Honorable Eileen C. Daly-Sapraicone
Family court of the State of NY
County of Nassau Courthouse
1200 Old Country Rd.
Westbury, NY 11590

Law Office of Ita S. Newman
Attorney for plaintiff
98 Cutter Mill Rd. Suite 441S
Great Neck, NY, 11021
516-487-7375 - Fax: 516-487-0113


Dear Hon. Daly-Sapraicone

I, Jean Claude Elie, 67 year old retired senior citizen and uncle of Marie Dupiton, am the respondent in the above matter and provide the following response and objection to the request for an order of protection as totally unwarranted, frivolous and mischievous. Her only purpose is to use it as a tool to continue harassing me with fabricated violation charges, and to maintain a serious family divisions of her creation. As you will see, Dr. Dupiton made this request only to block a family reunification & peace initiative of her mother/my sister, her sister and my daughter to deal with the problems that Dr. Dupiton created in the family

In fact she made this request only 3 days after the Queens Assistant DA soundly rejected the exact same complaint with the personal letter below to me and to the court. A decision the Queen DA office arrived at after observing the pattern of malicious false complaints on her part. All documented below.

For years, my niece had run a sadistic campaign of hate and division that caused my separation with my wife purely out of jealousy and greed as described below. That is in addition of having brainwashed my young daughter and created havoc within our family. So when her actions were finally discovered, the family tried to address the division she created. So, she resorted to all devious means possible to prevent a reunification that would put her in a position of having to be accountable for her actions. Even using the courts for her personal vendetta. Now, having been rejected by the Queens court, she runs to the Long Island courts 3 days later. Now I have heard of judge shopping, but this is a case of courthouse shopping. So let me go into the details of her recent devious activities that got us here. But the most important document is a report I had recently sent to our entire family to explain the breakdown of the planned family peace conference after Dr. Dupiton got this temporary order of protection, This document to the family is attached in full as an Exhibit But what will also catch the court's attention is the series of threatening texts she sent me as she delivered the order to me via text message. In fact through the barrage of cruel texts, she revealed her motive for blocking the meeting and confirmed everything I said above. One more thing that I want to bring to the court's attention to show her sadistic personality, is the fact that even in her request, wants me be arrested without having committed any crime, and sent to a mental institution without a ordered psychiatric evaluation. I make these points to highlight her ulterior motives & sadistic state of mind.

Finally, to show that her request for an order of protection a total farce, the last time I had direct communication with my niece was a friendly conversation on Jan. 25, 2016, the day before she caused my separation with my wife. Since that day & upon discovering her complicity, I had no communication with to Dr. Dupiton, except for leaving her a voicemail complaining about the compliant she had made that the DA subsequently dismissed on June 23, 2018. That is the voicemail she tried use as giving her some lunatic fear for life. A total idiotic claim with devious motives.

But all will be clear to the court upon reading the document I wrote to the family about this situation.


Above you saw the letter/report that was sent to the family as a result of my niece Dr. Dupiton crushing a family peace initiative of her mother and sister describing the sequence of events that got us here. But most important, was the series of insulting and threatening texts that Dr. Dupiton sent me along with the delivery of the order of protection


. These text messages revealed her true motives, and exposed her sadistic personality. She even confesses to her motives for causing division in my marriage, and an admission of blocking the family peace meeting with this baseless court action.


Most important, she revealed the real purpose for wanting a restraining order with her constant reference to the police and threats to get me arrested, even if I move back to my old neighborhood where her clinic is at and telling me “Yep! I police is all I know”.  What the court should see is a dangerous woman who, with the Temporary order in hands, is already showing intentions to use it for sadistic means.


I close my response to the court by stating that an order of protection, if it was for the purpose these orders are meant for would not bother me at all since I have had no one on one contact with the petitioner in any form, with the exception of one voicemail I left her when she filed the frivolous complaint that the DA had also rejected.


The reason it must be denied is because she is doing it for ulterior sinister motives having nothing to do with fear for her life from a 67 year old uncle who changed her diapers as a baby, and who gave her shelter worth her husband when she was in need of shelter.


Her sinister motives are to prevent a family reunion where she may have to be accountable for her actions to the family. But worst is that she would use it to satisfy her sadistic motive to get me in trouble with false claims of violations. Basically, an order of protection in the hands of my niece would be like a lethal weapon in the hands of a mental patient


Jean Claude Elie



JULY 23, 2016

She previously made the exact same frivolous complaint in Queens that was rejected and resulted in this letter below from the Queens Assistant District attorney who dismissed the complaint & wrongful arrest.



