me that Doc Dupiton convinced my wife not to take me to the ER with a diagnosis that I was "FAKING". And the 6 AM phone calls were to heck if the diagnosis was correct or wrong. That is if I was Dead or Alive. But unfortunately for her, I as alive, and can tell the story
To me that was attempted homicide via professional deprave indifference. And part of the evidence I will present include the hospital record, this picture of the BP monitor I snapped at 217BP & my recording questioning Marline before I knew of the phone calls & Doc Dupiton's involvement. That is why when you hear me say "Moun li yo (Her people), I was thinking of her family.
. Enjoy & be shocked. Laboratory experience #7
CONCLUSION So with all that killing talk, and making Marline believe that I could "Touye'l tou (Kill her also), why not be proactive? That is the evilness and danger of these sadistic, cultist indoctrination that led to all those false arrests, and that could have taken my life.
Now with Doc Dupiton choosing to take me to court instead of accepting to make peace, she will have to deal with it in court, and everyone who have been silent in a cover up for years will have to open up to investigators once this info reaches the psychiatrist & the judge.
THEY FORGOT: Marline's Positive Writings Below & Efforts to save Marriage
THEY FORGOT: These great moments with my daughter one month before they screed her mind
So: Liliane.
Tanisha, Ricky, Fanfan, Dominique, Donna, Paulette, Marline, Guy, etc.
How did you forget the above, weeks before the break up & creation of
your imaginary Monster Claudy you must destroy? WELL, FOR ANSWERS,
I believe that: it is time to end the lies. Lies have a limited lifespan before they're exposed.
However Truth is
eternal & indestructible As all this drama's lies have been exposed.
And you want a
perfect example, LIVE AND LEARN ~~~~~~~~ Thank you for your patience, attention and support.