JULY 26, 2016
So upset at not getting her way in Queens, she went shopping for friendly courts. So 3 days she ran to Westbury courthouse, and requested this temporary restraining order and on the same complaint just dismissed in Queens. But an order that was never served because I had no contact with my niece for 3 years, which make her motive for requesting this order on July 26 2018 very suspicious


Following are previous complaints she was involved with. All dismissed outright a baseless and frivolous in court & by a previous DA. Information also taken into consideration when the DA office issued the letter above

Evidence of harassment & frivolous evil minded



JUNE 1, 2018

Just one month before the Assistant DA sent me the letter on July 23, 2018: Three counts of bogus violation of a prior bogus Temporary order were DISMISSED outright by a judge in Queens Criminal Court. Here is the certificate of Disposition



SEPTEMBER 29, 2017

Another frivolous complaint she had coerced my wife into, and another dismissal. This one was so absurd that The DA supervisor told my lawyer, he was not going to embarrass himself by bringing it to a judge. So he simply told the judge to dismiss the case and seal the records. Again another certificate of disposal below.


Below is the letter/report that was sent to the family as a result of my niece Dr. Dupiton crushing a family peace initiative of her mother and sister. It also describes the sequence of events that got us here. But most important, is the series of insulting and threatening texts that Dr. Dupiton sent me along with the delivery of the order of protection on October XXX. These text messages reveal her true motive and expose her sadistic personality. She even confesses to her motives for causing division in my marriage, and an admission of blocking the family peace meeting with this baseless court action.

Most important, she revealed the real purpose for wanting a restraining order with her constant reference to the police and threats to get me arrested, even if I move back to my old neighborhood where her clinic is at and telling me “Yep! I police is all I know”.Last thing I will point out regarding her sadistic (That's a long story)

What the court will see is a dangerous woman who, with the Temporary order in hands, is already showing intentions to use it for sadistic means. So let's see this report to my family as Exhibit E




November 2018


To Family &Supporters


The plot thickens in the Dupiton Hitchcock-type thriller that you have been following. As thi plot expanded from the Dupiton-Elie marriage conspiracy, to a full family disgrace, to a daughter immoral indoctrination, it has finally reached the bottom of the swamp in an October month of infamy.


A series of feats made possible and credited to the one & only Dr. Marie. Dupiton (Johanne), who just elevated herself from Mad Doc, to insanity Doc by landing a death blow to a planned family peace negotiation initiated by her mother Liliane, her sister Dominique, and  my daughter Tanisha. It was a peace initiative  that I gladly welcomed, as it was the first positive sign from their side in over 2 years


But the idea of an imposed peace resolution sent the  intransigent Johanne into a mental flip. Because such  resolution would be viewed as a major defeat to her years of devious planning. . So, in a sudden rage, she ran to Westbury courts to revive  the now defunct "Ass is Grass" idiotic case. A totally ill-advised decision described below, along with her most recent incoherent writings & threats.


I was even more encouraged by their peace initiative, because historically I have been the only peace maker in the family addressing Johanne's history of bringing the family to the edge of disaster. A fact that Johanne and others chose to conveniently forget due to a condition I refer to as the “Good-Stuff Allergy", that makes them ignore anything positive & good, in favor of negativity.


So before I go into her mental flip with a vindictive court action, and my strong response, let me gives you some examples of positive actions I took in recent years to avert potential problems from Johanne that threatened family unity


FIRST I prevented a family breakdown after Johanne's initial attack on my wife and marriage by organizing the first official family reunion to honor our matriarch Anna-Rose Victor. An event that I strategically made a family team effort by getting everyone's participation. Then designed & distributed a framed family tree poster and picture of our matriarch to everyone during an educational presentation of the family's proud history.
But you will not hear Johanne refer to this milestone day, suffering from the "Good-Stuff Allergy".


THEN one year later, after Johanne created a huge problem with an audacious Thanksgiving kidnapping of my wife in my face, I avoided a major disaster by pulling the family back together with a second family reunion.
Again you will never hear them mention it due to the  Good-Stuff Allergy"


PRIOR TO THAT: As the outside intrusion in our marriage was affecting us, I supported my wife Marline's initiative for an all-families meeting for peace. Something she confirmed to me in this message.

Since you are willing to meet & clear the air with my family. I'll find out what date is good for my family & you can do the same with yours. hat will make me happy for the first time in a long time. Thx for understanding

Love, Marline

But Johanne blocked Marline's initiative right off the bat. A forgotten peace initiative due to the Good-Stuff Allergy".

THEN came the January 26, 2016 day of infamy in the Elie marriage. After being forced out of my home, and discovered Doc Dupiton's conspiracy, I feared another family downfall. So I swallowed my pride, and again requested a family meeting to avoid today's disaster. That request was simply ignored, until I received a message saying "No one want to sit and listen to you talk about a crazy conspiracy."

So here we are in October 2018 with another peace initiative to end the current drama. And here comes Mad Doc Dupiton with another act of vindictiveness going against her mother and sister. Because in her twisted mind, peace equals defeat.  But in her angry outburst against peace, she unleashed a series of threatening messages to me, and unintentionally disclosed many of her hidden motives in her own writing, as you are about to witness


So let's go to the details of "From Hopeful Peace to Dupiton Catastrophe"



As mentioned above, the possibility for a peaceful resolution of the current nightmare seemed to be reachable for the first time in nearly 3 years. The hope came about when I suddenly received a text message on October 18, 2018 from sister Liliane. A message that initiated the exchange below between her, Dominique Tanisha and myself.

All sounding great and positive so far. Now I finally had hope to find answers to the mystery of my life being turned upside down in losing a wife, a daughter and my home overnight. Then I'd be able to forgive, forget and move on with putting my life and business back on their feet.


In the end, while some had criticized my public campaign to get answers, I began to feel vindicated that it was having the desired result of brining us to the negotiating table for the family meeting that Doc Dupiton had blocked more than once before.


 Now one thing that no one can deny, is that from day one I stated that my only objective was to get answers. Now, with this positive initiative started by Liliane, I saw it as the best of all possibilities. So I immediately called for a ceasefire on me sending out any more publications, and I informed the family that I would follow up with a proposed negotiation plan for them to review.



So with my professional career experience in management/employee conflict resolution & negotiation, I decided that the best way to insure success is to apply established techniques that I learned and worked well for me in the past.


So for a few days I worked of a proposed guidelines and forwarded it to the family for review. Below is the message that accompanied the document

So the wheels were set in motion. I had also suggested my other niece Dominique as the person who would be their contact to get back to me on the document in a week.


 Finally I get a response. So let's get to it.


Well I did finally get a response alright. But not what I was looking for, and not from Dominique as I expected. What I got are shocking replies from Johanne's husband Guy and a barrage of incoherent texts from Johanne who, upon seeing that peace was in the air, lost her mind and came out of her rabbit hole with a vengeance to unload q truckload of hateful and threatening messages to me. Then she threw one more attempt at a bogus legal action that is nothing more than a repeat of her famous "Ass is grass" complaint that the Queens District attorney had just thrown back to her face with an almost apologetic letter to me.


So let's start with the first message from her husband Guy


Now, when it comes to Doc Dupiton's husband Guy, I had only accused him of being a figure head who allowed his wife to inject herself in my carriage and turn his home into the renegades headquarters. To which he told me "I don't get involved in family issues". A shocking comment that got him this reply from me: "Sorry Guy, but I thought that by marrying my niece Johanne, you became family".

So I dropped the subject and simply labeled him as an inoffensive "Just-Shut-Up Husband" who, while he did not like what his wife was doing, was powerless in doing anything about it. And when you finally see what Doc Dupiton did to the Liliane/Dominique/Tanisha peace initiative, it will also be obvious that the others, including her mother, are also powerless in addressing Johanne's historical out of control divisive behavior.


So the first shock to the Liliane/Dominique/Tanisha peace initiative came in an official reply from Guy revealing that he was also promoted to full scale renegade and her new mouthpiece. Because with the talk of peaceful resolution, Johanne's traditional mouthpieces took a leave of absence. Therefore her husband was assigned to fill that position.


However Johanne was still forced to come out of her rabbit hole to also speak and act for herself for the first time. A catastrophic mistake that finally exposed her as the sadistic brain behind the failure of previous meeting request and the downfall of this family.



To get to the heart of the matter, let me start with the message I received from Guy Theus, or Guy Dupiton as you will soon wonder who is the real one from reading the court document below. A confusion created by the name used in Johanne's court documents below. Here is the message he delivered to me in his first assignment as mouthpiece and delivery boy.

You have been served. Please do not contact me.

As per judge Sapraicone, you are served via email and text. We have proof of delivery at 3:48pm

And this is the Defamation lawsuit filed in supreme court last month. You can't hide behind a computer and terrorize our family. You left a message on 10/16 to inform me that you know bad guys. I know the police. That's all I know.


Now, before going to the legal document and Johanne's barrage of self incriminating messages, let me highlights some abnormalities in the text above.

  1. FIRST: In saying for me "Not to contact him", it that would suggest he is also covered in the order, and as young military man, he needed protection from a senior citizen who never hurt anyone in 60+ years. This is a reflection of what the feminist renegade women did to manhood in this family But still, I don't see any reference to someone named Guy Theus covered by the order

  2. SECOND: The confusion increases as Guy Theus is talking as the husband of the petitioner whose listed name not Mrs. Theus, but Mrs. Dupiton. A name linked to a Mr. J. H Dupiton of the past. Confusing? You Bet! But that ain't the end.

  3. THIRD: The confusion level went ballistic when he claimed that "I terrorize HIS family". So I looked for members of a Theus family, and all I could find was the Dupiton name everywhere. No Mrs. Theus, no children Theus, nothing. Only Guy standing as the sole Theus in a 100% Dupiton household. So, I asked around to see if anyone knew of a Mrs. Theus, or a Theus household n Baldwin LI? That drew a complete blank


Now, after putting all the data together, I solved the Dupiton/Theus mystery. Since Doc Dupiton is a feminist with a philosophy of woman superiority and men inferiority, she agreed to marry him only on the condition of a reverse marriage from the traditional. That is, he will have to take her current name, which is her ex-husband name, since she is the superior sex, the boss & the controller. In a big blow to manhood, Guy accepted, so he dumped his Theus name and became Mr. Guy Dupiton, till death do us part.

So going back to him telling me 'not to contact him", I still could not find a Mr. Dupiton, or a Guy by any other name covered by the order. By then,, my head spinning with Guy idiocies. So I decided to call it quit and had a drink to clear my head.


Now moving on to Doc Dupiton's mental & self incriminating message, let me first show you the Temporary order of protection she obtained on October 29, 2018, and delivered to me accompanied with a barrage of insults and threats last week. I am sure that is not what the judge had in mind with he authorized deliver via email or text. And something I will point to his attention. Here is the Temporary Order of Protection (You can click on image to view full size)



With that, let me go into Doc Dupiton's latest messages that vindicate my decision to bring my story public. As public pressure forced her out of her rabbit hole to unintentionally deliver many of the answers I was looking for, and some of the motives for her cruel campaign of division and attacks on my marriage You are about to see a behavior that will force the community to finally classify Dr. Marie P. Dupiton as more than a Mad Doc, but an insane Doc and a menace to society. Therefore unfit to be managing the care of our community's children.

  • Because a physician is supposed to be a person of compassion, not someone to crush a peace effort in favor of ugly war to cover her proven guilt.

  • A physician is supposed to heal, and not diagnose a super high, life threatening 230 BP as "Faking", simply to give pleasure to a sadistic personality.

  • A physician does not hide 2 weeks from a pharmacist to avoid refilling my eye drop prescription resulting in vision loss.

Now you are about to read a barrage of incoherent, cruel messages from this children physician who should be setting standards of honesty and integrity. I will not bother to reply to each of them, as you can judge for yourself. But I will highlight a few important ones. Then let you dive in her swamp yourselves. But be aware, it's a stinky swamp and you may need a face mask



But let me start by showing you what she did to a peace initiative proposed by her mother, sister and my daughter. Again it all started with this exchange among the four of us this past month.

Now with this trio of women providing a breakthrough in the nearly 3 years impasse, I gladly accepted and forwarded them my idea for a successful peace negotiation. What no one expected was Doc Dupiton's negative reaction with unfounded threats of police & arrests, which is in line with her history of intransigence and an uncontrollable obsession for controlling everything, everyone. And most important, to always have the last word. Therefore the idea of a peace that is not on her sole terms, pushed her into sending me these threatening messages with her delivery of the temporary order of protection.



Here is Johanne's rejection of her mother, sister and Tanisha

With that response, I say to the other members of the family renegade syndicate:

"If your leader can act as a dictator to crush a peace initiative by the 2 elders and youngest member of the organization, It's time to rise for a coup d'etat. Choose a progressive leader and send the evil ruler into exile."



Now this next message from her is most serious, because it is not only a confession of her intrusion in my marriage. But it gives an insight into how she brainwashed my wife Marline into self-destructing her marriage.


You are about to read Doc Dupiton recall things in my personal life from 40 years ago, as the perfect proof of her vindictiveness. Events in Haiti 4 decades ago involving ex-wives that she strangely tries to associate with my current marriage. Things so irrelevant that I hardly remember them, and that my wife never knew about. Unless she heard them from the Mad Doc as part of the brainwashing process



About the text in the left,

 So my niece was in Med School during my first marriage some 40 years ago, and I had a argument with my wife at Club Med in the 1980's when many people here were not even born yet. Well, maybe there is a psychiatrist out there who can enlighten me on "What the heck is the relevancy in the 21st Century?


And if she can recall events from 4 decades ago that are totally unrelated to her, she must be able to recall each time she went to the toilet during her lifetime. A perfect evidence of her as a dangerous vindictive person.


Reading between the lines of a true evil mind

In the above text on the right, we find Doc Dupiton inside my home worrying about my garbage, and complaining about me not wanting dog shit in my living space. Well if any of you enjoy dog poop in your living room and bedroom, maybe you'll understand where she is coming from. But it's more likely that you will find the idea repugnant.


But let me make 2 extremely sickening observations that will be invisible to the rest of you since you can't read between her lines and I can., Observations that will expose the true devious & dangerous mind of Doc Dupiton in using Marline's daughter to subconsciously drives division between my wife and I.

  1. First: On the dog poop comment:
    Since the dog belongs to my wife's daughter and knowing that my wife is extremely spoiling of her grown children, Doc Dupiton try to inject in my wife's my that my complaining about her daughter's dog poop in the house, means that I have a problem with her daughter. Guess what? That sick strategy worked on my wife

  2. Second: Invasion of Privacy Allegation:
    But Mad Doc took it to a much higher and sinister level by claiming I invaded the girl's privacy in her bedroom. A truly dangerous statement with the underlying expectation that Marline would read more into it. But luckily that insinuation was too far fetched, even for my wife, and it did not bite.

  3. Third: Evidence of the Dangerous Jealousy factor
    Another fine point you will miss in the second text, is when she said "Leaving the room above Camkids to move to Jamaica Estates" First of all she started with a typical BIG LIE. I was not living in a room, I rented a large full second floor 3 bedroom apartment with a one used as my office, large living room, kitchen etc. which I paid her rent for 8 years without skipping a beat ever.
    But what I want to bring to your attention is more subtle. She did not say that I moved from the building to my wife's home. No sir. She specified the neighborhood of "JAMAICA ESTATES'. That was a jealousy factor to ruin our marriage. Because for me to be living in a bigger home in the more upscale nationhood of JAMAICA ESTATES, was more than Mad Doc Dupiton, could swallow.

As you see, I am not the one making accusations on Doc Dupiton, You are reading her talking from inside my marriage and home. Furthermore, with her "Consciousness of guilt", one sentence said a lot if you can read between her lines. And I did. But one big mystery still remains: Why did my wife give her a master key into our lives and home? written


But you have not seen anything yet. Let's go into more Mad Doc revelations and confessions in her own hand writing.



No need for me to comment on the next set of messages. Just read for yourself how her sadistic behavior to inflict pain and misery went ballistic at the thought of peace in the family. Peace which her sick mind reads as defeat to her. Also observed the evidence that she was the one sending my wife  to the police over spilled milk.

Read the Police Obsession

Well, you just saw the evidence of a sadistic niece targeting her uncle in an expression of cruelty never seen in any family before. A niece obsessed with seeing her uncle in jail for no reason.



I will also let this one text from Doc Dupiton speak for itself. A deranged mental obsession with my prior marriages of decades ago, and a subconscious confession of having destabilized my current marriage etc. Read:

So the sadistic personality comes to light with her excitement in believing the erroneous claim of my eviction everywhere I lived. Well, this further proves that when she sent an eviction notice to Marline and I from our office/apartment soon after our marriage, and after Marline had already informed her that we were leaving, It was a pure sadistic act of vindictiveness.


 As far as my sister's house, I have my nephews who will testify in court that she coerced them into that action. But as far as eviction from a shelter, it must have been a wish from a wet dream of a sadistic mind. SHELTERS TAKE PEOPLE IN & ASSIST THEM IN FINDING PROPER HOUSING. THEY DON'T EVICT


But let's not forget that this niece who wants to experience the climax of her senior citizen uncle in the streets, is the same niece Who this uncle gave shelter to when her house was flooded by hurricane Sandy.



Now her insanity seems to go ballistic with her introduction of this Gay & Lesbian angle. I was at a lost as to where her lunatic mind was going with this one. But I came up with a pretty good determination. First, here is what she wrote me.

Now I know that one of my nephews is gay. So she used that to introduce the lesbian angle which I can link to her history of strange behaviors as an anti-men feminist, and twisted interests  in  women I have associated with.

  • Starting from my first year of marriage, when she strangely started to secretly invite my wife to parties alone. Invitation I have as evidence.

  • Then trying to create division between my wife and I telling her the grotesque lie that I was bringing girls to my office. Something my wife had angrily pushed back on as untrue

  • Later came her in-my-face kidnapping of my wife for herself on Thanksgiving 2015
    Then the promise to my wife of membership in some ex-wives club where she will have more fun with them when she leaves me. (My wife will testify to that & I have the hard copy of the message).

  • Finally she broke our marriage to totally take possession of my brainwashed wife altogether. Even pushing her into an invalid divorce in Haiti.

  • Then continued with a campaign to block any possible reconciliation by telling my wife that my nephews evicted me from my sister's house for drugs, and & that I would bring drug to her house if she took me back. A framed drug claim that has been fully discredited.

  • Closing with a capital crime. As if my wife was not enough for her, she managed, without my knowledge, to brainwash & indoctrinate my daughter into her feminist and anti-men philosophy. Thus also stealing my young & sexy daughter, who is as naive, gullible and blind like my wife

As you know Doc Dupiton's plans are always developed in the dark, just as all her activities are undercover. So the reading between her lines points to hidden tendencies, and secret lifestyle of Mad Doc Dupiton. So her throwing the word lesbian here, could be a subconscious projection of a desire to come out of some closet. Specially when you add the constant reference to my ex-wives.


Maybe she should look in the mirror to see why her husband can't get it up, instead of blaming his manhood. Not to forget her reverse marriage arrangement where her husband had to assume the woman's role by dropping his Theus name to take  Dupiton name from her previous  husband to become a second Mr. Dupiton. All I can see, is a lot of pieces that don't fit together. But her 'Lesbian" reference that is irrelevant to this case, could be the glue that links the pieces together.


So let's continue with her texts to me as the Mad Doc plot thickens.



Now you do remember me sending her 5 simple questions that would help explain her involvement in my marriage, why the family made me enemy overnight, and the final breakdown of our family. Well, since the answers would expose her guilt, she never responded. Then the pressure on her increased with this new  Liliane/Dominique/Tanisha peace initiative. Now feeling cornered by her own mother & sister, she revolted and sent me this text

To which I say THANK YOU Johanne. You could not have given me a better stage to ask the questions. A stage where you will be under oath. A stage where you will be held accountable for the truth and for your actions.


So yes, she will answer questions in court alright. Starting with the 5 questions she referred to. So I am listing them here for the court's to have at hand

Months before the break up, I was home when I suddenly get this strange message from niece Dupiton.

“Why did she send me that message, what crime I committed to run and become a fugitive &


Arriving at sister Roselyne's house, Doc Dupiton's mom yelled: “I'm going to get you kicked out of here ALSO)

Why did Liliane want me kicked out from sister Roselyne's house. And why she said ALSO I


Hearing hat I would be able to return home, Doc Dupiton's sister said to me
“Oh! Oh!. you want to stay in this marriage? Something does not add up?”.

 “Why was she unhappy to hear that I may be able to return home?. And 'what "Does not add up"


After my wife put me out for no reason, I sent this SOS message to the family & was ignored.

“How come they all ignored my distress call, abandoned me in the streets, and made me enemy #1?


This is a question I asked 1,000 times over the past 2 years, and critical to answer at this time.

- Please name ONE (1) specific thing I did to my wife that would break our marriage,

- Name ONE thing I did to ANYONE IN MY FAMILY to make me enemy #1. JUST ONE

But I will not stop there, I will bring the full list for her to answer. For example:

  • Question about her filing false charges, wrongful arrest & perjury

  • On her attempt to coerce my wife into a felony manslaughter with her "Faking Diagnosis" to keep my wife from taking me to the ER with a life threatening 230BP. Specially when the judge hears the full version of this recorded evidence  of me questioning my wife as to why she froze at that moment. That recording was before I knew of Doc Dupiton's complicity. In fact I did not mention the incident to my family so they would not be mad at my wife. I was wrongly blaming her family at the time while Doc Dupiton was the  culprit. Listen to a few second of the live recording followed by my plea for Doc Dupiton to come clean 

  • Mad Doc will also explain in court the 6AM phone calls to my wife to check if her "Faking"  diagnosis was right or wrong, indicated by whether I was dead or alive. My Sprint phone bill will be presented as evidence of the phone calls

  • She will answer to her 2 weeks in hiding from a pharmacist to avoid refilling a prescription for me, resulting in vision loss. Something My eye Doctor D. L will confirm in a letter.

  • She'll explain why the Medical Licensing authorities should not revoke her license on the grounds of malpractice, medical negligence, and unethical behavior by a physician

  • She will answer to why she engaged in an immoral indoctrination and brainwashing my young daughter into her feminist, anti-men bogus philosophy to mess up her young mind.

  • And so on.

In addition, on the scheduled trial date, she will have to deal with these witness who will be subpoenaed to testify to her actions, and communications about her conspiracy. For example

  • RICKY: Testify to being told of Johanne's “Fake High BP” diagnosis &involvement in the drug framing.

  • TANISHA: Testify to her knowledge of Johanne phone calls, and how Johanne brainwashed her against her father.
  • MARLINE: Testify to the Pharmacist calls telling me that Dr. Dupiton went into hiding from him. Including all the details on how this Mad Doc coerced her to break her marriage.
  • FRANTZ: That he got the bogus arson slander from Doc. Dupiton
  • LILIANE: On who was on then phone with me during the  kidnapping of my wife, and knowledgeable of the coercion of my daughter etc, etc, etc.

And if she is thinking of lying on the stand as she's done for years, she will not leave the court room through the entrance door, but through the door on the side of the bench with 2 hands behind her back.



Finally, here is her written statement of bogus incidents. A pile of mental absurdities if you can decipher her writing below. But there are only 2 statements that caught my attention.



  1. Here she exposes her sadistic desire to inflict pain. So much of a psychopath that she forgets there are laws and courts. There she goes asking for me to be arrested on an application for an order.  I have not committed any crime. Accused of any crime and she is asking for me to be arrested just on her say-so. Real crazy stuff

  2. Then she wants me sent to mental institution without a judge even having ordered a psychiatric evaluation. Real mental stuff, and for someone to demand such idiocies on a simple application, is someone belonging to a mental ward. Like a real insanity Doc Dupiton

  3. Oh what she claims as reason for arrest & Mental ward is a repeat of the  childish claim that I told her that "Her ass is Grass". A repeat of the idiocy that the Queens District attorney threw back to her face recently, with this DA letter  to me, dismissing even the arrest.  Now she takes the same nonsense from Queens to  Long Island.

  • It is an act similar to what is called  'Judge Shopping'. Something that judges do not appreciate. In Johanne's case I call it courthouse shopping. Anyway, this time she will have to show that her ass has turned into green grass. And if it is, she can't blame me for it, as I don't know how to turn ass into grass.

  • Ten in the second comment  I circled, she wants me sent not just to jail without a criminal charge, nor a trial, she elevated to a mental institution just on her say-so because she is woman. This is as comical as it gets, and hopefully that will get her a court ordered psychiatric evaluation.

So she wants her uncle arrested and put in jail, sent to a mental institution just on her say-so. This is as comical as it gets. But it is only additional proof that Doc Dupiton has lost most brain cells, and truly should get a psychiatrist evaluation







Here is a super insane and delusional Mad Doc thinking that because she has a clinic in Cambria Heights, the nationhood belongs to her. She forgot that America is a free country and nationhood discrimination is illegal. Specially when your ownership is delusional. Please Read

For Decades I lived in Cambria Heights. My office was in Cambria Heights. So if I want to move to Cambria Heights, I will and wait for her police,

OH. WELL. THAT REMINDS ME!   Did I forget to tell you what the Crazy Doc landlord did  the last time I rented the office Apartment above Camkids. Well the Mad Landlord invaded my apartment to talk crap. And when I told her to leave, She stood in my living room, grabbed her phone and threatened to call 911.

So I said "Oh Yea". I pulled my driver's license with my legal address to show her whose living room she was standing in. Then said "Let's wait for the Police" Then the crazy woman took off.

I am going to have the judge read all that crap of her thinking that the police is her servant and property.




You just read the Mad Doc ask the court that I be sent to a mental institution for turning people ass into grass. Now nice guy, and retired senior citizen Jean Claude is an international arsonist burning down house and building from NY to Florida for the simple pleasure of spending life in prison. I did not say it. Check what the Mad Doc sent me.

First ,the crazy woman can't seem to be able to leave my wife alone without bringing up her name. But before I get into her obsession with my wife, let me talk about Jean-Claude Elie, the Engineer & family man converted into an international arsonist.


Now, come on people! Do you see me who never hurt a fly, suddenly board a flight to Florida, burn down my niece Dominique's house? Then fly back to New York, and on my way home, make a stop at Linden Blv. & 225 street to torch Camkids & the whole connected block.


OOps! Did I forget to mention that after my arsonist rampage, the Florida & NY police departments, plus the  fire departments in those states told the arsonist JC "Good Job Boy, go home and relax". So I said thank you, went home and sat in front of the TV to watch a ball game with no fear, no worries.  Well, I know you are all rolling on the floor laughing at this idiocy. But this ain't no joke. It's the final proof that Doc Dupiton has flipped from Mad Doc to insanity Doc, belonging in a straight jacket, as you will see her wearing her fashion line below



But from arson, let's continue with her deranged obsession with my wife. Now, while this family's drama is not about my wife Marline, this crazy doctor can't stop talking about her. Above, she was even involved with what my wife does as a real estate agent, to the point of scolding me for  having the nerve to stick my nose in their business with my wife.


Below, read Mad Doc even blasting me for my ex-wives (not involving  Marline) on 4 decades old things that I totally forgot, and are irrelevant in the 21st century. That includes an argument at Club Med, Haiti some 4 decades ago

Well, well, well. She finally answered one question I have been asking for over 2 years, which was "Why she broke my marriage?". Now we all know that it was because she was living inside  my home, and she was unhappy with the way  I handled garbage & dog poop. Well, now you see why she won't answer my 5 questions. Because she just killed herself like a dummy, not even realizing she was answering one. Now, If you still don't believe that this woman is insane, maybe you should check yourself

Then everyone who's been to my apartment before marriage, including Marline know full well that I was NOT LIVING IN A ROOM above Camkids,  but rented a full 2-1/2 bedroom apt. Well I guess saying FROM ROOM makes the move TO JAMAICA ESTATES (not to Marline's  house) sound 100 times bigger. But only reveals a100 times bigger level of jealousy. I did not move to Jamaica Estates. I move with my wife wherever her home was.

So going back to her reasons fro breaking my marriage
Now many of you, if not most of you have been married. Have you ever heard of a marriage
breaking up because:

  1. A husband/wife put stuff in their garbage?

  2. Or because he/she does not like to see dog s**t  in his/her living space,?

  3. Or because one spouse had a forgotten argument with an ex-spouse 3 decades ago?

  4. Or because a niece was a kid, or in Med school  during a spouse previous marriage?

  5. Or because one of them dared of talking to children in their rooms? Well,  I hope that poor Guy Theus-Dupiton never talks to Mad Doc Dupiton's daughters in their rooms.

Then she never stopped harping about some record of  0 for 3 in wives. Is that supposed to be my punishment? Or does she get some climaxing sensation just thinking of my sexy wives. But it seems like Marline, who I've been separated with for over 2 years, gives her the best wet dreams. Thus the reason she had put so much effort in blocking any possible reconciliation. 


Then comes the bombshell revelation of her brainwashing my young, single daughter's mind. This accumulation of obsession with women in my life makes me wonder even more about her L/G comment above.


However, when it comes to my daughter, this is where Doc Dupiton's deranged mind crossed the red line. Her psychological indoctrination of my daughter to turn her  against  her father requires special attention and much stronger medicine than for my wife who, as an adult in her 50's, should have been mature & secure enough to withstand the Mad Doc attacks, even with her chronic people-pleaser personality. But, as far as my young daughter not reacting to the Mad Doc desire to destroy & inflict pain on her father, it can only mean one thing.





It is now more evident than ever that Dr,. Dupiton was involved in a deeper &  more systematic brainwashing of  my daughter who now talks, behaves and reasons like the Mad Doc as identical twins. And when you add Marline to the mix, you have a triplet of twins, with identical new personalities.


It is the result of the mental manipulation that caused her to turn her back on her father the exact day and time that Marline suddenly broke the marriage. But even more striking is the fact that, not only did the 3 of them took the same adversary stand, but that all 3 lost total speech ability when it comes to me at the exact same time. And on the few occasions I was able to trick them into a conversation, I could not tell the difference between them, as the thinking was identical with the same vocabulary of foul language and anger.


Now I don't mean to say they were similar, I mean practically identical. Same language of 0 for 3 in wives. Same accusations of 'things' I did to my wife, but never specified. Same criticism  of me being the problem, and that my ex-wife divorced me. In fact identical to the point of being scientifically impossible to be a coincidence.


And since I don't talk without evidence, let me give you a simple one from my daughter,  still to be released "Tanisha Dossier" to prove her extreme brainwashing and programming. And if that does not make your hair rise, nothing will.


Lastly, let me say that before receiving this message from my daughter, I never once discussed my marital affairs with her, nor has she ever brought any such concerns to me, and neither did I have any clue that she was carrying those thoughts.  So here is my only, and used-to-be perfect daughter Tanisha as a victim of Mad Doc Dupiton. Then I am sure   you'll know from the first sentence where she got her erroneous information.


My daughter to me - programmed by Doc Dupiton & Quoted word for word


 While these words came from my daughter, the person who wrote them is not the perfect daughter of 30 some years. This person is another creation of a Mad Doc Frankenstein.





So this satanic transformation of my daughter must be gotten to he bottom of. and dealt with. And Marline who I took as a wife for life and dedicated myself to 100%, knows what was done to my daughter, because she was subjected to the same mental indoctrination. 


This brings me back to a past disgraceful action by doc Dupiton that is with for you all to read again.  It is the Doc Dupiton's  kidnapping of my wife  on Thanksgiving 2015, at my daughter's house. A kidnapping that was made even more baffling by my wife letting herself be a willing hostage.  Something that I cannot purely blame on Marline's people-pleaser personality. This is beyond that, and made worse because it also took place at my daughter's house, who will not talk about it either. So read it again, now or after at: [Thanksgiving Kidnapping].





It is time for Marline to talk & tell me how, and what  the Claudes/Dupiton did to my daughter. I know for a fact that Marline witnessed it . And I have evidence that is not t too complementary. So I prefer not to share it unless I have to.


As a father, just like you other fathers & mothers out there, I cannot accept for the Crazy Doc to get away with messing up my daughter's mind and psychologically impact her for life . So whatever satanic cult, or evil spirit the Mad Doc deals with that will push her to do this to her youngest & single niece, will have to deal with me. And as you are reading this document, it is on its way to the court house & to the Mad Doc's lawyer.


It is also a situation where I make a plea to you, friends, associates & members of my wife's social club to pressure her to speak up and expose what Doc Dupiton did to my young daughter so I can get her deprogrammed.  Marline knows the facts, and her silence to cover the Mad Doc evil influence on my daughter is not acceptable. Even if marline wants to be in denial of her own negative personality transformation at the hands of the Mad Doc

  • After 20 years of knowing Marline & finally deciding to take her as a wife for life.

  • After all the heavy sacrifices I made for her. Priceless sacrifices that Marline knows all to well.

  • After  putting her on a pedestal as my wife, giving her maximum respect & public  praise each time I had a mic in my hands to call her the best wife in the world.

  • After all this is done.

  • There is one sacrifice I did not plan for Marline. That of my only daughter.


After the realization that her dream of a book called "A Haitian Love Story" is now being rewritten into  "From a Love Story to a Dupiton Horror Story".

My daughter will not be part of the horror ending. That is the reason Marline's silence about her victimization is irresponsible, immoral. And could even be labeled cruel in covering up such an evil act by Dr. Marie Dupiton on a young lady.

Marline can choose to be a victim of a Mad Doc.

 But my daughter will not




Words of the petitioner turned into harasser & Slanderer


So for Johanne to talk such nonsense, and carry all that hate inside for decades explains her sadistic urge  to inflict pain for pleasure, even at the expense of an uncle who was good to her. This proves that she belongs in a very special place. So I present her words above in one package, along with her fashion line of straight jackets that she'll be wearing as a Doc in a mental ward.





A man named Jean Claude wakes up one day to welcome his wife home

Instead, he finds himself In the streets with a small suitcase

He calls his family that he has no problem with to his rescue

Instead finds himself abandoned, as family makes him enemy #1


Next he discovers a conspiracy headed by his niece Doc Dupiton

His daughter he never had issue with turned her back on him

 And nephews stabbing the benefactor uncle in his back.


In demanding answers, he is slammed with slanders & cruelty

Of drug & alcohol addiction, mental, psychopath, elder abuser,
crazy, terrorist, squatter, harasser & now arsonist.
To being framed, handcuffed, arrested, left in jail & evicted



Still baffled, he is accused of doing 'THINGS' to his marriage

 and to go look in the mirror to find the answers.

Desperate , he looks for support & exposes the lougarou



So I say : If anyone expect him to simply disappear with no answers



When she calls me mental
It's the cat calling the kettle Black



